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Carthage Fuel Company
Bernal Mine Explosion

Carthage, Socorro County, New Mexico
December 31, 1907
No. Killed - 11

Final Investigation Report  (4.8 Mb) PDF Format

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Nine Dead in Mine
The Washington Post, Washington, DC
January 1, 1908

Albuquerque, N. Mex., Dec. 31. -- At least nine miners were killed, three fatally, and two seriously injured in an explosion of gas and coal dust at noon today in the Bernal mine at Carthage, Socorro County, N. Mex., one of three large coal mines owned by the Carthage Fuel Company.

Nine bodies have been taken out, and although the mine is still filled with gas, it is believed that no more victims remain in the workings.  O. L. Wilcox, an American mine boy, is among the dead.  The others were mostly Mexicans.

All Blown to Death

All of the men had apparently been killed instantly and some of the bodies were mangled beyond recognition.

Supt. C. P. Weber, with a party of rescuers numbering several dozen, have been busy working all afternoon in spite of the gases with which the mine workings are filled.  Women and children are with difficulty kept from the mouth of the mine.

Carthage is a small town on a branch line twenty miles from San Antonio, New Mexico on the Santa Fe Railroad, and communication is difficult.  Had it not been for the fact that the explosion occurred during the noon hour the death list would be larger.  The explosion shook the country for miles around, and several of the bodies were thrown clear out of the main entrance to the mine.  Two bodies were blown nearly 300 yards away.

A force of about fifty men was employed in the mine, and all but those who were killed or injured had gone to dinner.

Miners Killed By Explosion
The Evening News, San Jose, CA
January 2, 1908

Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. 2. -- At least nine miners were killed and three fatally and two seriously injured in an explosion of gas and coal dust in the Bernal mine at Carthage, Socorro county, New Mexico, one of three large coal mines owned by the Carthage Fuel Company.  Nine bodies have been taken out, and although the mine is still filled with gas, it is believed that no more victims remain in the workings.

The dead are:
  • C. L. Wicox, an African mine boss
  • Juan Archuleta, a miner, native of Socorro County
  • Ignacio Archuleta, a miner, Socorro County
  • C. T. Nasterson, American miner
  • Thomas Archuleta, Socorro County
  • Angelo Lignore, Italian miner
  • three natives of Old Mexico, whose names have not been learned
The injured:
  • Bonnardino Navaratta, probably fatally
  • Benito R. Cuchildessa, probably fatally
  • Max Walker, probably fatally
  • Matt Brooks
  • George Jockovitch, seriously injured
All of the dead men had apparently been killed instantly and some of the bodies were mangled beyond recognition.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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