united states mine rescue association
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View the Mine Disaster Calendar Decade:  1900s   (Display in Fatality Order)   (Display by Mineral)

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Date Mine Name Location Mineral Disaster Cause Killed Report
12/23/1909 Mine A View the planets for this day Herrin, IL Bituminous Explosion/Fire 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/11/1909 Baker View the planets for this day Clay, KY Bituminous Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/13/1909 St. Paul No. 2 View the planets for this day Cherry, IL Bituminous Fire 259 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/09/1909 Auchincloss View the planets for this day Nanticoke, PA Anthracite Fire 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/31/1909 Franklin No. 2 View the planets for this day Johnstown, PA Bituminous Explosion 13 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/21/1909 Rock Island No. 8 View the planets for this day Hartshorne, OK Bituminous Explosion 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/03/1909 Northwestern View the planets for this day Roslyn, WA Bituminous Explosion/Fire 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/06/1909 Toller View the planets for this day Tollerville, CO Bituminous Explosion 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/23/1909 Lackawanna No. 4 View the planets for this day Wehrum, PA Bituminous Explosion 21 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/12/1909 Callahan Quarry View the planets for this day South Bethlehem, NY Stone Explosives 29
04/13/1909 Granville Quarry View the planets for this day Granville, NY Slate Landslide 5
04/09/1909 Eureka No. 37 View the planets for this day Windber, PA Bituminous Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/31/1909 Echo View the planets for this day Buery, WV Bituminous Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/20/1909 Sunnyside View the planets for this day Evansville, IN Bituminous Explosives 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/02/1909 No. 14 View the planets for this day Pittston, PA Anthracite Explosion 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/26/1909 Keystone View the planets for this day Joplin, MO Lead Cave-in 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/10/1909 Zeigler View the planets for this day Zeigler, IL Bituminous Explosion 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/02/1909 Short Creek View the planets for this day Short Creek, AL Bituminous Explosion 18
01/29/1909 Northwestern View the planets for this day Ashford County, WA Bituminous Asphyxiation 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/25/1909 Orenda No. 2 View the planets for this day Boswell, PA Bituminous Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/25/1909 Washington No. 5 View the planets for this day Franklin, MD Bituminous Mine Cars 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/19/1909 Stone Canyon View the planets for this day Chancellor, CA Bituminous Explosion 6
01/12/1909 Lick Branch View the planets for this day Switchback, WV Bituminous Explosion 67 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/10/1909 Carbon Hill View the planets for this day Gayton, VA Bituminous Explosion 6
01/10/1909 Zeigler View the planets for this day Zeigler, IL Bituminous Explosion/Fire 26 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/29/1908 Lick Branch View the planets for this day Switchback, WV Bituminous Explosion 50 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/28/1908 Rachel and Agnes View the planets for this day Marianna, PA Bituminous Explosion 154 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/20/1908 Red Lodge View the planets for this day Red Lodge, MT Bituminous Fire 9
11/15/1908 Pratt No. 3 View the planets for this day Ensley, AL Bituminous Fire 8
11/03/1908 Zeigler View the planets for this day Zeigler, IL Bituminous Fire 31 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/28/1908 Warrior Run View the planets for this day Wilkes-Barre, PA Anthracite Mine Cars 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/26/1908 Hailey-Okla No. 1 View the planets for this day Haileyville, OK Bituminous Fire 29 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/03/1908 Knickerbocker View the planets for this day Shenandoah, PA Anthracite Explosion 2
07/15/1908 Williamstown View the planets for this day Williamstown, PA Anthracite Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/04/1908 Gold King View the planets for this day Gladstone, CO Gold Fire 6
05/13/1908 Prospect View the planets for this day Midvale, PA Anthracite Roof Fall 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/12/1908 Mount Lookout View the planets for this day Wyoming, PA Anthracite Explosion 12 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/28/1908 Hanna No. 1 View the planets for this day Hanna, WY Bituminous Explosion 59 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/10/1908 Moody View the planets for this day South Carrolton, KY Bituminous Explosion 9
