united states mine rescue association
All Mine Disasters in the United States
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Coal:  Fatality Order Date Order Alphabetical Day Order w/ Accident Report

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Date Mine Name Location Mineral Disaster Cause Killed Report
06/08/1917 Granite Mountain View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Fire 163 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/02/1972 Sunshine View the planets for this day Kellogg, ID Silver Fire 91 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/03/1926 Barnes-Hecker View the planets for this day Ishpeming, MI Iron Ore Inundation 51 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/27/1922 Argonaut View the planets for this day Jackson, CA Gold Fire 47 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/05/1924 Milford View the planets for this day Crosby, MN Iron Ore Inundation 41 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/07/1869 KY-Yellow Jacket View the planets for this day Gold Hill, NV Gold Fire 37
03/02/1910 Alaska-Mexican View the planets for this day Treadwell, AK Gold Explosives 37 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/15/1902 Daly West/Ontario View the planets for this day Park City, UT Silver Asphyxiation 34
11/20/1901 Smuggler-Union View the planets for this day Pandora, CO Gold/Silver Fire 31
03/26/1942 Sandts Eddy Quarry View the planets for this day Easton, PA Limestone Explosives 31 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/07/1895 Osceola View the planets for this day Calumet, MI Copper Fire 30 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/12/1909 Callahan Quarry View the planets for this day South Bethlehem, NY Stone Explosives 29
09/28/1893 Mansfield View the planets for this day Crystal Falls, MI Iron Ore Inundation 28
06/01/1910 Union Quarry View the planets for this day Devils Slide, UT Limestone Explosives 25
03/05/1968 Belle Isle Salt View the planets for this day Franklin, LA Salt Fire 21 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/14/1916 Pennsylvania View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Fire 21
07/25/1916 Waterworks Tunnel View the planets for this day Cleveland, OH Tunnel Explosion 20
02/28/1902 Liberty Bell View the planets for this day Telluride, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 19
01/10/1906 Haverstraw Clay Pit View the planets for this day Haverstraw, NY Clay Landslide 19
08/27/1963 Cane Creek View the planets for this day Moab, UT Potash Explosion 18 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/27/1918 Silver Open Pit View the planets for this day Virginia, MN Iron Ore Explosives 18 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/23/1911 Belmont View the planets for this day Tonopah, NV Gold/Silver Fire 17 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/21/1918 Amasa-Porter View the planets for this day Crystal Falls, MI Iron Ore Cave-in 17 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/24/1889 Utica View the planets for this day Angels Camp, CA Gold Cave-in 17
02/25/1917 North Star View the planets for this day Hailey, ID Gold/Silver Snowslide 16 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/19/1915 Granite Mountain View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Explosives 16 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/26/1904 Independence View the planets for this day Victor, CO Gold Hoisting 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/11/1911 Norman View the planets for this day Virginia, MN Iron Ore Rock Slide 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/28/1910 Jumbo View the planets for this day Jumbo, OK Asphalt Explosion 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/29/1895 Sleepy Hollow View the planets for this day Sleepy Hollow, CO Gold Inundation 14 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/19/1906 Shenandoah View the planets for this day Silverton, CO Gold/Silver Avalanche 12
10/19/1911 Wharton View the planets for this day Hibernia, NJ Iron Ore Inundation 12 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/17/1914 Centennial-Eureka View the planets for this day Eureka, UT Gold Cave-in 11
11/30/1907 Fremont View the planets for this day Drytown, CA Gold Fire 11
04/13/1910 Nazareth Quarry View the planets for this day Nazareth, PA Limestone Explosives 11 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/24/1887 Gould and Curry View the planets for this day Virginia City, NV Gold/Silver Fire 11
09/20/1907 Rolling Mill View the planets for this day Negaunee, MI Iron Ore Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/06/1905 Granville Quarry View the planets for this day Granville, NY Slate Cave-in 10
09/29/1892 Norrie View the planets for this day Ironwood, MI Iron Ore Cave-in 10
11/13/1885 Bull Domingo View the planets for this day Silver Cliff, CO Gold/Silver Fire 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/12/1881 Little Cottonwood Canyon View the planets for this day Alta, Utah Silver Avalanche 10
10/06/1936 Morning View the planets for this day Mullan, ID Lead Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/07/1902 Negaunee View the planets for this day Negaunee, MI Iron Ore Roof Fall 10
07/07/1912 Eureka Pit View the planets for this day Ely, NV Copper Explosives 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/10/1879 Standard View the planets for this day Bodie, CA Gold Explosives 10
