Silverton, San Juan County, Colorado
March 19, 1906
No. Killed - 12
According to a report from Howardsville, the men were killed by a snowslide which struck the boarding house at the mine when they were at dinner. It was reported 21 men were caught in the slide, and that nine dug their way out, more or less injured. The men who were killed were members of the force employed at the Shenandoah, and were on their way to Silverton to escape starvation at the mine.
Silverton, Colo., March 19 -- Miners employed in the Shenandoah mine were caught in a great snowslide early this morning and swept to death.
The bodies are not yet recovered. Assistance was summoned from Silverton to help dig out the victims from the snow.
The dead are:
Jacob Thebolt
Jesse Shaw
Guy Hoyes
Peter Coburg
Bert Albert
Alfred Kirk
"Slate" Brenton
Emil Boss
(lno) Gustavson
(lno) Margelo
(lno) Piccolo
and one unknown
According to the report, the men were killed by a snowslide, which struck the boarding house at the mine when they were at dinner. It was reported that 21 were caught in the slide, but nine dug their way out.
Another report says the men had left the mine, and were on their way to Silverton to avoid starvation, when one of the party, at a particularly dangerous part of the trail on the steep side of the mountain, stumbled, stumbled, which started the snow sliding, and the entire side of the mountain seemed to be moving.
Shenandoah is located on the east slope of King Solomon mountain in Cunningham gulch, nine miles north of Silverton.