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Rock Salt Corporation
Rock Salt Mine Explosion

Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York
July 10, 1917
No. Killed - 2

USBM Final Investigation Report  (4.8 Mb) PDF Format
Successful Rescue

After the explosion of gas, one man was found alive at the bottom of the shaft by a Bureau of Mines rescue party.  His leg had been caught and he was trapped by some timber.  He was freed and taken to the surface.  The party started to recover the body of the other man and brought it to the surface about two hours later.  The injured man died from his injuries about one month later.

In a gas explosion at the bottom of the shaft at 12:30 a.m. one of the two men in the mine lost his life.  Thirteen men had been hoisted out of the shaft 10 minutes before the explosion.  From the time of the explosion until the rescue party of the Bureau of Mines arrived, at 9:30 p.m., nothing had been done toward recovery, except to try to force fresh air into the shaft.

The necessary examinations were made by the Bureau of Mines party which started down the shaft without using apparatus.  At the bottom of the shaft one man was found alive, caught by the leg by some timber; he was freed and taken to the surface.  The party started to recover the body of the other man and brought it to the surface about two hours later.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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