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Montana Ore Purchasing Company
Minnie Healey Mine Cave-in

Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana
February 25, 1904
No. Killed - 5

News icon The Tacoma Daily Ledger, Feb. 26, 1904 PDF Format
News icon The Anaconda Standard, Feb. 28, 1904 PDF Format
Note: This disaster is not included on the CDC/NIOSH mine disaster list, nor is it found in the MSHA Fatality Archive Database.  See more possible errors and omissions.

Five Killed in the Minnie Healey Mine
Daily Utah State Journal, Ogden, Utah
February 26, 1904

Butte, Montana, Feb. 26 - Five lives were lost by a cave-in of earth and rock in the famous Minnie Healey yesterday.

The dead are:
  • Thomas Haggerty, shift boss
  • Thomas Furlong, miner
  • William Dwyer, miner
  • Ike Abraham, miner
  • Anton Trinetti, miner
The accident occurred on the sixth floor of the 1000-foot level.  Just how the fall came will never be known, as not one of the five men was left to tell the tale.  Only the time of the fall is known, and that by the noise, which was heard in other portions of the mine.

Work was at once suspended and everyone went to the rescue.  The body of Shift Boss Haggerty was first found.  The work of recovering the remaining bodies will proceed slowly, as the management of the mine will not let the rescue party endanger more lives, for the reason that there is not a chance that any of the men can be found alive.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
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