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Pacific Coast Coal Company
Burnett No. 5 Mine Explosion

Burnett, Pierce County, Washington
December 7, 1904
No. Killed - 17

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.2 Mb) PDF Format

See also: Burnett Mine Explosion, Aug. 28, 1918
Burnett Mine Explosion, Dec. 17, 1924

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Frightful Explosion in Washington Mine Snuffs Out Lives
Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, NV
December 8, 1904

Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 8 -- The mining town of Burnett, which was the scene of a frightful explosion yesterday afternoon, was visited by hundreds of spectators today,  An air of profound gloom pervades the little town, the mine being a mile or more from the business section.

The death list will, it is feared, reach sixteen, twelve bodies having already been recovered and little hope being entertained for the other four.

Joseph Forsyth, a foreman with the working party, is the only one rescued alive.

Ventilation has been established and is working satisfactorily, but it is not believed that any of the men will be rescued alive,  Every effort is being made and a strong force is doing its utmost.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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