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Colorado Fuel and Iron Company
Spring Gulch Mine Explosion

Spring Gulch, Garfield County, Colorado
September 16, 1901
No. Killed - 6

Colorado Inspector of Coal Mines Report PDF Format
Hundred Men are Killed by Gas Explosion in Mine
Atlanta Constitution, Georgia
September 17, 1901

Glenwood Springs, Colo., September 16. -- A frightful gas explosion occurred at 5:30 o'clock this evening in the coal mine of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company at Spring Gulch, probably resulting in the instant death of all the miners at the time engaged in work, an estimate of one hundred men.

The concussion of the explosion was terrific, and the entire entry was badly caved in.  Three men were rescued from near the entry soon after the explosion, but they were so frightfully mangled as to be unrecognizable.

The telephone line to Spring Gulch is out of order and a messenger was dispatched to the office of the Pocahontas mine, 8 miles distant, where telephone connection was had with Glenwood.

A special Midland train was ordered and all doctors in Glenwood Springs were at once sent to the scene of the accident.  No definite information has yet been received here as to the number of men killed, but it is supposed that the men at this mine work until 6 o'clock except those who do contract work, and in that event it is thought that almost one hundred men must have been in the mine at the time of the explosion.  There is not one chance in a thousand for many of them to escape with their lives.

At the hour, the following are known to have been killed:
  • John Anders
  • George Cassenger
  • Peter Deldora
  • David Caller
  • P. G. Pickerton
  • Unknown Italian
Note: The only fatalities from the disaster are the six listed in the article.  Not the "hundred men" said to be killed in the article.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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