Successful Mine Rescues in October |
1870 |
Van Stork Coal Shaft Fire, Scranton, Pennsylvania The "Van Stork Coal Shaft," the property of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, near Scranton, was destroyed by fire. Originating in the boiler house, the fire soon engulfed the main building. There were fourteen men at work in the mine below the shaft where the fire broke out. Eight of these escaped safely through the slope at the river, half a mile away. The six others were cut off and suffered considerably before water got down the shaft. They were finally rescued after an undisclosed period, however, nearly exhausted. Source document
1882 |
Lehigh Valley No. 3 Colliery Cave-in, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania After 15 hours of confinement due to a cave-in, four miners were rescued from the Lehigh Valley Coal Company's No. 3 colliery. The men rescued were Robert Hanna, Peter James, Henry Schuetze, and Timothy Reynolds. All were expected to recover. Source document
1885 |
Plymouth No. 2 Mine Explosion, Plymouth, Pennsylvania As soon as possible after the explosion, a rescuing party was organized and the injured men were brought out of the mine, all terribly burned but, with one exception, still living. The first man brought out by the relief party was Thomas Howard. He was cut in the back and terribly burned about the head and face. The others were brought up in the following order: Joseph Thomas; David Grimes; John Woods; Frank Spinnett; Edward T. Jones; John Lavinsky; Thomas Collins; Anthony Spinneta; John Zalinsky; Thomas McDermott; Frank Sanfraux; John Kerst; Sandy Lova; and John Cobley. All these were found lying near the foot of the shaft in the main gangway. None of them was able to stand up, and one or two were unconscious.
1888 |
Winthrop Mine Cave-in, Ashpeming, Michigan Joseph McGrath was rescued from a cave-in at the Winthrop mine near Ashpeming, Michigan following an undisclosed period. The escape was said to be almost miraculous, as the mass which fell on him weighed many tons. Luckily the timbers so fell as to allow him enough air to keep him alive. Source document
1889 |
Brisbin Colliery Cave-in, Scranton, Pennsylvania Herman Frager had a thrilling experience in a mine, having been imprisoned for fifteen hours in the narrow chamber where he had been working at the Brisbin Colliery. The day earlier, several hundred tons of coal fell from the roof across the track leading to the chamber, cutting off all possible means of escape. Frager was horrified to find himself shut in by the great black mass, and as the squeeze continued his prison kept growing smaller every moment until he expected it would crush the life out of him. A gang of twelve men arrived promptly at the scene and began cutting through the thick coal pillar that separated them from Frager's narrow prison. There was but frail hope of his being alive. His rescuers worked bravely at the risk of their own lives to save his. The fall occurred at 9 o'clock in the morning, and it was after midnight when Frager was taken from the narrow prison. Although badly bruised and faint from inhalation of foul gases and coal dust, he wept with joy when he was rescued. Source document
1892 |
Indian Ridge Colliery Cave-in, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania After being imprisoned for 26 hours by a fall of coal at Indian Ridge Colliery of the Philadelphia and Reading Company, Stiney Klemovich was released from his perilous position. The man was confined, as it were, in a living tomb. He was forced by the falling coal into an almost recumbent position in a cavity 3 feet high by 5 feet long. On reaching the main part of the mine he was so delirious with joy at his escape that he kissed and hugged his deliverers. He was given stimulants and in half an hour was able to walk to his home. During his imprisonment he directed the movements of his rescuers with his voice. Source document
1895 |
Dorrance Mine Explosion, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Five men, all badly burned, were brought to the surface at 8:00 p.m. following an explosion which occurred sometime in the late afternoon in the Dorrance mine. Among the men rescued were: Robert Blanchard, William Miller, George Lafly, Joseph Murphy, and Michael Moss who later died. When Blanchard was found he was being slowly roasted to death. His partner, Miller, whose arms were broken, could render him no assistance. These two men were not expected to live.
1897 |
October 30, 1897 Joseph Yomaski, one of the men entombed in the Von Storch Mine of the Delaware and Hudson Company, was rescued at 10 o'clock Saturday night. The bodies of the other men were afterwards found and brought to the surface. In an interview, the Pole explained that when his companions began to suffer their death agonies, he at once urged them to follow him, but they refused. He escaped to an old airway where he knew of a hand fan, over which he placed a box, and in that inserted his head. He then kept the fan going for ten hours and kept himself alive until rescued. See more.
Tallula Mine Explosion and Fire, Tallula, Illinois Following the breakout of fire after an explosion in the Tallula coal mine, all the miners except for George Carr hastily left the mine. Carr was thought by some to be dead until there was a lull in the flames. That was when sheets soaked in water were lowered into the mine in which Carr wrapped himself. He was pulled to the surface badly burned, but saved from a horrible death. Source document
1898 |
Midvale Mine Fire, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania The last bodies were recovered from the Midvale mine and soon after the fire was extinguished. The bravery of Tommy Hantz, a 15-year-old boy employed as a nipper, resulted in saving 20 lives. While making his way through the smoke to a place of safety, he remembered that 20 men were in a distant working, where they would probably be quite surrounded by smoke before they realized their danger. Turning back, he managed, with great effort, to reach and warn them. He was Just In time. Young Hantz, on the way, unhitched a pair of mules, and while trying to drive the frightened animals out was overcome. Fortunately, a miner chanced to stumble over his prostrate form and carried him out. Source document
1899 |
Shenandoah City Colliery Explosion, Pottsville, Pennsylvania All the men trapped in the Shenandoah City colliery were rescued. Several were injured but none was seriously hurt. Twenty-two men were entombed by an explosion and it was only with the greatest difficulty that the imperiled men were safely rescued. Source document
1901 |
Buttonwood Colliery Explosion, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Directly after the explosion occurred a number of brave rescuers, at the risk of their lives, entered the mine and brought out the bodies of the dead and nine injured miners. The injured men were taken to the hospital as fast as they were brought to the surface. With the exception of Inspector Daniel Davis, it was thought that all would recover.
