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Chicago and Cartersville Coal Company
Mine A Explosion and Fire

Herrin, Williamson County, Illinois
December 23, 1909
No. Killed - 8

Final Investigation Report  (806 Kb) PDF Format

Other Children Killed in Mine Accidents

Successful Rescue

James Guinney, Superintendent of the mine, and Robert Hueston, manager, headed the first relay of rescuers within five minutes of the explosion.  Despite the blackdamp, they penetrated the workings.  After sending to the surface three unconscious persons they found the first of the deceased miners.  Afterdamp then forced them to retreat.

Eight Men Killed In Mine
The New York Times, New York
December 24, 1909

St. Louis, Dec. 23. -- Eight men were killed and 400 others had narrow escapes in an explosion of gas today in the Chicago and Cartersville Coal Company mine at Herrin, Illinois.  Open lamps carried by a party of three men and a boy are believed to have caused the disaster.  All these four are among the dead.

The killed are: W.T. Perce, mine engineer; Eugene Barrett, assistant engineer; Thomas Williams, assistant manager; and unidentified boy about 16 years old, George Snyder, miner; Salvator Greeco, miner; Pietro Romeo, laborer, and Thomas Harber, miner.

James Guinney, Superintendent of the mine, and Robert Hueston, manager, headed the first relay of rescuers within five minutes of the explosion.  Despite the blackdamp, they penetrated the workings.  After sending to the surface three unconscious persons they found the bodies of Snyder, Greeco, and Romeo.  Afterdamp then forced them to retreat, leaving the bodies of Pierce and his companions.

Fire then began to gain headway, and tonight all efforts are directed toward fighting the flames.  It is hoped they will be confined to the two entries affected by the explosion.

News of the disaster spread through Herrin, and there was a rush of hysterical women and crying children to the shaft house.  The damage cannot yet be accurately estimated.  The colliery is one of the oldest in this section and few accidents have occurred in it.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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