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New Central Coal Company
Stafford Mine Explosion

Stafford, Marion County, West Virginia
September 22, 1902
No. Killed - 6

USBM Final Investigation Report PDF Format

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Successful Rescue

Six badly wounded miners were rescued after an undisclosed period and placed under the care of Mine Superintendent Stewart.  Several others were also hurt in the incident.  The most serious cases were sent to the hospital.

Four are Killed by an Explosion
The Post-Standard, Syracuse, New York
September 23, 1902

Fairmount, W. Va., Sept. 22. -- By an explosion of gas in the Stafford mines of the New Central Coal Company, near here, today, four men were killed, six badly wounded and several others were hurt.

The explosion is said to have been caused by the firing of a charge of dynamite.

At the time of the accident there were only twenty-five men at work and all have been accounted for.  Superintendent Stewart was at the mine when the explosion occurred and took charge of the rescued miners.

The most serious cases were sent to the hospital.  All the bodies were recovered.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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