Highland Boy Mine Cave-in, Bingham, Utah Charles Nutting was rescued after being trapped for 61 hours by a cave-in at the Highland Boy Mine at Bingham, Utah. Very weak when found, Nutting was confined in a space so small, he was unable to stand up. Another miner, William Anderson, was also missing in the incident and there was little hope of finding him alive. Source document
1902 |
French Brothers Mine Fall of Persons, Newton, Iowa Five men fell thirty feet down a coal shaft at Newton, Iowa and some of them cannot recover. The men were being elevated to the surface of the French Brothers mine at the close of work. The cable broke just as they reached the top, and they dropped to the bottom of the shaft with lightning rapidity. The men were found piled in a heap at the bottom, all unconscious. But one, Andrew Fleming, has regained consciousness. Hugo Smith cannot recover, and the fate of the others; John Snook, Eugene Welsh and John Walsh, is uncertain. Each of the men had a family. Source document
1904 |
Abandoned Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania Frank Borjerko, an old miner, was digging coal for his family's winter supply in an abandoned drift at the Furnace colliery when the roof caved in, completely covering him. Fellow coal pickers, at the risk of their own lives, set to work and soon uncovered the victim's head, so that he could breathe. For twelve hours they feverishly worked to free him, despite another threatened fall, and finally got him out alive. He was seriously injured about the body and limbs. Source document
Sioux Colliery Cave-in, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania Caught by a fall of coal at the Sioux Colliery, Michael Kennedy lay buried with his face exposed for fifteen hours. No one witnessed the accident, and when he did not return home in the evening searching parties entered his place of work and found him nearly dead from exhaustion, but he was expected to live. Source document
1905 |
Tunnel Ridge Mine Cave-in, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania Charles Rineawage was rescued 8 hours following a cave-in at the Tunnel Ridge Mine at Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. His work companion, Joseph Skernolis, died in the accident. Source document
1906 |
Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Stockdale, Pennsylvania Arthur Smith and Albert W. Simpson helped to rescue George Spencer from a mine cave-in, Stockdale, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1906. Spencer, 54, was caught by a fall of slate. There was room for only one person to work at his release. Smith, 28, driver, was first to go, and, while he was digging away the debris, another fall occurred but missed them by a narrow margin. Fatigue compelled Smith to stop, and Simpson took up the work and after 15 minutes labor, Spencer was extricated. Another fall seemed to be impending and did occur an hour later. Arthur Smith and Albert Simpson were bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award. 🥇
Anthracite Mine Fall of Person, Middleport, Pennsylvania Falling 400 feet down an abandoned mine shaft, Joseph Schroeder of Pottsville was rescued alive, after he had been virtually buried all day and all hope of his rescue abandoned. When examined it was found Schroeder had not even a broken bone. At the time, it was the most extraordinary escape known in the history of anthracite mining. Young Schroeder left town in the morning in company with William Kalbach, to shoot pheasants. While pushing their way through the brush toward the mountain top Schroeder took the lead. He walked into a drift, lighted a match, and called to Kalbach to follow. Suddenly he gave a cry of surprise and attempted to step back, but the ground at the edge of a hole gave way with him, and he plunged feet first down into an abyss.
Kalbach hurried forward and he, too, almost plunged down the hole after his companion. Had he done so the mystery of their disappearance probably never would have been solved. Seeing he could be of no aid to his unfortunate companion, Kalbach started down the mountain for Middleport on the run and in a short time a dozen men accompanied him back with long length of rope. They went as close as they possibly could in safety and called down the shaft. Nothing but the echo of their voices greeted them. Then they tied a weight to the end of a rope and lowered it carefully into the black pit. It struck several times along the side of the jagged opening, but finally it was lowered to its full length, but the bottom had not been reached.
Men were sent back to town for more rope and when they came back the attempt was again made, but again the end of the rope failed to reach bottom. Messengers were dispatched to the collieries at Kaska and Silver Creek, whence experienced mining men were sent by officials with a long coil of stout rope. This was lowered, and, although 200 feet of it was used, the bottom of the shaft could not be touched. Not a sound came from the black hole, except the rattling of the weighted rope.
Again, messengers were dispatched for more rope. The boy's father also arrived, accompanied by several employees of the shops. One of them, John Calloway, was lowered into the opening, and after going down 200 feet he heard cries for help. Calloway was then hoisted to the surface, where he related his discovery to the great joy of the boy's father. Calloway again went into the shaft, this time at the end of a rope more than 400 feet long. He found young Schroeder at the bottom of the pit and was drawn to the surface with him. Schroeder was terribly bruised and shaken, but no bones were broken, and he would recover. Source document
1908 |
Wilson Creek Mine Lost Person, Scranton, Pennsylvania Patrick Hart, 70, was rescued in the Wilson Creek mine after he stood in water up to his waist for twenty-four hours. Knowing that his one chance of being found lay in standing in a channel which his rescuers would follow. His fellow workmen originally missed him, and when a systematic search finally led them to the spot where the old man stood. He was on the verge of collapse. Source document
1910 |
Ernest No. 2 Mine Explosion, Ernest, Pennsylvania Andy Kragear was overcome by the gas arising from the explosion. A rescue party using an oxygen helmet rescued and brought him to the surface about 8 hours after the explosion. Shortly afterward he gained consciousness and was able to tell where he boarded. He was the only man in the mine in the vicinity of the explosion that escaped.
1911 |
O'Gara Mine No. 8 Explosives Detonation, Harrisburg, Illinois Eight miners were killed, and eight others temporarily overcome by an explosion of powder in the O'Gara mine No. 8. The dead and those made unconscious were removed from the mine by rescuers, three of whom were overcome by gas. They were resuscitated at a hospital. The explosion occurred as the shifts were changing and, but sixteen men were in the north entry, where the explosion occurred. Three hundred and sixty men had reported for work, but all bad not gone into the workings. It was not definitely known what caused the explosion, but that it was possible that the insulation on an electric cable had become loosened and that the exposed wire touched some spilled powder. Source document
Black Top Mine Fire and Asphyxiations, Doro City, Ohio Using the new apparatus recently purchased by the state, Chief Mine Inspector Harrison and Deputy Inspectors Wheatley and John L. McDonald saved from death eight men overcome by gas in the Black Top mine of the Morris Coal Company of Cleveland, located at Doro City, near Cambridge, Gurnsey County. The mine caught fire from some unknown cause. Source document
King Solomon Mine Cave-in, Randsburg, California Imprisoned for twelve hours under a mass of rock and earth Samuel Walker, an aged miner, was rescued in the King Solomon mine near Randsburg by companions. He had been working on a rich lead eighty feet below the surface. Suddenly the earth above him dropped and he was buried except for his head. Unable to move from the great pressure which held him down, the entombed man suffered for hours, crying out to attract help. When missed a search was started, and he was found unconscious. He had been in a stooping position when imprisoned, and great difficulty was experienced in freeing him without bringing down the entire wall above. Besides internal injuries, Walker sustained a broken leg, fracture of the shoulder blade and otherwise was badly crushed and lacerated. Source document
1913 |
Seven Mexican miners, trapped for 6 days in the Vogel and Lawrence Lignite mine at Rockdale, Texas were found unconscious, and barely alive. The men were imprisoned by a cave-in following a cloud burst which flooded the mine. Lying near the men was their mule, still alive. Source document
Trapped in an abandoned chamber of the Continental Mine operated by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company in Centralia, Pennsylvania, Thomas Toshesky was finally freed by rescuers after 8 days. He was in good condition and spirits, refusing a stretcher and making it out of the mine under his own power. Source document
Stag Canon No. 2 Mine Explosion Nine miners, found unconscious near the bottom of the airshaft, were rescued by an apparatus crew after about 5 hours. They were revived by the use of pulmotors. At 6:15 p.m., the first miner to be rescued alive within 12 hours was taken from the main entry. He was found unconscious, two miles within the mine. Source document
Shenandoah Colliery Cave-in, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania John Kender, a well-known miner, had a narrow escape from death at the Shenandoah colliery, where a heavy fall of coal and rock took place, making him a prisoner. Rescuers, after six hours of hazardous work, finally took Kender from his living prison, painfully but not seriously injured. Source document
Vogel & Lawrence Lignite Mine Cave-in, Rockdale, Texas Seven Mexican miners entombed for 5 days in the Vogel & Lawrence lignite mine near Rockdale were rescued. Two other men found in another part of the mine were dead. A mule also was rescued alive. The miners were entombed when heavy rains caused a creek to cave in on the mine. The seven taken from the mine were unconscious and barely alive. If rescue had been delayed several more hours, they likely would have died. They were ninety feet underground and continual digging, day and night, was necessary in order to reach the spot. The men were so weak they had to be carried from the mine. Source document
1912 |
East Lehigh Colliery Animal Rescue, Pottsville, Pennsylvania After being entombed for exactly eleven days without anything to eat and only mine water to drink, a mule at the East Lehigh Colliery was rescued none the worse for its experience. A fall of top suddenly occurred and two miners, George Walter, and William Berry, both narrowly escaped death, but the mule was imprisoned back of the mass of rock and coal. A force of men was put to work clearing up the debris but no thought of reaching the mule was entertained as it was presumed it had been smothered to death by the foul air. When the last inch of wall was penetrated yesterday morning workmen were dumbfounded to find the mule living and evidently none the worse for its confinement. It had stood during the eleven days up to its body in water, had no fresh air, drank only mine water, and ate nothing but the bark off the mine timber. Source document
1914 |
Explosion in Mulga Mine, Mulga, Alabama Sixteen men were killed and 12 were rescued by parties led by company officials. Source document
Explosion at Patterson No. 2 Mine, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania Following the explosion, the superintendent and the pump man were overcome by afterdamp. A rescue party in the charge of the mine foreman carried the unconscious men to fresh air. The superintendent soon recovered, but the pump man could not be revived. Breathing apparatus was not used. Source document
Royalton North No. 1 Mine Explosion An accumulation of gas was ignited by open light. Doors to an old room were left open and gas accumulated. One man was rescued from the affected area 10 hours after the explosion had occurred.
