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Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company
Inspiration Concentrator Asphyxiations

Inspiration, Gila County, Arizona
November 11, 1971
No. Killed - 3

MESA Final Investigation Report PDF Format
List of the victims PDF Format
More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format

Miami Plant Fumes Kill 2
Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff
November 12, 1971

Miami (AP) -- Two men died today and five others were hospitalized as a result of apparent hydrogen sulfide gas poisoning at the concentrator plant of the Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company

The dead men were identified as:
  • Don Brough, 42, Claypool, a fill foreman
  • Richard Martinez, 32, Miami, also an employee at the plant
Authorities believed that the gas came from an overheated thermo-couple, although that was only a preliminary speculation.

Of the other five men hospitalized, one, identified as Daniel Mathews, 30, of the Globe-Miami area, was reported in serious condition.

Mine inspectors were at the plant investigating the accident.
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Violent and Deadly
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