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Tidewater Coal and Coke Company
Tidewater No. 3 Mine Explosion

Vivian, McDowell County, West Virginia
November 4, 1905
No. Killed - 7

1905 West Virginia Annual Report Excerpt PDF Format
Fatal Accidents For The Year Ending June 30, 1906 PDF Format
Page 172, Nos. 210-216
See also: Tidewater Mine Explosion, July 5, 1905

Terrific Explosion Causes Fall of Slate at Vivian
Washington Post, District of Columbia
November 5, 1905

Bluefield, W. Va., Nov. 4. -- The Flat Top field has suffered another disastrous explosion in one of its mines located at Vivian, and seven miners have succumbed to their injuries, and more are expected to die.

About fifteen men were working in the vicinity of the explosion and that more were not killed or injured is a miracle.

There were several explanations as to how the disaster occurred but each is but an opinion and nothing definite is known.  It is inferred by some that an accumulation of gas ignited from a miner's lamp.  But the most reasonable version is that it was due to a shot blowing out.

The explosion was of terrific force and caused a heavy fall of slate and debris.

The dead are:
  • John Bratton, Negro, married
  • Louis Brown, 23, Negro, single
  • June Carter, 22, Negro, single
  • Harden Devin, 34, Negro, single
  • Thomas P. Hunley, 19, Negro, single
  • Howard McGhee, Negro, single
  • Rovert Starling, 19, Negro, single
The explosion occurred in a mine of the Tidewater Coal and Coke Company.  This is the second explosion that has occurred in the collieries in the last four months.  A fire occurred on July 5 of this year killing eight men.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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