American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Mine Cave-in, Webb City, Missouri As by a miracle, there was no loss of life when fifty zinc miners were caught in the drifts of the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co., when the roofs of mines Nos. 1, 2, and 3 caved in. Thirty acres of ground caved to the working levels 250 feet below. All the men were rescued after an undisclosed period. Fifteen miners climbed to the surface after finding their way through darkened drifts by liberating a blind track mule and following him as he made his way over a path he had trod unseeingly for years to the shaft. All of these men were injured, none of them dangerously. Source document
1915 |
Continental Colliery Cave-in, Centralia, PA On October 4, John Tomaschefski was rescued after 187 hours, imprisoned by a cave-in at the colliery which occurred on September 26. A 2-inch diamond drill hole was drilled 50 feet to provide food, water and dry clothing. It took 85 hours to drill this hole. Following this, the rescuers drove, by pick mining, a 4-foot by 4-foot passageway to reach and rescue the trapped miner. It required 4 days to accomplish this. Source document
Foster Tunnel of No. 11 Mine Inundation, Coaldale, Pennsylvania Six men and three boys were rescued after nearly seven days following the group's entrapment in the Foster Tunnel of the No. 11 mine when a blast released water from an abandoned working. Eleven were initially confined, but two of them, William Watkins and George Hollywood, escaped a day after the accident happened. The other nine miners trapped sustained themselves on the remaining food in their dinner pails, lamp oil, and chicken bones. The Coaldale mining operation was the property of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. The nine trapped miners included:
- John McAndrews (boy)
- Joseph Murphy (boy)
- John Boner (boy)
- Elmer Herron
- Peter Lemmock
- Charles Matokis
- Dominic Holchek
- Joe Lagonis
- Dominic Dodori
Source document 1 Source document 2 Source document 3
Ramago No. 4 Mine Powered Haulage Accident, Webb City, Missouri Four miners were dropped almost the whole distance down a 200-foot shaft at the Ramago No. 4 mine. The first "tub" had just started down with the underground men, carrying four, the usual number, when something went wrong with the hoister. The presumption was that the hoist operator was lowering these men on the brake instead of having his air on in order to get them underground quickly and the four men were dropped to the bottom of the shaft. All four men were more or less severely injured and were rushed to the Jane Chinn hospital. All the men were expected to recover. Source document
1916 |
No. 14 Colliery Cave-in, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania John Kellet, 32, was rescued uninjured after having been entombed for 24 hours behind a fall of coal at the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company's No. 14 colliery. Source document
Lytle Colliery Explosion and Fire, Pottsville, Pennsylvania The sixteenth miner closed in by an explosion of gas at the Lytle colliery was rescued after an undisclosed period, the other fifteen having been taken out safely earlier, all will recover. The fire, which was started by an explosion, is well under control and the officials say it will be speedily extinguished. Source document
1917 |
Independent Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania Thomas Kilroy, 50, was rescued after being trapped for twenty-four hours in an unnamed Anthracite mine. He was held as a prisoner in the depths of the mine 1,000 feet below the surface by a fall of rock and coal. As the rescue men progressed with their work, the fall of the top continued, endangering their own lives. Suffering severely from exposure, shock and hunger, Kilroy's condition was critical, however, it was believed that he would recover. Source document
1919 |
United Verde Mine Explosives Detonation, Jerome, Arizona A Mexican mucker, Pablo Morales, proved himself a hero when, with one eye blown out by a blast, he carried an unconscious fellow worker, William Hess, 200 yards to reach assistance. Hess, a miner, and Morales, a mucker, were working in a drift on the 500-foot level of the United Verde. Hess was loading a round of holes that he had just drilled. It was assumed that while he was engaged in this work his lamp touched the powder in a short hole. At any rate, there was an explosion that knocked both men down. Both Morales eyes were filled with rock and dirt, and one was so badly injured that what remained of the orb was later removed at the hospital. For a miracle, he was not knocked unconscious. When he picked himself up and peered about with his good eye, he saw Hess lying covered with blood. Morales, who was much smaller than Hess, picked up the other and carried him until he met assistance. From the point where the accident occurred to the place where Morales gave up his burden was fully 200 yards. At the hospital it was found necessary to amputate Hess right arm. Otherwise, he was only slightly hurt. Aside from the loss of his eye, Morales injuries were of no great consequence. Source document
1920 |
Plymouth Red Ash Mine Cave-in, Plymouth, Pennsylvania Two miners employed by the Plymouth Red Ash Coal Company, owed their lives to the clear-headed calculation of a mine foreman and the faithful and heroic work of fellow-miners who rescued the miners from an entombment of more than twelve hours. William Young, 35, and Joseph Hillard, 48, were erecting timber in a gangway when a sudden and unexpected crash brought tons of coal and rock down within fifteen feet of them. The cave-in blocked the slope and imprisoned Hillard and Young. When word reached the surface, the mine foreman, John D. Maxwell, directed that a hole be bored from the top of the tomb and, by a mathematical deduction, he was able to reach exactly the spot where the miners were imprisoned. With picks, axes and other tools, nearly two score of miners set to burrowing a passageway for their helpless fellow-workers. The digging and cutting of the mountain of coal which separated the pair from freedom started at 1 o'clock p.m. and ended with the rescue of the men at about 1:45 a.m. the next morning. The two miners walked home, unhurt. Source document
