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Mine Disasters in the United States

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Raton Coal and Coke Company
Dutchman Mine Explosion

Blossburg, Colfax County, New Mexico
October 5, 1906
No. Killed - 10

Fatal Explosion Occurs in a Mine in New Mexico
Eau Claire Leader, Wisconsin
October 7, 1906

Denver, Oct. 6. -- According to a special to the News, fifteen men are believed to have been entombed in the Dutchman mine at Blossburg, New Mexico, by an explosion which wrecked the walls and roof of the tunnel in which they were working.  However, only six men are positively known to have been in the tunnel at the time of the explosion, but the usual night shift numbers fifteen and none of them has been located outside.

Rescuing parties have taken out four dead bodies, one of which has been identified as Jans Jeniski, a single man forty years old.  All except one of the shift were Austrians, the exception being an American.  Fire damp has settled in the tunnel, making rescue work difficult.  It is not thought that any of the entombed men can live.  As yet no fire has been reported.

The cause of the explosion is not known.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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