01/30/1908 Valley View the planets for this day Hawks Nest, WV Bituminous Explosion 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/31/1907 Bernal View the planets for this day Carthage, NM Bituminous Explosion 11 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/19/1907 Darr View the planets for this day Van Meter, PA Bituminous Explosion 239 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/16/1907 Yolande No. 1 View the planets for this day Yolande, AL Bituminous Explosion 57 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/06/1907 Monongah Nos. 6 and 8 View the planets for this day Monongah, WV Bituminous Explosion 362 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/04/1907 Giroux View the planets for this day Ely, NV Copper Cave-in 2
12/01/1907 Naomi View the planets for this day Fayette City, PA Bituminous Explosion 34 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/30/1907 Fremont View the planets for this day Drytown, CA Gold Fire 11
09/20/1907 Rolling Mill View the planets for this day Negaunee, MI Iron Ore Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/17/1907 Sonman View the planets for this day Sonman, PA Bituminous Hoisting 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/18/1907 Johnson No. 1 View the planets for this day Priceburg, PA Anthracite Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/19/1907 Engleville View the planets for this day Engleville, CO Bituminous Fire 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/01/1907 Whipple View the planets for this day Scarbro, WV Bituminous Explosion 16
04/26/1907 Morgan View the planets for this day Black Diamond, WA Bituminous Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/26/1907 Berwind-White No. 38 View the planets for this day Foustwell, PA Bituminous Inundation 0
03/28/1907 Seattle Electric View the planets for this day Renton County, WA Bituminous Fall of Person 2
03/16/1907 Greeno View the planets for this day Tacoma, VA Bituminous Explosion 11
03/02/1907 Holden View the planets for this day Taylor, PA Anthracite Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/04/1907 Thomas No. 25 View the planets for this day Thomas, WV Bituminous Explosion 25 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/29/1907 Johnston City View the planets for this day Johnston City, IL Bituminous Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/29/1907 Stuart View the planets for this day Stuart, WV Bituminous Explosion 84 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/26/1907 Penco View the planets for this day Lorentz, WV Bituminous Explosion 12
01/23/1907 Primero View the planets for this day Primero, CO Bituminous Explosion 24 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/14/1907 Dering No. 7 View the planets for this day Clinton, IN Bituminous Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/22/1906 Breese-Trenton View the planets for this day Breese, IL Bituminous Hoisting 6
12/20/1906 Fidelity No. 1 View the planets for this day Stone City, KS Bituminous Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/14/1906 Pulaski View the planets for this day Eckman, WV Bituminous Explosives 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/07/1906 Edison Tunnel View the planets for this day Bakersfield, CA Tunnel Cave-in 5
11/03/1906 San Toy No. 1 View the planets for this day Corning, OH Bituminous Hoisting 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/24/1906 Rolling Mill View the planets for this day Johnstown, PA Bituminous Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/05/1906 Dutchman View the planets for this day Blossburg, NM Bituminous Explosion 10
10/03/1906 Pocahontas View the planets for this day Pocahontas, VA Bituminous Explosion 36
08/06/1906 Susquehanna No. 7 View the planets for this day Nanticoke, PA Anthracite Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/19/1906 Dixon-Pocahontas View the planets for this day Welch, WV Bituminous Explosion 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/06/1906 Mill Creek View the planets for this day Coopers, WV Bituminous Roof Fall 3
07/02/1906 Keystone View the planets for this day Keystone, WV Bituminous Explosion 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/22/1906 Coronado View the planets for this day Clifton, AZ Copper Roof Fall 3
06/07/1906 Rocky Fork View the planets for this day Red Lodge, MT Bituminous Fire 8
05/15/1906 Shenandoah City View the planets for this day Shenandoah, PA Anthracite Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/22/1906 Cuatro View the planets for this day Tercio, CO Bituminous Explosion 18 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/22/1906 Century No. 1 View the planets for this day Century, WV Bituminous Explosion 23 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/21/1906 Vicksburg View the planets for this day Vicksburg, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 5
03/19/1906 Shenandoah View the planets for this day Silverton, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 12
02/27/1906 Piper No. 2 View the planets for this day Piper, AL Bituminous Explosion 12
