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Anaconda Copper Mining Company
Badger-State Copper Mine Asphyxiation

Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana
March 1, 1928
No. Killed - 3

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Three Butte Miners Suffocated
The Spokesman-Review
March 6, 1928

Butte, Mont., March 1 (AP) -- Fire which broke out in the Badger-State copper mine of the Anaconda Copper Mining company this morning cost the lives of three men.

Workers in Elm Orlu, a nearby copper mine, were called off because of gas.

The dead are:
  • James White, shift boss, married
  • Edward Barnes, married
  • William Hasty, married
These men were working in the Diamond mine, adjoining the Badger-State, putting in brattices on the 3,000-foot level to shut out the fumes from the Diamond when they were overcome by smoke and gas.

The fire broke out at about 7:30 this morning between shifts and its origin is unknown, or its extent, according to the mine officials.  Large crews are at work fighting the fire.

While no official would venture an opinion tonight as to the extent of the fire, one stated his belief that the Badger-State mine would be down for at least a month.  Four hundred men are employed at the property.
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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