1921 |
Sioux No. 3 Colliery Cave-in, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania After being entombed for 5 hours, five miners were rescued at the Sioux No. 3 Colliery. They were working in the west seven-foot gangway when it caved in for a distance of 150 feet. The men suffered only from shock. Source document
1922 |
After becoming lost in an abandoned coal mine for two days and a night at Pomeroy, Ohio, Jack Gobel was found by a searching party. Gobel became lost after a dynamite explosion jarred him enough to put out the light on his miner's cap. The search party was formed after his wife notified mine officials. Source document
Babbitt Mine Fire, St. Augustine, Illinois Three miners were rescued after an undisclosed period from the Babbitt mine at St. Augustine, when smoke from the burning hoist house and horse shed at the top of the shaft trapped them 175 feet from the mouth of the mine. They were suffering from the effects of the smoke and gases but would recover. One miner, Joe Ackerson, was dead when the rescuers reached him. Fresh air pumped into the mine by the Galesburg fire department made it possible for the rescuers to reach the entrapped men, after several attempts to bring them out had failed because of the denseness of the smoke. The rescued miners included Jim Anno, Will Anderson and Sherman Babbitt, the mine owner. Source document
1923 |
Glendower Colliery Inundation, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Two mules were trapped in the Buck Mountain Slope, South Dip, at the Glendower Colliery, but were rescued by the daring efforts of one of the employees who struggled for two hours in water up to his waist before he could bring the animals out to safety. A huge volume of water had broken through and the old workings in various parts of the mines were flooded up to the timber. Source document
Decatur Mine Fall of Persons, Decatur, Illinois Two men were dying and two others were suffering from serious injuries as the result of a fall of 100 feet in the shaft of the Decatur Coal Company mine. The men were being lowered to the 600-foot level in a huge cage. At the 500-foot level the cable broke, precipitating the cage and men. One of the men suffered a broken back, another, injuries to the head and body, while the other two sustained broken legs and possible internal injuries. It was not until seven hours after the accident that the cable was repaired and the injured were taken to the surface. Source document
Utah-Apex Mine Cave-in, Bingham, Utah Joseph Norden, superintendent, and Joseph Ratalaza were rescued unhurt from the Utah-Apex metal mine after being entombed for 56 hours. The bodies of two others were located in the rock pile near the place where Norden and Ratalaza were freed, but because of the immense pile of stone and timbers it was impossible to identify them. One man was still unaccounted for. Source document
Number Eight Colliery Coal Slide, Hazleton, Pennsylvania At 12:30 a.m. Harry Demcheck and Stiney Ambrose were rescued from the Number Eight Colliery where they had been entombed since the previous morning by a rush of coal. The rescue force removed the men to their homes. They suffered no ill effects from their experiences. Source document
1924 |
Hart Coal Corp. Mine Explosion, Madisonville, Kentucky Six miners who were imprisoned by an explosion in the Hart Coal corporation mine near Madisonville, Kentucky were rescued after an undisclosed period. Witnesses declared the force of the blast threw a pillar of flame 100 feet into the air from the mouth of the shaft. The tipple was partly wrecked and the cage jammed in the shaft. This caused an accumulation of debris in the shaft and hampered efforts of rescuers to reach the men imprisoned underground. The explosion prostrated high tension electric lines which crossed the mouth of the shaft, adding to the difficulty of rescue workers and throwing this place in darkness for an hour. Source document
1927 |
Mammoth Mine Fire, Mammoth, Utah Twenty-five miners who were trapped for 4 hours on the 1300 foot level of the Mammoth Mine were rescued. None of the miners suffered serious effects from their imprisonment. Source document
Peck Mine Powered Haulage Accident, Scranton, Pennsylvania Between forty and fifty miners, trapped in the Peck Mine of the Glendale Coal Company were rescued after an undisclosed period. All were in good condition and apparently suffered but slightly from their imprisonment. The men were shut off from the outside world when a wheel in the tower of the colliery collapsed, dropping the heavy steel cable bolding a mine cage filled with rock. The cage ran wild down the shaft and became wedged just above the Hudak vein, which was the upper level of the mine and 200 feet below the surface. More than 200 workers in two lower veins got out through an opening so small, that some of the stouter miners had their clothing torn off as they were pulled through the tiny holes in the earth. The men in the Hudak vein, however, had no other way out except through the main shaft and were forced to wait until the obstruction could be cleared. Source document
1928 |
McAlpin Mine Explosion, McAlpin, West Virginia A coal dust explosion occurred, killing six men. There were twenty men in the mine at the time of the explosion. Sixteen men escaped the affected area; two of this number started to erect a barricade but were rescued shortly after starting construction. The explosion was undoubtedly started by a firing of an "adobe" shot on a piece of sandstone.
1930 |
West End Mine Cave-in, Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania August Carucci, 30, was resting at home after being trapped in a cave-in for 14 hours in the mine of the West End Coal Company at Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania. Source document
1931 |
Two miners who never gave up hope after 4 comrades were killed in an explosion in the Mocanaqua Mine of the West End Coal Company were rescued after 133 hours of entrapment. The survivors were John Thomashunis, age 40, and John Metz, age 22.