02/19/1906 Maitland View the planets for this day Walsenburg, CO Bituminous Explosion 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/08/1906 Parral View the planets for this day Parral, WV Bituminous Explosion 23 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/27/1906 Sunnyside View the planets for this day Eureka, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 5
01/24/1906 Poteau No. 6 View the planets for this day Witteville, OK Bituminous Explosives 14
01/18/1906 Detroit View the planets for this day Ash Camp, WV Bituminous Explosion 18 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/10/1906 Haverstraw Clay Pit View the planets for this day Haverstraw, NY Clay Landslide 19
01/04/1906 Coaldale View the planets for this day Coaldale, WV Bituminous Explosion 22 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/04/1905 Horton View the planets for this day Horton, WV Bituminous Fire 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/02/1905 Diamondville No. 1 View the planets for this day Diamondville, WY Bituminous Explosion 18
11/15/1905 Braznell View the planets for this day Bentleyville, PA Bituminous Explosion 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/04/1905 Tidewater No. 3 View the planets for this day Vivian, WV Bituminous Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/29/1905 Hazel Kirk No. 2 View the planets for this day Monongahela, PA Bituminous Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/13/1905 Clyde View the planets for this day Fredericktown, PA Bituminous Fire 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/06/1905 Granville Quarry View the planets for this day Granville, NY Slate Cave-in 10
07/06/1905 Fuller View the planets for this day Searights, PA Bituminous Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/05/1905 Tidewater View the planets for this day Vivian, WV Bituminous Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/12/1905 Cora View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Explosives 7
04/30/1905 No. 19 View the planets for this day Wilburton, OK Bituminous Explosion 13
04/27/1905 Eleanora View the planets for this day DuBois, PA Bituminous Explosion 13 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/26/1905 Conyngham View the planets for this day Wilkes-Barre, PA Anthracite Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/20/1905 Cabin Creek View the planets for this day Kayford, WV Bituminous Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/03/1905 Zeigler View the planets for this day Zeigler, IL Bituminous Explosion 49 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/22/1905 Oswalt View the planets for this day Princeton, IN Bituminous Explosion 9
03/18/1905 Rush Run-Red Ash View the planets for this day Red Ash, WV Bituminous Explosion 24 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/09/1905 Clear Spring View the planets for this day West Pittston, PA Anthracite Hoisting 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/07/1905 No. 101 View the planets for this day Shrewsbury, WV Bituminous Pwd Haulage 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/26/1905 Grapevine View the planets for this day Wilcoe, WV Bituminous Explosion 7
02/20/1905 Virginia City View the planets for this day Virginia City, AL Bituminous Explosion 112
02/18/1905 Lytle View the planets for this day Minersville, PA Anthracite Roof Fall 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/16/1905 Decatur No. 1 View the planets for this day Decatur, IL Bituminous Fire 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/07/1904 Burnett No. 5 View the planets for this day Burnett, WA Bituminous Explosion 17 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/02/1904 Auchincloss View the planets for this day Nanticoke, PA Anthracite Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/28/1904 Tercio View the planets for this day Tercio, CO Bituminous Explosion 19 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/25/1904 Williamstown View the planets for this day Williamstown, PA Bituminous Asphyxiation 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/11/1904 Big Muddy View the planets for this day Herrin, IL Bituminous Explosives 10
05/05/1904 Lance View the planets for this day Plymouth, PA Anthracite Explosives 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/05/1904 Locust Gap View the planets for this day Locust Gap, PA Anthracite Fire 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/20/1904 Stearns No. 5 View the planets for this day Stearns, KY Bituminous Explosion 5
02/25/1904 Minnie Healey View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Cave-in 5
02/23/1904 Augusta View the planets for this day Crested Butte, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 6
01/30/1904 Maple Hill View the planets for this day Mahanoy City, PA Anthracite Explosives 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/26/1904 Independence View the planets for this day Victor, CO Gold Hoisting 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/25/1904 Harwick View the planets for this day Cheswick, PA Bituminous Explosion 179 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/21/1903 Ferguson View the planets for this day Connellsville, PA Bituminous Explosion 17 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/20/1903 Bonanza No. 20 View the planets for this day Bonanza, AR Bituminous Explosion 11
