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Choctaw Asphalt Company of St. Louis
Jumbo Mine Explosion

Jumbo, Pushmataha County, Oklahoma
November 28, 1910
No. Killed - 14

Accident Investigation Report by H. I. Smith PDF Format
From the Google News Archives: External Link
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Successful Rescue

After an undisclosed period, just one miner was rescued from the shaft explosion of the Jumbo Mine, operated by the Choctaw Asphalt Company of St. Louis.  Five miners descending in cars were blown to atoms and eight others were entombed and asphyxiated by the deadly fumes.

Blows Five into Atoms
Indianapolis Star, Indiana
November 29, 1910

Antlers, Okla., Nov. 28. -- (Special) -- An explosion in the mine of the Choctaw Asphalt Company today blew to atoms five men who were descending in the cars and entombed nine others, who were working at the bottom of the shaft, 290 feet below the surface.  Only one was rescued alive.

Pieces of flesh and bones were shot 200 feet into the air through the opening of the shaft when the force of the explosion struck the cage.  The passage way was blocked by debris and rescuers worked for hours to reach the victims.  Eight workmen were asphyxiated by the deadly fumes.

No cause is given for the explosion, but it is believed that accumulated gas was ignited by the lamps carried on the miners' hats.

The Choctaw Company's mine is near Jumbo, twenty miles north of here, and has been in operation for about ten years.  The concern is headed by St. Louis capitalists.

A special train carrying surgeons, nurses and supplies was sent from this city as soon as the news of the accident was received.  Workmen about the mines had attempted to reach the explosion victims before the train arrived and during the day repeated attempts were made to give aid, but obstructions in the shaft prevented the recovery of the entombed men.  Late tonight the bodies were recovered.

Sends Expert to Scene
Indianapolis Star, Indiana
November 29, 1910

Washington, Nov. 28. -- When news of the explosion was received at the new Bureau of Mines, Dr. J. A. Holmes, chief of the bureau, immediately sent a telegram to A. G. Hamilton at McAlester, Okla., ordering him to proceed at once to Antlers and give all assistance in his power.  Mr. Hamilton is one of the bureau's experts, thoroughly trained in rescue work.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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