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Bond and Bruce Mining Company
Greeno Mine Explosion

Tacoma, Wise County, Virginia
March 16, 1907
No. Killed - 11

See also: Greeno Mine Explosion, Dec. 14, 1910

Eleven Dead in Mine
Washington Post
March 17, 1907

Bristol, Va., -- Eleven men killed, four seriously injured, and three missing, is the result of a firedamp explosion in the coal mine owned and operated by Bond and Bruce, at Tacoma, five miles east of Norton, in Wise County, at 8 o'clock this morning.

The identified dead are:
  • Cad Ritchie
  • Alonzo Ritchie
  • James Snow
  • Robert Snow
  • Bolivar Nooncrester
  • Cleveland Nooncrester
  • Adolphus Gibbs
Four other unidentified dead men are buried under tons of slate which the explosion dislodged.  Quite a number of miners are missing, and it is feared they are entombed in the shaft.

Those seriously injured are:
  • Will Kearn
  • Bank Ross
  • James Patterson
  • Robert Ryan
  • Will Coleman
The work of rescue cannot be completed before tomorrow.  The explosion occurred 1,500 feet below the surface, and is said to have been due to defective work of the mine fan, allowing gas to accumulate.

The depth of the mine and the havoc occasioned by the explosion, which brought down much slate, has made the rescue work extremely difficult, and it may not be known for a day or two yet just how many men have met death.

The injured men were taken to the mine hospital near the scene of the explosion, where they are receiving medical aid.  Of the injured taken out thus far, Robert Ryan is the only one whose recovery is thought probable.

The mine itself suffered serious damage from the explosion, and part of the workings were wrecked.

Robert P. Bruce, one of the owners of the mine, was the Democratic nominee for Congress in the Ninth VIrginia district last fall.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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