11/06/1903 Kearsarge View the planets for this day Virginia City, MT Gold Fire 9
06/30/1903 Hanna No. 1 View the planets for this day Hanna, WY Bituminous Explosion/Fire 169 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/19/1903 Blossburg No. 3 View the planets for this day Blossburg, NM Bituminous Explosives 5
04/12/1903 Central Slope No. 77 View the planets for this day Carbon, OK Bituminous Explosion 6
03/31/1903 Sandoval View the planets for this day Sandoval, IL Bituminous Explosives 8
03/23/1903 Athens No. 2 View the planets for this day Athens, IL Bituminous Explosives 6
03/15/1903 Cardiff View the planets for this day Cardiff, IL Bituminous Explosion 5
12/09/1902 S. Wilkes-Barre View the planets for this day South Wilkes-Barre, PA Anthracite Explosives 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/29/1902 Luke Fidler View the planets for this day Shamokin, PA Anthracite Explosion 7
10/01/1902 Lawson View the planets for this day Black Diamond, WA Bituminous Explosion 11 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/22/1902 Stafford View the planets for this day Stafford, WV Bituminous Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/15/1902 Big Four View the planets for this day Algoma, WV Bituminous Explosion 17 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/07/1902 Bowen View the planets for this day Bowen, CO Bituminous Explosives 13 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/16/1902 Berwind-White No. 4 View the planets for this day Windber, PA Bituminous Explosives 4
07/15/1902 Daly West/Ontario View the planets for this day Park City, UT Silver Asphyxiation 34
07/10/1902 Rolling Mill View the planets for this day Johnstown, PA Bituminous Explosion 112 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/19/1902 Fraterville View the planets for this day Coal Creek, TN Bituminous Explosion 184 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/31/1902 Nelson View the planets for this day Dayton, TN Bituminous Explosion 16
03/06/1902 Catsburg View the planets for this day Monongahela, PA Bituminous Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/28/1902 Liberty Bell View the planets for this day Telluride, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 19
01/24/1902 Lost Creek No. 2 View the planets for this day Oskaloosa, IA Bituminous Explosion 20 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/13/1902 Milby and Dow View the planets for this day Dow, OK Bituminous Fire 10
01/07/1902 Negaunee View the planets for this day Negaunee, MI Iron Ore Roof Fall 10
12/28/1901 McAlester No. 1 View the planets for this day Hartshorne, OK Bituminous Hoisting 6
11/22/1901 Pocahontas Baby View the planets for this day Pocahontas, VA Bituminous Fire 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/20/1901 Smuggler-Union View the planets for this day Pandora, CO Gold/Silver Fire 31
11/14/1901 Pocahontas Baby View the planets for this day Pocahontas, VA Bituminous Fire 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/26/1901 Diamondville No. 1 View the planets for this day Diamondville, WY Bituminous Explosion 22
10/25/1901 Buttonwood View the planets for this day Wilkes-Barre, PA Anthracite Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/16/1901 Spring Gulch View the planets for this day Spring Gulch, CO Bituminous Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/10/1901 Port Royal No. 2 View the planets for this day Port Royal, PA Bituminous Explosion/Fire 19 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/04/1901 Chapin View the planets for this day Iron Mountain, MI Iron Ore Explosives 8
05/27/1901 New Richland View the planets for this day Dayton, TN Bituminous Explosion 20
05/15/1901 Chatham View the planets for this day Farmington, WV Bituminous Explosion 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/29/1901 McAlester No. 5 View the planets for this day Alderson, OK Bituminous Explosives 6
03/25/1901 Gates View the planets for this day Georges Township, PA Bituminous Explosion 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/04/1901 Engleside View the planets for this day Center Valley, MO Zinc Explosives 5
02/25/1901 Diamondville No. 1 View the planets for this day Diamondville, WY Bituminous Fire 26
11/09/1900 Buck Mountain View the planets for this day Mahanoy City, PA Anthracite Explosion 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/02/1900 Berryburg View the planets for this day Berryburg, WV Bituminous Explosives 32 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/21/1900 Issaquah No. 4 View the planets for this day Issaquah, WA Bituminous Asphyxiation 5
05/22/1900 Egypt View the planets for this day Cumnock, NC Bituminous Explosion 23
05/01/1900 Winter Quarters No. 1, 2 View the planets for this day Scofield, UT Bituminous Explosion 200 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/06/1900 Red Ash View the planets for this day Red Ash, WV Bituminous Explosion 46 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster

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