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Gould and Curry Mining Company
Gould and Curry Gold Mine Fire

Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada
June 24, 1887
No. Killed - 11

Nevada State Journal Articles PDF Format
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A Comstock Calamity
Salt Lake City Tribune, Utah
June 26, 1887

Virginia, Nev., June 25. -- A fire broke out last evening in the Gould and Curry Mine.  All the miners escaped with the exception of six employed on the 1500 level of the Best and Belcher mine.  Signals from them have ceased, and it is feared they have perished.  An attempt is being made to reach them by volunteers.

In addition to the men imprisoned in the Best and Belcher, five men are imprisoned in the 800 level, and four men in the 400 level of the Gould and Curry mine, making in all fifteen miners imprisoned.  But little hope is entertained of saving the men on the 400 foot level.  The engines are busily engaged in pumping air to the levels where the miners are imprisoned.

Thousands of people surround the mines, and the most intense excitement prevails.  No effort is being made to put out the fire, as it is impossible to ascertain where it is.

Unavailing efforts were repeatedly made to rescue the six miners remaining entombed in the burning Gould & Curry mine, in which five miners lost their lives last night.  The fire was extinguished about noon today and the cage sent down, but was driven back after it had reached the 1000-foot level.  Relays of miners are tunneling through from the Consolidated Virginia, and expect to reach the place of the imprisoned miners by noon tomorrow.

The damage to the mine from the fire is very slight.  It is known that the imprisoned men were alive at 2 o'clock this morning, which has occasioned great energy on the part of the relief party, holding out the hope that the miners may be still alive when the tunnel is completed.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
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