05/14/1893 Red Jacket Shaft View the planets for this day Calumet, MI Copper Hoisting 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/03/1891 Anaconda View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Pwd Haulage 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/09/1912 Great Northern Development View the planets for this day Cordova, AK Gold Avalanche 9
08/12/1913 Coronado View the planets for this day Clifton, AZ Copper Pwd Haulage 9
08/13/1920 Pounding Mill Quarry View the planets for this day Pounding Mill, VA Rock Explosives 9
04/18/1896 Broadwater View the planets for this day Neihart, MT Silver Explosives 9
11/12/1934 Rohl-Connolly Quarry View the planets for this day Avalon, CA Granite Explosives 9
09/16/1880 Consolidated Imperial View the planets for this day Virginia City, NV Gold Hoisting 9
11/06/1903 Kearsarge View the planets for this day Virginia City, MT Gold Fire 9
04/21/1893 Silver Bow No. 2 View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Fire 9
06/27/1922 Holston Quarry View the planets for this day Strawplains, TN Marble Explosives 9
01/05/1943 Boyd View the planets for this day Ducktown, TN Copper Asphyxiation 9 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/14/1892 Anaconda View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Cave-in 9
01/04/1896 Anna Lee View the planets for this day Victor, CO Gold Cave-in 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/04/1901 Chapin View the planets for this day Iron Mountain, MI Iron Ore Explosives 8
03/10/1895 Old Abe View the planets for this day White Oaks, NM Gold Fire 8
04/10/1883 Keel Ridge View the planets for this day Iron Mountain, MI Iron Ore Fall of Ground 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/09/1942 Pride of the West View the planets for this day Silverton, CO Copper/Gold Asphyxiation 8
02/10/1943 Mulcahy View the planets for this day Shullsburg, WI Lead/Zinc Cave-in 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/07/1887 Sturgeon River View the planets for this day Metropolitan, MI Iron Ore Inundation 8
06/02/1910 Lehigh Quarry View the planets for this day West Coplay, PA Limestone Explosives 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/05/1953 No. 1 Incline View the planets for this day Bonanza, UT Gilsonite Explosion 8 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/17/1917 Three Forks Quarry View the planets for this day Trident, MT Gypsum Explosives 8
10/29/1927 Quincy Shaft No. 2 View the planets for this day Hancock, MI Copper Rock Fall 7
02/28/1929 Stone Mt. Quarry View the planets for this day Decatur, GA Copper Expl. Vessel 7
11/30/1936 Funkhouser Quarry View the planets for this day Delta, PA Slate Explosives 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/12/1971 Barnett Complex View the planets for this day Rosiclare, IL Ore Asphyxiation 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/28/1917 Mountain King View the planets for this day Mariposa County, CA Gold Asphyxiation 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/08/1933 B and C Quarry View the planets for this day Fletcher, NC Limestone Rock Slide 7
11/24/1927 Magma View the planets for this day Superior, AZ Copper Fire 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/05/1911 Hartford-Cambria No. 2 View the planets for this day Negaunee, MI Iron Ore Fire 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/14/1914 Balkan View the planets for this day Palatka, MI Iron Ore Inundation 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/08/1896 Hope View the planets for this day Basin, MT Gold Fire 7
05/13/1912 Norrie View the planets for this day Ironwood, MI Iron Ore Cave-in 7
02/11/1893 Sheldon Quarry View the planets for this day West Rutland, VT Marble Rock Slide 7
05/12/1905 Cora View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Explosives 7
08/23/1911 Giroux View the planets for this day Ely, NV Copper Fire 7 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/11/1896 Anaconda View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Explosives 6
06/04/1908 Gold King View the planets for this day Gladstone, CO Gold Fire 6
09/26/1895 Belgian View the planets for this day Leadville, CO Gold Explosives 6
11/23/1889 Anaconda View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Fire 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/03/1884 Gouverneur View the planets for this day Gouverneur, NY Marble Expl. Vessel 6
10/03/1879 Tioga View the planets for this day Bodie, CA Gold Hoisting 6
05/17/1930 Terry-Butterskill Quarry View the planets for this day Union, WV Rock Explosives 6
02/19/1937 Walker View the planets for this day Quincy, CA Copper Explosives 6
02/13/1874 Phoenix View the planets for this day Phoenix, MI Copper Explosives 6
08/13/1936 Mountain City Copper View the planets for this day Mountain City, NV Copper Asphyxiation 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/20/1873 Yellow Jacket View the planets for this day Gold Hill, NV Gold Fire 6
06/07/1926 Berkeley Sand View the planets for this day Berkeley Springs, WV Sand Explosives 6
02/16/1881 Belmont View the planets for this day Belmont, MT Copper Fire 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/15/1920 Jefferson Island View the planets for this day Delcambre, LA Salt Explosion 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/01/1959 Sherwood View the planets for this day Iron River, MI Iron Ore Asphyxiation 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/16/1923 Utah-Apex View the planets for this day Bingham, UT Silver/Lead Cave-in 6
01/18/1911 Keating View the planets for this day Radersburg, MT Gold Explosives 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/18/1880 Yellow Jacket View the planets for this day Virginia City, NV Gold Pwd Haulage 6
