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Mine Disasters in the United States

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Seattle Electric Company
Slip, Trip and Fall Accident

Renton County, Washington
March 28, 1907
No. Killed - 2

More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format
Other Children Killed in Mine Accidents

Rescuer Death

Victim's 12-year-old son was waiting for his father to finish work so that he might ride the horse to the barn.  As the father was dumping his last car, the boy fell into the hot ashes.  The father jumped in to rescue him and both were so badly burned that they died a few days later.

The deceased:
  • William Farrar, 56
  • Son of William Farrar, 12
Source: Washington Mining Fatalities, 1885-1960 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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