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Barrick Goldstrike Mining
Meikle Mine
Falling Material Accident

Elko, Elko County, Nevada
August 12, 2010
No. Killed - 2

MSHA Final Investigation Report External Link
More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format

Rescue crews recover bodies of trapped miners at Meikle Mine
The Ely Times
August 18, 2010

Barrick Mine rescue crews recovered the bodies of two miners killed in an Aug. 12 accident at the Meikle Underground Mine in northeastern Nevada.

The two miners, Daniel Patrick Noel, 47, and Ethan Joel Schorr, 38, were both of Spring Creek, Nev.

The fatal accident occurred at about 1:15 a.m. PST Aug. 12 in the ventilation shaft at the Meikle Underground Mine at Barrick's Goldstrike Operations.

Noel and Schorr were inspecting a large pipe in the vertical shaft at the time of the accident.  The elevator carrying the two miners was damaged when the pipe fell into the shaft.  All underground operations at Goldstrike were immediately suspended and recovery activities began promptly with the assistance of Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) officials.  There were about 160 employees in the mine at the time of the accident.  Barrick's management team notified the family members of the missing miners soon after the incident and provided them with information and support throughout the recovery operation.

"This is a tragic event and we remain focused on assisting these miners' families," said Greg Lang, President of Barrick's North America Region.  "The hearts and prayers of every Barrick employee are with them at this time.  We place great value in our coworkers' health and safety and we will do everything we can to prevent an incident like this from happening again."

Barrick crews and MSHA officials worked for more than 32 hours to safely access the area where the miners were found, about 1,300 feet below the surface.  A variety of methods were used to evaluate damage in the shaft and to determine a safe means of access.

"We truly appreciate the support of the many people in the community and organizations that offered assistance during this difficult time," Randy Buffington, Goldstrike General Manager, said.  "We owe special thanks to our colleagues at Newmont, Great Basin Gold, the Elko County Sheriff's Office and the Elko Police Department.  I would also like to thank everyone at Goldstrike for their professional and appropriate response to this tragedy."

Noel is survived by a wife and three children.  Schorr is survived by a wife and four children.

Underground operations at Goldstrike were suspended following the accident and will remain so until all investigations are completed.  Goldstrike is a large gold mining operation located about 50 miles northwest of Elko.
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