04/19/1920 Lehigh Quarry View the planets for this day Ormrod, PA Limestone Explosives 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/26/1909 Keystone View the planets for this day Joplin, MO Lead Cave-in 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/03/1911 Butte-Superior View the planets for this day Butte, MT Zinc Hoisting 6 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/04/1914 Copper Flat Steam Pit View the planets for this day McGill, NV Copper Explosives 5
01/21/1914 Boston View the planets for this day Bingham, UT Copper Fire 5
04/23/1913 Leonard View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Hoisting 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/17/1913 Miami Copper View the planets for this day Miami, AZ Copper Cave-in 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/30/1874 Amador View the planets for this day Amador, CA Gold Hoisting 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/07/1930 Climax View the planets for this day Leadville, CO Moly Cave-in 5
07/12/1923 Sloss No. 1 View the planets for this day Bessemer, AL Iron Ore Pwd Haulage 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/25/1919 Hecla View the planets for this day Burke, ID Lead Hoisting 5
06/07/1910 Richard View the planets for this day Dover, NJ Iron Ore Hoisting 5
04/13/1909 Granville Quarry View the planets for this day Granville, NY Slate Landslide 5
11/09/1914 Sibley No. 9 Shaft View the planets for this day Ely, MN Iron Ore Cave-in 5
09/04/1929 Calaveras View the planets for this day Copperopolis, CA Copper Cave-in 5
03/31/1954 Santa Rita Open Pit View the planets for this day Santa Rita, NM Copper Explosives 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/25/1904 Minnie Healey View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Cave-in 5
06/08/1979 Belle Isle Salt View the planets for this day Franklin, LA Salt Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/04/1901 Engleside View the planets for this day Center Valley, MO Zinc Explosives 5
10/30/1952 Herron View the planets for this day Herron, MI Rock Explosion 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/07/1906 Edison Tunnel View the planets for this day Bakersfield, CA Tunnel Cave-in 5
07/14/1930 Glenn View the planets for this day Lost Chance, CA Gold Fire 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/24/1952 Arizona Concrete View the planets for this day Maricopa City, AZ Rock Bin Collapse 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/16/1950 Lark, U.S. Smelting View the planets for this day Lark, UT Lead/Zinc Fire 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/20/1945 St. Anthony View the planets for this day Tiger, AZ Lead Fire 5
03/15/1943 Atkinson Quarry View the planets for this day Excursion Inlet, AK Rock Explosives 5
01/31/1939 Southern View the planets for this day Treece, KS Zinc Roof Fall 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/31/1938 Asheville Quarry View the planets for this day Asheville, NC Granite Explosives 5 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/18/1975 Sterling B Shaft View the planets for this day Retsof, NY Salt Explosion 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/04/1951 Calloway View the planets for this day Ducktown, TN Copper Hoisting 4
08/10/1993 Magma View the planets for this day Superior, AZ Copper Falling Object 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/05/1971 El Dorado View the planets for this day Shingle Springs, CA Limestone Hoisting 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/23/1915 Brandy City View the planets for this day Brandy City, CA Other Explosives 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/19/1970 Jefferson Island View the planets for this day Jefferson Island, LA Salt Roof Fall 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/11/1955 Miami Copper View the planets for this day Miami, AZ Copper Fall of Person 4 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/01/1928 Badger-State View the planets for this day Butte, MT Copper Asphyxiation 3
08/24/1877 Belcher View the planets for this day Virginia City, NV Gold/Silver Explosives 3
09/24/1926 Pabst View the planets for this day Ironwood, MI Iron Ore Pwd Haulage 3
06/22/1906 Coronado View the planets for this day Clifton, AZ Copper Roof Fall 3
10/27/1930 Louise View the planets for this day Ironton, MN Iron Ore Pwd Haulage 3
07/01/1879 Yellow Jacket View the planets for this day Virginia City, NV Gold Fire 3
05/10/1982 Magma View the planets for this day Superior, AZ Copper Roof Fall 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/30/1978 Gramercy Works View the planets for this day Gramercy, LA Bauxite Machinery 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/11/1978 Heald Pit View the planets for this day Remsen, NY Sand/Gravel Rock Slide 3
06/15/1976 Silver Ridge View the planets for this day Quartzville, OR Silver Explosives 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/15/1975 El Paso Quarry View the planets for this day El Paso, TX Stone Pwd Haulage 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/21/1972 Homestake View the planets for this day Lead, SD Gold Fall of Ground 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/15/1970 Silver Eagle View the planets for this day Rice, WA Silver Asphyxiation 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/23/1970 Texavada View the planets for this day Pine Grove, NV Gold Asphyxiation 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/09/1981 Warrier View the planets for this day Riggins, ID Gold Explosives 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/11/1971 Inspiration Concentrator View the planets for this day Inspiration, AZ Copper Asphyxiation 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/09/1971 Broward View the planets for this day Miramar, FL Limestone Explosives 3 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/13/1911 Elba View the planets for this day Gilbert, MN Iron Ore Cave-in 2