Kehley Run Colliery Coal Rush, Pottsville, Pennsylvania John Burgness, who was picking coal on the rock bank of the Kehley Run Colliery, was caught in a rush, and was buried to his hips for about one-half hour before rescue workers could remove him from a very dangerous position. The men who formed the rescue party had to work very carefully due to the condition of the mine breach in which Burgness was held prisoner. They finally succeeded in getting the man out of the hole and to safety. It was said at the Kehley Run colliery office that the man was not injured. The accident occurred about 1,000 feet east of the breaker. Source document
1932 |
Unnamed Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Pittston, Pennsylvania Trapped by a cave-in 1,000 feet underground in Pittston, Pennsylvania, Park Tucker, 21, was rescued after an undisclosed period. His resulting injuries included a severed arm and his legs broken in 13 places. His two work companions were killed in the disaster. While trapped Mr. Tucker prayed. "Deliver my body and soul, Lord." he said he prayed," and I ll promise to preach the Gospel the rest of my life." Mr. Tucker stated that he spent 13 months in a hospital and resumed his schooling in the seventh grade at the age of 23. He later attended Wheaton Academy in Illinois and Houghton College in New York in preparation for ministerial studies. Mr. Tucker graduated from the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and on October 1, 1943, he was ordained before a congregation that packed the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Chillicothe, Ohio, fulfilling the vow he made years before. Source document
1933 |
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania Michael Lukash, 45, was rescued after being trapped for 17 hours in a makeshift mine near Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. The walls collapsed as he was carrying out one of the few remaining sacks of coal. Source document
Unnamed Coal Mine Lost Person, Downs, West Virginia For seven days and seven nights without food or water and groping in utter darkness, Charles Montgomery, 64, wandered helplessly through the maze of an abandoned section of a coal mine at nearby Downs. Hardly able to walk, his shoes cut to pieces by jagged slate in the old mine tunnels, the weary miner was rescued far from the point at which he had entered the workings. "Give me a drink of water," was his first cry after two members of the rescue party found him tramping aimlessly in search of the main shaft. Absent from the mine for a week, he entered and decided to look around a bit. In an abandoned section, his light failed. A search began after his family reported him missing and his dinner pail was found at the mine entrance. Source document
McCormick Mine Cave-in, Jacksonville, California Ed Wilcox, 30, miner at the McCormick Mine near Jacksonville, narrowly escaped death in a cave-in on the 180-foot level when a portion of the tunnel roof fell on him. He saw the slide coming as he was working and attempted to get out, but both of his legs were caught. The left leg was broken in two places, and the right knee was injured. Wilcox was pinned in the tunnel for two hours while fellow miners worked to dig him out from under the dirt. He was rushed to the Sonora Hospital by ambulance and treated by Dr. H. D. Rose. Source document
Abandoned Mine Lost Person, Indiana, Pennsylvania Suffering from shock, exposure, and exhaustion after spending 18 hours in a dark, partly flooded old mine, nine-year-old Milton Hancock was barely able tonight to tell of his weird experience. "I was too scared to sleep, I just walked and hollered and then sat down," the youngster told Dr. E. M. Bushnell of Black Lick, who was called after a posse found Milton this morning. Barefooted and wearing summer clothing, the boy went into the mine with his uncle, Louis Hancock, yesterday to salvage some coal for the house. Milton wandered away and became lost. The uncle hunted, then called friends and firemen. Sheriff A. Eugene Wilson, his deputies and highway patrolmen took up the search through the labyrinthine of passages in the mine, which has not been worked regularly since the World war. Source document
1934 |
Bootleg Mine Cave-in, New Philadelphia, Pennsylvania John Coyle, age 63, was rescued after 20 hours from a bootleg mine hole near New Philadelphia. Coyle owed his life-saving rescue to a group of volunteers that drove a 90-foot parallel shaft to reach the trapped miner. Physicians at the Pottsville Hospital reported that Coyle was suffering from severe shock and exposure. Source document
West End Mine Cave-in, Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania Silver Miczalowski, 28, was rescued after being trapped in a slide of coal for an hour and 20 minutes at the West End Coal Company in Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania. He was completely covered, but loose debris around his head allowed him to breathe until rescued. Source document
1935 |
Independent Mine Cave-in, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania Peter Baxter, 38, was released from his underground prison 22 hours after he and another miner were caught in a coal slide producing a cave-in. The incident occurred at the Independent mine owned by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company. The doctor at the Ashland Hospital reported Baxter's condition as good, saying he only appeared to be suffering from shock and exposure. The other miner, John Stankowski, was believed to be dead. Source document
Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Steubenville, Ohio John Henry Wiggins helped to rescue Richard S. Riser from a mine cave-in, Steubenville, Ohio, October 14, 1935. While Riser, 51, was working in an entry five feet high in a mine, a rock 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and two to three feet thick fell from the top, knocking him down close to a rail of a track and pinning his right arm and left foot. His left knee was pressed against his chest, causing him to breathe with great difficulty. Wiggins, 48, mine loader, ran to the rock and at a point 12 feet from Riser lay prone and crawled under it toward Riser through an opening 14 inches high. The rock rested mainly on refuse coal, and as Wiggins crawled, he pushed rock fragments from in front of him and stacked them to aid in preventing the rock from sinking lower and crushing him. Reaching Riser, he tugged at his left foot and forced off Riser's shoe but was unable to free his foot. Riser urged him to break his leg, if necessary. Wiggins crawled back to the opening, got a jack handle, again crawled to Riser, and tried to raise the rock by means of the handle but failed. He then took hold of Riser's ankle with both hands and pulled his foot free, crawled backward for four feet, and pulled Riser's leg to a straight position. He removed rock fragments from around Riser's right leg and then tried to pull Riser's arm from its wedged position. Failing to do so, he crawled back to the opening and clear of the rock. He had been under the rock for 20 minutes Later the rock was raised by means of jacks, and Riser was dragged from beneath it. His arm was paralyzed. Two other men who were caught under the fall were killed. John Henry Wiggins was bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award for his bravery. 🥇
1936 |
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Williamstown, Pennsylvania Peter Rono, 41, was seriously injured and his two companions escaped injury when a rush of coal caught them in a bootleg coal hole north of Williamstown. Rono was caught under the rush and had a vertebra in his back broken, several ribs fractured and a possible fracture of the left foot. He was rescued after an undisclosed period by his two companions, Archie Shuttlesworth and Paul Garber, who dodged the fall, and was taken to the hospital after receiving first aid treatment from Dr. William Connelly. He was conscious when admitted to the hospital and his condition regarded as fair. Source document
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Green Ridge, Pennsylvania Joseph Lashendock, 28, and his brother, Andrew, 23, of Marion Heights, were rescued after being covered by a rush of coal for nearly 2 hours. Joseph had a probable fracture of the leg and minor bruises, while Andrew escaped with a few scratches. Rescuers went down immediately, and several times had the men almost free, only to see them covered again as the soft coal continued to rush in from the soft, two-foot coal vein from above. A discharge of dynamite, fired at quitting time last night, is believed to have loosened the coal above, but the top did not break through until today. Following the heroic rescue, Joe was taken to the office of a local physician, while Andrew, suffering only from slight shock, was taken to his home. Source document
Jordan Mine Lost Miner, Fairmont, West Virginia Rescuers found Pat Dailey, 40, who had been missing for hours, asleep in the Jordan mine of the Consolidation Coal Company. He said he became confused while walking out of the mine, wandered for a few hours, then laid down to sleep. Source document
1938 |
Falling slate blocked the exit from a room where Dolar Johnson, 54, was preparing to blast in the Lilly Meade Mine in Owensboro, Kentucky. When his lamp became extinguished, he realized he was lost and he decided to sit and wait for rescue. He was safely brought to the surface 4 days later. Source document
1940 |
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania Two hard-coal miners, rescued after being trapped 65 hours in a mountain coal hole, related from hospital beds how they calmly wound their watches and waited minute by minute for death they thought was certain. The plight of William Goodman, 60, and William Burke, 28, finally became so desperate that a priest administered last rites through a one-inch pipe rescue workers had driven down to the imprisoned men, 90 feet below the earth's surface. What amounted to a miracle for the miners came when the rescue squad tunneled through to a cramped gallery where they had been trapped by a fall of debris that choked the mine entrance. "I'm all right," was all Burke could say as he stumbled to a waiting ambulance. Goodman was carried out on a stretcher. Both were near collapse from cold, hunger and foul air. Source document
Golden Key Mine Asphyxiations, Mariposa, California Four miners overcome by gas fumes were rescued from the Golden Key mine in the Whitlock mining district when a fifth member of the group managed to get to the surface to summon help. A rescue crew of 20 men entered the workings and brought the four men to the surface after an undisclosed period. The men overcome were Lyon C. Gray, president of the Western Mining Association; Joe Gray, manager of the Golden Key Mine; Paul Mills, Elwyn Lund and Pedro Cosmond. Mills managed to get to the surface and get help. Source document
Fall of Ground Incident and Rescue, Scranton, Pennsylvania Eleven-year-old Joseph Steindel rested comfortably at his home, seemingly none the worse from his brief entombment when the walls of an eighteen-foot crater near Cornell Park collapsed while he was digging coal. The little victim was jerked from the brink of eternity by four South Scranton men who extricated the victim with their bare hands. When Edward Nowrocki arrived after being attracted by the boy's screams, he saw only a blackened hand extending above the rock and debris. Nowrocki and the others joined in the rescue and digging with their hands, the skin of their fingers torn with each thrust, they piled rock, coal, and dirt to one side and in less than a minute little Joseph's head was unearthed. The youngster was unconscious but started to breathe freely by the time the rescuers had loosed his wedged body from the landslide. The lad was rushed to State Hospital in a police radio car, where he was found to have incurred only minor body bruises and shock. Source document
1941 |
Daniel Boone Mine Explosion, Daniel Boone, Kentucky 34 rescued miners were brought to the surface by way of an air shaft within two hours after the explosion. Four other survivors were able to leave through the main entrance before it was filled by gas.
