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Union Coal Company
Bowen Mine Explosives Detonation

Bowen, Las Animas County, Colorado
August 7, 1902
No. Killed - 13

Colorado Inspector of Coal Mines Report PDF Format
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Colorado Scene of Another Terrible Accident
The Reno Evening Gazette, Nevada
August 8, 1902

Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 8. -- The rescue party at the Bowen mine, where a disastrous explosion occurred last evening, was compelled to suspend work at 1 o'clock this morning owing to fire-damp.

At that hour the bodies of ten dead have been removed.  There were at least thirteen men in the mine at the time of the explosion and all were undoubtedly killed.

No gas has ever been known in the mine and it is the opinion of the officers that the accident was caused by a premature shot.

The powder house at the mouth of the mine, containing about one thousand pounds of powder, was exploded by the shock from the mine and great damage was done at the mouth of the slope.

The town of Bowen, about a quarter of a mile below the mine, was severely shaken, a number of windows being broken.

Immediately after the explosion almost the entire population of the town rushed to the mouth of the mine and the scenes there were heart rending.  The mine is almost a total wreck as far as can be determined at this time.

The explosion occurred about one thousand feet from the surface.  The mine was quickly filled with gas and smoke and those who escaped instant death were suffocated.

Mike Cassidy was blown to atoms.  His head was picked up nearly one hundred feet from where the body was found and his legs are still missing.  The body of James Hunter was terribly mangled.

Measures were taken today to rid the mine of gas and it is thought the workings will be thoroughly explored by nightfall.

List of Casualties:
  • Oscar Berg, 23, single
  • Mike Cassidy, 27, single
  • A. Creech, 38, single
  • W. H. Elliott, 27, married
  • Joe Gordon
  • Frank Groate, 26, married
  • James Hunter, 26, married
  • L. P. Jenson, 29, single
  • John Kenealy
  • Arthur Meyers
  • Felipe Sena, 30, single
  • J. L. Spencer, 57, married
  • Tilden Winfield
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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