11/17/2013 Revenue-Virginius View the planets for this day Ouray, CO Gold/Silver Asphyxiation 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/19/1995 Lloyd Logging View the planets for this day Wenatchee, WA Sand/Gravel Fall of Highwall 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/04/1907 Giroux View the planets for this day Ely, NV Copper Cave-in 2
10/31/2017 Marigold View the planets for this day Valmy, NV Gold Pwd Haulage 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/17/2002 Storm Decline View the planets for this day Elko, NV Gold Heat Stress 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/19/2007 Nome Operations View the planets for this day Nome, AK Gold Machinery 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/12/2010 Meikle View the planets for this day Elko, NV Gold Falling Object 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/03/2016 Harmony View the planets for this day Crystal Springs, MS Gravel Inundation 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/02/1952 Penokee View the planets for this day Ironwood, MI Iron Ore Cave-in 2
06/04/1975 Bonnie Lake View the planets for this day Bartow, FL Phosphate Asphyxiation 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/25/1975 Boron View the planets for this day Boron, CA Boron Asphyxiation 2 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/20/1970 Hazard View the planets for this day Foresthill, CA Gold Asphyxiation 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/23/2003 Midwest Storage View the planets for this day Women Icon Quincy, IL Limestone Roof Fall 1
03/29/1981 Nevada Moly View the planets for this day Women Icon Tonopah, NV Molybdenum Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/03/2018 Cedarville View the planets for this day Women Icon Cedarville, MI Limestone Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/15/2009 Ozark View the planets for this day Women Icon Bradford, AR Sand Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/10/1917 Rock Salt View the planets for this day Ithaca, NY Salt Explosion 1
08/08/1997 Overland Services View the planets for this day Women Icon Bound Brook, NJ Stone Electrical 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/04/1925 Cardinal View the planets for this day Nederland, CO Gold/Silver Fire 1
09/01/1914 Rockwood View the planets for this day Rockwood, TN Iron Ore Explosion 1
07/28/1984 Nevada Moly View the planets for this day Women Icon Tonopah, NV Molybdenum Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
05/15/2012 Sterling Materials View the planets for this day Women Icon Verona, KY Limestone Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/21/2000 Rattlesnake Pit View the planets for this day Women Icon Hurricane, UT Sand Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/17/1996 Bullitt Stone View the planets for this day Women Icon Shepherdsville, KY Limestone Sliding Material 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/27/1999 Tiftonia Quarry View the planets for this day Women Icon Chattanooga, TN Limestone Fall of Highwall 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
02/12/1986 Lone Star Quarry View the planets for this day Women Icon Cape Girardeau, MO Limestone Machinery 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/21/2002 R-D Mac View the planets for this day Women Icon La Grande, OR Sand/Gravel Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/12/2002 Russell Pit View the planets for this day Women Icon Wellington, CO Sand/Gravel Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
01/15/1997 Getchell View the planets for this day Women Icon Golconda, NV Gold Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/08/1997 Neverson Quarry View the planets for this day Women Icon Bailey, NC Granite Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/21/2003 North Marion View the planets for this day Women Icon Marion, KS Limestone Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/24/2008 Pattison Sand View the planets for this day Women Icon Clayton, IA Sand/Gravel Pwd Haulage 1 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
03/12/1994 Retsof View the planets for this day Retsof, NY Salt Roof Fall 0 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
11/15/1919 Gold Hunter View the planets for this day Mullan, ID Gold/Silver Cave-in 0 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
07/30/1911 White Oak View the planets for this day Villa Heights, MO Lead Roof Fall 0
01/21/2010 Viburnum No. 29 View the planets for this day Viburnum, MO Lead/Zinc Fire 0 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
09/28/1911 Shakespeare Placer View the planets for this day Dome Creek, AK Gold Cave-in 0
06/29/2017 La Farge View the planets for this day Placitas, NM Gravel Fall of Material 0
11/20/1980 Jefferson Island View the planets for this day Delcambre, LA Salt Inundation 0 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/30/1917 Lincoln View the planets for this day Virginia, MN Lead Fire 0

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