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Mammoth Saint Anthony Ltd.
St. Anthony Lead Mine Bunkhouse Fire

Tiger, Pinal County, Arizona
February 20, 1945
No. Killed - 5

Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 20, 1945 PDF Format
Five Miners Die in Blaze at Bunkhouse
Tucson Daily Citizen
February 21, 1945

Five men lost their lives in a fire that completely razed a bunkhouse of the Mammoth St. Anthony Ltd. mine at Tiger, Ariz., at 10:30 last night, John A. Richards, general manager, reported today.

Believed to have been caused by an overheated stove or burning bedding, the fire fanned by a high wind, soon swept through the building making it a blazing inferno.

The bodies of the victims have been recovered and are now at the Bring Funeral Home here, awaiting arrangements after next of kin are notified.  Listed among the dead are Roy B. Servise, Eduardo Chavez, Carther Musgrove, James T. Stuart, and Lloyd Williamson, all of Tiger.

The mine bunkhouse, a 100x40 foot one-story structure has a capacity of 32 men, only 20 were occupying the building at the time of the fire.  It had been built two years before of modern design, and had a long 6-foot wide porch running the full length with each room having an outside door and window.

No injuries were reported except the fatalities, many of the men getting out with their belongings.  Futile attempts were made to reach the victims.  Adjoining residences were saved by using sheet iron and playing streams of water on roofs.  The men are temporarily housed in other available quarters and production will be continued with only a casual interruption.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
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