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Clear Spring Coal Company
West Pittston Mine Hoisting Disaster

Pittston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
March 9, 1905
No. Killed - 7

USBM Final Investigation Report PDF Format
1905 Pennsylvania Annual Report Excerpt and Official List of the Deceased PDF Format
See also: West Pittston Colliery Fire, May 27, 1871

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Seven Miners Killed
Lebanon Daily News, Pennsylvania
March 10, 1905

Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 10. -- By the breaking of a cable on a hoisting cage seven miners were hurled 200 feet to the bottom of the Clear Spring Coal Company's shaft, at West Pittston.  The bodies of all the men were horribly mangled, many of them beyond recognition.

From what can be learned at this time, no blame can be attached to any of the employees for the awful disaster.  It was thought by those who claim to know that the rope or so-called cable became weakened by excessive use.

The men had finished their work for the day and had boarded the mine cage to return to the surface, and when about 200 feet above the bottom of the shaft the cable gave way and they were instantly killed.

They were all Lithuanians, with the exception of George Haas, who was a German, born in this country.

The dead are:
  • Anthony Cherpolis, married, leaves wife and three small children
  • Adam Kananbosky, single
  • Stanley Bladdis, married, leaves a wife
  • Adam Gaslonis, single
  • Michael Jankasky, married, leaves a wife and four children
  • Stanley Jankasky, married, leaves a wife and one child
  • George Haas, married, leaves a wife and three children
As soon as the accident was made known, Mine Inspector McDonald and other inspectors who were not far off hurried to the scene, and at the risk of their own lives entered the shaft and found the mangled remains within an hour.

The bodies were brought to the surface, where they were awaited by hundreds of grief-stricken people, many of whom gave a lending hand in having them removed to the nearest undertaker.  The grief of the wives and children of the dead men was heart-rending.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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