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Sheldon and Slausson
Vermont Marble Company, leasee
Sheldon Quarry No. 3 Rock Slide

West Rutland, Rutland County, Vermont
February 11, 1893
No. Killed - 7

Disastrous and Fatal Quarry Accident at West Rutland
The New York Times, New York
February 12, 1893

Rutland, Vt., Feb. 11. -- One of the worst disasters in the history of marble quarrying occurred at West Rutland a little after 1 o'clock this afternoon in a quarry operated by the Vermont Marble Company, with which Senator Proctor is connected.  A great mass or stone fell into the quarry, and seven men were instantly killed and a number of others injured.  The victims were a gang at work at channeling and taking away refuse, and were all middle-aged men.

The deceased:
  • William Lukas, a Pole
  • Frank Sulig, a Pole
  • Edward Powers.
  • Alexander Blumquest, a Swede, and three unrecognized men.
The injured:
  • James Dooley, leg broken
  • John Dumm, slightly injured
  • Charles Anderson, slightly injured
  • Frederick Marchand, rib broken
  • Anton Ractio, slightly injured
  • John C. Anserson, slightly injured
  • Peter Grenier, slightly injured
  • John Michan, slightly injured about the head
  • M. Cupps, slightly injured
As soon as the accident happened, the electric danger signal was rung in at the company's office and work everywhere was stopped at once.

The quarry is known as the Sheldon "Covered Quarry" or Quarry No. 3.  It was opened by Sheldon and Slausson in 1868, and operated by the Sheldons until January, 1892, when it was leased by the Vermont Marble Company, which has run it since.

Depth and surface considered, it is the largest quarry in the world.  Its perpendicular depth is over 250 feet, and from this the quarry runs eastward and downward under the hill 300 feet or more.  The accident was near the extreme end of the quarry far under the hill.  The killed and some of the injured were buried under tons of rock and the work of rescue was necessarily difficult.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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