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Mineral Railroad and Mining Company
Luke Fidler Mine Explosion

Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
November 29, 1902
No. Killed - 7

See also: Luke Fidler Mine Fire, Oct. 8, 1894

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Successful Rescue

Several miners working near the scene of the accident made a rush for the foot of the shaft and were overcome by the after damp following the explosion.  They were rescued after an undisclosed period by the relief party and sent at once to the gangway.

Four Killed in Explosion of Gas in a Shamokin Mine
Boston Daily Globe, Massachusetts
November 30, 1902

Shamokin, Penn., Nov. 29. -- Four men were killed, three fatally and five seriously injured by the explosion of gas in the Luke Fidler colliery today.

Officials are now conducting an investigation, but have not yet announced the cause of the explosion.  They are of the opinion, however, that a miner carelessly opened a safety lamp.

The workings are very gaseous and the body of gas, once ignited, swept with a roar up the gangway, carrying death and destruction with it.  Timbers were torn out, mine cars blown apart and brattices destroyed.

The dead:
  • Charles Maruth
  • Thomas Valandi
  • Leon Bekoski
  • Wally Sincavitch
Fatally injured:
  • Jesse Koppenhafer
  • William Kelly
  • Joseph Broval
Miners working near the scene of the accident made a rush for the foot of the shaft and several were overcome by the after damp following the explosion.  They were rescued by the relief party and sent at once to the gangway.

Anxious wives and mothers gathered about the mouth of the shaft as the dead and injured were brought to the surface, and their grief was pitiful.

The colliery employs 1000 men, and is operated by the Mineral Railroad and Mining Company.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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