1943 |
Collinsville Mine Lost Person, Collinsville, Illinois Lost for more than 27 hours 200 feet underground in the tunnels of a Bunker Hill Coal Company mine, John Millett, 62, was rescued, but not before he apparently gave up hope. With chalk on a piece of slate he had scribbled the words, "You're five minutes too late." Millett, a veteran mine examiner, was found unconscious several hundred feet from the central shaft by two Collinsville miners. Millett said he wrote the message in despair after one searching crew passed without seeing him where he lay helpless. He was transported to the hospital where he was treated for shock and exposure. Source document
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Lost Persons, Kulpmont, Pennsylvania Two men imprisoned by darkness deep in a bootleg coal hole were rescued near Kulpmont, 12 hours after their lanterns went out and they were helpless to move in fear that they might plunge to their death. The miners, Adam Psanko, 34, and Charles McNevich, 33, were under treatment at Shamokin State Hospital for exposure. While enroute to the location of their work one of them dropped his lamp and it rolled into a yawning pit. With only one lamp remaining, they decided to return to the surface. Suddenly a gust of air blew the flame of it out and left them in pitch darkness. It was midnight before members of their families became alarmed because they did not return home, and a searching party was formed. When found, the pair hadn't moved a foot from the spot where the lantern went out. Physicians at the hospital said both men were in satisfactory condition and would be discharged after a thorough check. Source document
1946 |
Abandoned Pennsylvania Coal Co. Mine Rescue, Pittston, Pennsylvania A Pittston coal miner was rescued from an abandoned mine shaft after being entombed for several hours. Benjamin Desko, 58, was locked in the shaft when the exit was filled in by a bulldozer operator, who was unaware that he was in the shaft. Desko was reported missing by his wife when he failed to return home. She went to the shaft where her husband said he would be working and discovered the entrance blocked. The alarm was sounded and workers of the Pennsylvania Coal Company made the rescue. When examined at the Pittston Hospital, Desko was found to be none the worst for his experience. Source document
1947 |
Helm Coal Strip Mine Material Slide, Dudley, Pennsylvania Two employees of the Helm Coal Company at Dudley narrowly escaped death when the power shovel which they were using on a coal stripping operation at Dudley was covered by a slide of dirt and stone. The seriously injured men were rushed to the Mercy Hospital. The injured men were John Fahringer, the power shovel operator who suffered a compound fracture of the left leg. And James Harvey of Saxton, the oiler on the shovel. He, too, suffered a badly mangled left leg above the knee. He was the more injured of the two. Both men are suffering greatly from shock. Both men were pinned inside the shovel. Miners and all available citizens for miles around rushed the scene and worked frantically to remove the men from their perilous positions. Another shovel was moved to the scene to aid in the removal of dirt and stone. Ambulances waiting at the scene left immediately for the hospital when the men were rescued. The men were unable to assist in their own rescue since they were pinned in the wreckage when the tons of dirt and stone crushed in the side of the equipment. Source document
1948 |
Dresser Mine Explosion, Terre Haute, Indiana Thirty-five coal miners were trapped by an explosion in the Dresser coal mine last night, but all were rescued. Mine officials said two men with second degree burns were taken to the Union hospital at Terre Haute. None of the other men were injured. The explosion occurred at 6:10 p.m., and mine officials said all of the men were out at 7 p.m. Source document
Golden Rod Mine No. 9 Cave-in, Picher, Oklahoma Burford Storm, 28, was trapped for six hours in a cave-in at the Golden Rod Mine No. 9. He and his helper, John Carmack, were loading boulders at a level 235 feet below the surface when dirt, ore rock and boulders gave way beneath then. The debris slid down about 30 feet to the bottom of the mine, carrying Storm with it. He was pinned between levels, but was not covered by the debris. Carmack gained a higher level as the cave-in started and was helped out of the mine immediately. Some 25 miners worked to free Storm, finally succeeding six hours after the cave-in. Neither was seriously hurt. Source document
1949 |
Abandoned Well Rescue, Austin, Texas A 3-year-old boy fell 14 feet down a narrow shaft of an abandoned well and was rescued alive three hours later. Bobby Gow, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gow of Austin, toppled into the 10-inch shaft while playing. A 12-year-old playmate saw him fall and spread the alarm. His rescue came after three steam shovels, compressed air hammers and volunteer pick and shovel workers tore away the earth from the 20-foot hole. Except for the happier ending. The incident was reminiscent of the tragedy of Kathy Fiscus, age 3, who died last April after a 98-foot fall down an abandoned well pipe at San Marino, California. Source document
1954 |
Nearly freed from fallen timber and rock in an Anthracite mine in Branchdale, Pennsylvania, Carl Herman became trapped again when a second cave-in occurred. 35 friends worked for an undisclosed period to free Herman who managed to get out with only a broken leg. Source document
Water Main Tunnel Fire, Boston, Massachusetts Five men were trapped 400 feet underground for 2 hours when fire broke out in a shaft leading up from a water main tunnel under construction near Harvard Stadium. The weary but unharmed men were brought up the smoke-filled shaft after firefighters went down and extinguished the blaze in a two-hour battle. The fire was started by a short circuit on a small dump car used to carry dirt from the excavation. The men were trapped in the tunnel as the car was between them and the exit. The tunnel was part of a system of water mains being constructed by the Metropolitan Water Commission. Source document
Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Eatonville, Washington Second Lt. James Clinkingbeard, of Fort Lewis, was rescued from an abandoned mine shaft 18 hours after he had fallen into a 40-foot pit. Clinkingbeard was pulled from the shaft by a search party organized after his hunting companion, Lt. Joseph Jacob, also of Fort Lewis, reported that Clinkingbeard had failed to return to their car at nightfall the day before. Sheriff's officers said the officer tumbled 40 feet down the shaft and landed on water and rocks at its bottom. He fractured a wrist in the fall. Source document
1955 |
Abandoned Clay Mine Rescue, East Liverpool, Ohio Three young men were rescued after being lost in an abandoned clay mine for 15 hours. A searching party of about 50 persons was formed after the trio failed to return home. They were found unharmed 5 hours after the search began. Those rescued included: Ed Unger, 16; Lemoyne Simms, 19; and James Simms, 23. Source document
1958 |
Bishop No. 34 Mine Explosion An explosion occurred in this mine and resulted in the death of 22 miners. Thirty-seven others erected barricades and remained behind them until they were rescued.
