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Tennessee Copper Company
Calloway Copper Mine Hoisting Disaster

Ducktown, Polk County, Tennessee
November 4, 1951
No. Killed - 4

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Four Zinc Ore Miners Fall to Death in Shaft
Associated Press
Nov. 5, 1951

Ducktown, Tenn., -- Four zinc ore miners died in a plunge down a 1,300-foot shaft at a mine near here last night.

The dead were identified by officials of Tennessee Copper Company aa Thomas Hickey, Ducktown; Clarence Huffman and U. L. Hawkins; and Joe Hughes, McCaysville, Ga.

The accident occurred at the company's Calloway Mine two miles south of here.  Mine safety engineer Sam E. Sharp said the men had reached the top of the shaft where they were to enter a huge bucket to be lowered into the mine.  He said it was not immediately clear why the bucket tipped over.
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