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International Salt Company
Sterling B Shaft Explosion

Retsof, Livingston County, New York
April 18, 1975
No. Killed - 4

MESA Final Investigation Report  (1.3 Mb) PDF Format

2 Perish in Mine Explosion
Syracuse Post Standard, New York
April 19, 1975

Geneseo, N.Y. (AP) -- An explosion at a shaft of an abandoned salt mine near this western New York community Friday killed two men and injured six others.  Another man was reported missing.

The blast was at an International Salt Company mine shaft near Cuylerville and was felt as far as five miles away.

A company spokesman said a crew had been working on the surface at the 1,150-foot deep shaft for two weeks, using a bulldozer to shove rocks into the abandoned shaft to fill it.

John Dakin, a petroleum engineer for the state Bureau of Mineral Resources, told reporters that the explosion was caused by methane gas.

Dakin said that salt mines occasionally have accumulations of methane gas, and he noted the presence in the area of several gas wells.

Dead on arrival at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester were Joseph Bucci, 54, of Retsof, maintenance supervisor for International salt mines in the Retsof area; and Robert J. Ackley, 30, of Warsaw.

Missing was Angelo Giglio, believed to be in his late 40s, also of Retsof.

Two of the injured were treated for minor injuries and sent home.

Four others were admitted to hospitals, all in satisfactory condition.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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