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W. W. Boxley and Company
Pounding Mill Quarry Explosives Disaster

Pounding Mill, Tazewell County, Virginia
Friday, August 13, 1920
No. Killed - 9
* This was 1 of 4 disasters which occurred on Friday the 13th.

From the Kansas City Star, August 13, 1920

Six persons were killed, four others are thought to have lost their lives and three were injured in a premature explosion at a limestone crusher at Pounding Mill, near here today. The explosion was caused by the ignition of a fuse by a spark from a drill, setting off three charges of dynamite which were being loaded for use tomorrow.

The known dead and injured were taken from the debris, but the bodies of four others are thought to be under the tons of rock which fell into the pit.

Deceased: (from the news article below)

Joe Smith
F. E. Myers
John, Allen, and Edward Bird (brothers)
Wash G. Lovern
R. T. and C. G. McGhee (brothers)
Jasper Jackson

News Article:
News icon image Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Aug. 14, 1920
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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