Burton Mine Explosion, Craigsville, West Virginia Four men who miraculously escaped death after being trapped underground were hospitalized. The first of four men rescued reached the surface on his own feet, leaning on the shoulders of his rescuers, some four hours after the blast. He was Artie Humphreys of Craigsville. Three others, two of them horribly burned, were brought out on stretchers.
1964 |
Grays Creek No. 11 Mine Fire, Whitwell, Tennessee Six miners were rescued after an undisclosed period after being trapped by a fire burning in the Grays Creek No. 11 mine operated by the Grundy Mining Company. According to the news report, the miners were brought out "safe and sound." Source document
1965 |
Wildcat Cave Entrapment, Hinckley, Ohio A fifteen-year-old boy was rescued after being trapped for 24 hours. He was wedged in a crevice 10 inches wide and three feet high and was found tilted downward at a 45 angle. Consultation and assistance was provided by employees of the Ohio Division of Mines. Source document
Mars No. 2 Mine Fire, Wilsonburg, West Virginia Workers inched their way deep inside the fire-ravaged Mars No. 2 mine tunnels for nearly 20 hours before coming upon Charles Lantz, 26, of Buckhannon. He was brought out alive but died of his injuries en route to a hospital.
Abandoned Mine Shaft Fall of Person, Porterville, California James Roberson was recovering from an ordeal during which he lay unconscious at the bottom of a 150-foot mine shaft for an undisclosed period. Roberson and two 17-year-old friends, David Seaton and David Jurkovich, were exploring a deserted mine east of Porterville in the Sierra foothills one at a time. Using a 200-foot rope Robertson got down all right but, on the way, up became entangled in the rope. He fell 50 feet. Seaton descended to help but dislodged a large stone which hit Roberson in the head knocking him unconscious. Officers summoned by Jurkovich used a rope sling to pull Roberson 30 feet to a side tunnel and carry him out. He suffered rope burns on his hands and a deep head cut. Source document
1966 |
Glen Falls Mine Cave-in, Harrison County, West Virginia A coal miner, trapped by tons of slate and coal for 30 hours, told newsmen from his hospital bed Wednesday that he simply "beat the obituaries." Edward Longwell, 52, a big man with calloused hands, was not injured in a huge roof fall at the Glen Falls Mine of the McCandlish Coal Company just north of Clarksburg. The first collapse and another which followed 10 minutes later sealed him a mile inside at about 1 p.m. Monday. Rescuers reached him at 6 p.m. Tuesday. "I hope nobody else ever has to go through that," said Longwell, a resident of Rosemont. "I want to thank everyone who helped me." In all his 36 years of coal mining Longwell said he had had no real scrapes with death. His experience with mining apparently helped him not to panic and he said he waited calmly for rescuers. Longwell, a mining machine operator, was "pulling pillars" when he was trapped. Usually, when the last pillar is pulled, there's a "crackling noise" when the roof falls. But he said, "It made no noise, it just came down." The miner said he ducked under the machine just in time as the slate and earth crashed down around him. He said he had about six inches of clearance around his legs and hips and a little more at his head. To breathe, he said, he put his face close to a crevasse on the floor through which air was circulating. Longwell was expected to be released from the hospital after a short time. John M. Ashcraft, 47, state mine inspector; Baxter W. Ellison, 47, mine general superintendent; and Gayle Alvin Davis, 27, miner, were each awarded the Carnegie Hero Medal for their bravery in the rescue of Mr. Longwell. 🥇 Source document
1972 |
Skelton Mine Rib Fall, Stanaford, West Virginia Eugene Fugate, loader operator, and Ed Bryant, loading-machine helper, traveled to the No. 6 entry and began normal loading operations in the crosscut. After the coal was loaded Fugate trammed his loading machine into the left side face of the No. 6 entry. About 11:20 a.m., Fugate, moved the loading machine into the right side of the face of No. 6 entry. The coal rib rolled over and caught Fugate against the loading machine. Bryant rushed to Fugate, along with Frank Sauchuck, shuttle-car operator. They disconnected the loading machine and freed Fugate from the fallen debris and rushed him to an awaiting ambulance. He was pronounced dead at Raleigh General Hospital.
1973 |
Brush Creek Mine Mudslide, Downieville, California Two veteran gold miners were rescued in good condition early today after being trapped in a century-old shaft for 33 hours when a violent Sierra storm triggered a giant mudslide. Air compressors had been used to pump oxygen into the Brush Creek Mine four miles west of this historic gold mining town in an isolated corner of the Sierra. Both men were cold, hungry, and filthy but in "tip-top" shape, according to Sierra County Sheriff Sam Doyle, who headed a rescue team of 20 deputies, miners and friends of the pair. The miners were working the mine 2,000 feet into the shaft when the slide hit. But their fate was not discovered until a caretaker noticed the miners cars in front of the shaft and the entrance sealed with mud. Source document
Abandoned Old Forge Colliery Fall of Person, Old Forge, Pennsylvania A 10-year-old Old Forge boy narrowly escaped death when he fell 40 feet down an abandoned mine shaft at the Old Forge Colliery. Old Forge police said Michael Scarnato's fall was broken at the 40-foot level by some old roofing material jammed in the open shaft. He could have fallen a lot further down the shaft they said. As it was, the youth suffered cuts and bruises and had to be taken to Community Medical Center after his rescue. Police said Michael and several of his friends were playing near the shaft when he got too close and fell in. Despite his 40-foot fall, Scarnato remained conscious during the entire time he spent in the shaft. The Moosic Hose Company provided personnel and equipment and supervised the rescue operation. Source document
1977 |
Segco No. 1 Mine Cave-in, Parrish, Alabama Kenneth W. Ely rescued Ollis A. Bryant from a cave-in, Parrish, Alabama, October 11, 1977. When a cave-in occurred in a coal mine, Bryant, 46, was pinned beneath a huge slab of shale and sandstone that was propped up slightly at one side by reason of its resting on a low machine. Ely, 29, federal coal mine inspector, wriggled under the slab and, by moving debris and digging into the clay floor, created a crawl space to the machine, alongside which Bryant was trapped. After freeing Bryant from the debris around him, Ely drew him into the crawl space. Workers pulled Ely by the feet as he in turn pulled on Bryant. In that manner both men were drawn from beneath the slab. Source document 🥇
1980 |
Two men, David Aubuchon and Guy Hayton, and the car they were driving were rescued after spending 4 days at the bottom of a vertical shaft of the University of Arizona experimental mine near Tucson. They had crashed their car through a barbed-wire fence protecting the shaft entrance. Following their rescue, the men were questioned by Pima County Sherriff's detectives about the burglary of $700 worth of tools from the mine. Apparently no charges were filed. Source document
