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Lytle Coal Company
Lytle Colliery Roof Fall

Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
February 18, 1905
No. Killed - 5

1905 Pennsylvania Department of Mines Annual Report PDF Format
See also: Lytle Colliery Inundation, Apr. 20, 1892

Five men were killed instantly by a fall of rock while descending the slope in a gunboat on the No. 2 west slope.

The throttle of the hoisting slope engine was out of order and the officials decided to lower the men in the gunboat.  They placed a false bottom in the west gunboat to make it convenient for the men to get in and out.

The east gunboat, operated empty and lowered rapidly, jumped the track, disturbing the timber on No. 2 slope, which in turn set the top rock moving and it fell about the time the west side boat arrived at the point of the accident on the slope.

The deceased:
  • Daniel Deegan, repairman
  • Henry B. Moore, loader
  • Peter Mostofskie, miner
  • George Cutlash, miner
  • Sylvester Pedock, miner
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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