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Utah Apex Mining Company
Utah-Apex Mine Cave-in

Bingham, Salt Lake County, Utah
October 16, 1923
No. Killed - 6

The Wilkes-Barre Record News Article  (4.3 Mb) PDF Format
Salt Lake Telegram News Article  (2.8 Mb) PDF Format
Six men were killed and two injured in a cave in.
This disaster is not included on the CDC/NIOSH mine disaster list, however, it can be found in the MSHA Fatality Archive Database.  See more possible errors and omissions.

The Utah-Apex mine came into prominence 10 years earlier, when Raphael Lopez, one of the West's most notorious bad men, held off a posse of 600 men for several days and finally escaped.
Lopez was wanted for killing 4 men, three being members of the posse which was after him for the murder of a man in a Bingham saloon.  Lopez killed two more possemen who attempted to smoke him out and finally escaped before deadly sulfur fumes released by the posse reached him.

The Salt Lake Tribune Front Page, Nov. 28, 1913  (607 Kb)
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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