Abandoned Mine Shaft Fall of Person, Florence, Montana A teenager was hospitalized after he and a companion spent about eight hours trapped in an abandoned mine shaft 12 miles east of Florence. Dan Wall, 18, reportedly fell about 50 feet while he and Tim Harris, 17, were climbing in the mine in Eight Mile Canyon. Wall was listed in stable condition at Community Hospital in Missoula. A spokesman said he was suffering from shock and had pain in the chest and pelvic areas. Harris was hit by falling rock but was not seriously hurt. Source document
1985 |
Abandoned Maxfield Mine Rescue, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah Two brothers missing for 2 days were found in an abandoned mine where they had been lost in darkness since their flashlight went out. Dennis Workman, 26, and his brother Scott Workman, 25, were found by teams led by a Sheriff's deputy. The use of dogs helped pinpoint them. Source document
1987 |
Rescuers worked for 58 hours to free "Baby Jessica" McClure from an eight-inch (20 cm) well casing 22 feet (6.7 m) below the ground. The story gained worldwide attention (leading to some criticism as a media circus), and later became the subject of a 1989 television movie Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure on ABC. As presented in the movie, a vital part of the rescue was the use of the then relatively new technology of waterjet cutting. See more
Five miners trapped for more than a day were hauled 800 feet to safety in a bucket about the size of a garbage can. They became trapped when a cable suspending a 3-ton piece of machinery snapped, sending the equipment and debris plunging into the Diamond gold and silver mine at Leadville, Colorado. The mine was owned by the Leadville Corporation. Source document
2018 |
Abandoned Gold Mine Rescue, Phoenix, Arizona An Arizona prospector realized he was lucky to be alive after surviving nearly three days at the bottom of an old abandoned gold mine shaft in the Arizona desert and staring down rattlesnakes. John Waddell, 60, broke his left leg and ankle when the rigging he used to lower himself into the 100-foot shaft about 90 miles northwest of Phoenix broke. He free-fell to the rocky bottom and saw that his left leg "was flopped up and my ankle was going the other way," according to Waddell. He had a cellphone but no service. A flashlight that didn't provide light for very long. And no food or water. Waddell said he killed three diamondback rattlesnakes with a stick before they could strike Including two the first day And then hung on before he was finally rescued when a friend drove to the mine and heard his cries for help. It took about three hours for rescue crews to lift Waddell to safety and then to a hospital for treatment. Source document
2020 |
Abandoned Colorado No. 2 Mine Rescue, Eureka, Utah One eighteen-year-old is thanking his rescuers after he was trapped in a mine for at least four hours. Izick Garcia and his friend Moroni Oliveira were exploring caves and mines down in Eureka, when Garcia realized he had gone too far. The two friends had explored a few other mine shafts and caves before reaching a ventilation shaft for the Colorado No. 2 mine. "We went in, and I guess you could say there was a drop," said Garcia. About a 25 to 30 foot drop that Garcia rappelled down in his homemade rope harness. "I was trying to climb up and as soon as I grabbed it, it just started crumbling in my hand," said Garcia. Moments later, the ground beneath his foot crumbled. Police said Garcia and Oliveira did a lot of things right in this situation: they were together, they told others the area they were going to, and they had some equipment. Most importantly, when they realized they were in trouble, they called for help. Nearly four hours after Garcia entered the mine shaft, he was pulled to safety. Source document
Rescuer Deaths in October |
1896 |
No. 3 Shaft Explosion, South Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 4 killed in gas explosion, 2 fire bosses suffocated by afterdamp in attempting rescue.
1906 |
Pocahontas Mine Explosion, Pocahontas, Virginia Edward Jones, the inside foreman, led the first rescue party, and when that party failed to return in a reasonable time a second rescue party under Supt. Leckie followed. Two of the Leckie party, John Odham and Ed Brown, were overcome by gas and died. Leckie barely escaped with his life. Then the third party was formed and continued the work. In the meantime, the first party had reached another entrance to the mine in safety, and sent word over the mountain announcing that fact.
1913 |
Dawson No. 2 Mine Explosion, Dawson, New Mexico Of the 284 men working in the mine, 14 men escaped from an unaffected area of the mine, and nine others, unconscious at the bottom of the shaft were later rescued by a crew wearing apparatus. Two helmet men, James Laird and William Poyser, were lost that night when they overtaxed the oxygen supply by overexertion and going in farther than instructed. The oxygen was supplied at a fixed rate and when they tried to remove the oxygen bottles to breathe from them, they were overcome by afterdamp. Source document
1916 |
Jamison No. 7 Mine Explosion and Fire, Barrackville, West Virginia Lewis M. Jones, a mining engineer from the U. S. Bureau of Mines in Pittsbugh became asphyxiated in the Jamison No. 7 Mine fire at Barrackville, West Virginia. When Jones and seven others failed to return to the surface, additional rescuers were dispatched to bring them out. All of the initial party recovered except Jones. 9 other miners lost their lives in the disaster. Source document. 
On November 13, 1917, Samuel T. McMahon and Bryce Warren lost their lives while wearing Fleuss oxygen breathing apparatus in a sealed fire area in the No. 7 mine of the Jamison Coal & Coke Company, Barrackville, West Virginia.
Marvel No. 2 Mine Explosion, Marvel, Alabama Eighteen men entered the mine and all were killed in the explosion, except one pumper who was burned but escaped. A rescue worker without rescue apparatus was overcome and was killed by a fall from a ladder.
1924 |
Unnamed Mine Cave-in, Hyder, Alaska Sherburn Atkins was killed while engaged in rescue work following a mine disaster at Hyder, Alaska. Mr. Atkins was crushed by a portion of a mine falling in while helping some of his comrades to safety. Source document
1930 |
Dalton Coal Company Mine Fire, Dalton, Ohio On October 8, 1930, Rush D. Hiller, an undertaker of Canton, Ohio, lost his life while wearing a ½-hour McCaa oxygen breathing apparatus on the property of the Dalton Coal Company, Dalton, Ohio.
1940 |
Wanamie Colliery Mine Fire, Wanamie, Pennsylvania On October 6, 1940, Reese Phillips and Gray Lacey lost their lives while wearing Gibbs oxygen breathing apparatus after entering a sealed fire area at the Wanamie Colliery of the Glen Alden Coal Co., Wanamie, Pennsylvania.
1956 |
Kimberly Auger Mine Asphyxiations, Ohio Two men died from asphyxiation and a third man was overcome in a rescue attempt at 7:15 a.m., Friday, October 12, 1956.
1970 |
Open-Pit Uranium Mine Electrocution, Texas A miner was electrocuted when he drove a portable drill rig with the mast up into a high voltage powerline. In an attempt to rescue the truck driver, another miner was also electrocuted.
2002 |
Storm Decline Exploration, Elko, Nevada Team trainer, Theodore Milligan and team member, Dale Spring were fatally injured when they collapsed from excessive heat while evaluating the conditions in an inactive gold mine. The pair's failure to have coolant cartridges installed in their breathing apparatus was identified as a principle contributing factor. |
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