Production Mine Accidents
Mrs. David Jones
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1844
Mrs. (lno) Huber
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Ohio, November 24, 1874
Mrs. (lno) Huber was fatally injured in an accident of unknown cause at the above location and date. Source: Ohio Mine Accident Index
Mrs. Jonathan Hawkins
Unspecified Company, Cottonwood Canyon Mine, Alta, Utah, January 12, 1881
Mrs. Jonathan Hawkins was fatally injured following a series of snowslides which, in addition to the tragic loss of life, demolished two boarding houses, a compressor, and a station house associated with the Little Cottonwood Canyon Mine. Several people in the boarding house were killed. Source: Utah Mine Accident Index
Mrs. William Williams
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1891
Mrs. Charles Proctor
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Jasper, Missouri, August 19, 1902
Parthena Rhodes and Martha A. Johnson
Pulaski Mine Powder Explosion, McDowell County, West Virginia, Dec. 14, 1906
Four miners were killed by an explosion of 400 kegs of powder (10,000 lbs.) on the outside of the mine. The powder had just been unloaded from a railroad car and was being hauled in the mine cars to the powder magazine. Parthena Rhodes and Martha A. Johnson (non-employees) are women who were in a nearby house that was wrecked by the explosion.
Mrs. Gabriel Gandolf
Northwestern Improvement Mine No. 2, Roslyn County, Washington, Jan. 26, 1907
Mrs. Gabriel Gandolf, 37, was taking coal from tipple tracks when an out-coming trip ran over her, inflicting fatal injuries. This woman had been repeatedly warned to keep off the tracks, it being against mine rules for persons to pick coal from or walk tracks. |
Mrs. Cartright and female friend
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Dante, Virginia, June 22, 1912
Mrs. Cartright, wife of Foreman Cartright, along with a lady friend of Mrs. Cartright were killed when they lost control of the elevator they were riding in descending into an unnamed mine. Mr. Cartright and two children were injured in the fall. Source document
Mrs. F. Collyardi
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Hibbing, Minnesota, July 27, 1913
Mrs. F. Collyardi, age 32, was fatally injured in an accident of unknown cause at the above location and date. Source: Sherard Collection
Mrs. Annie Kasmonites
Unnamed Coal Company No. 11 Mine - Powered Haulage, Inkerman, Pennsylvania, Nov. 20, 1920
Mrs. Annie Kasmonites, an aged woman, met with fatal injuries when she was struck by the small mine "lokie" at No. 11 shaft. The deceased was picking coal near the mouth of the tunnel and before the engineer could stop the small engine, she was run down. Source document
Mrs. George Dolack and Mrs. Mary Bebnarchik
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Thayer, Illinois, May 9, 1931
Mrs. George Dolack, 55 and Mrs. Mary Bebnarchik, 60 met instant death under a fall of hundreds of tons of coal slack and slate. The women were picking up pieces of coal when one side of the pile of slack caved-in, burying them. Source document
Mrs. Emma Ricketts
Unspecified Company, Unspecified Mine, Kansas, November 11, 1931
Mrs. Emma Ricketts, age 66, was fatally injured in an accident of unknown cause at the above location and date. Source: Kansas Mine Accident Index
Mrs. Naomi Jarvis
San Gabriel Canyon Gold Mine Cave-in, Covina, California, May 12, 1932
Mrs. Naomi Jarvis was killed when a cave-in occurred in an unnamed gold mine in the San Gabriel Canyon near Covina, California. Mrs. Jarvis and another miner, David Workman, were caught in the collapse. Mr. Workman was freed from the material by rescuers after an undisclosed period. Source document
Mrs. Clara Moger
Baukol-Noonan Inc. Lignite Mine, Noonan, North Dakota, Feb. 22, 1933
Unidentified Female
Bird Camp Gold Mine Avalanche, Ouray, Colorado, Feb. 25, 1936
20 miners were trapped for 10 hours in a tunnel of the Bird Camp Gold Mine by an avalanche of snow. Two men and a woman were killed when the avalanche roared down Devil's Slide of Chicago Hill smashing a bunkhouse and closing the mouth of the mine tunnel. Source document
Mrs. M. C. Losier
Unnamed Coal Mine Roof Fall, Derry, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1937
Mrs. M. C. Losier, 67, died from injuries suffered in a mine roof fall in a mine she operated near Derry, Pennsylvania. Believed to be the only woman coal operator in Westmoreland County, she had operated the mine ever since her husband died several years earlier. Source document
Mrs. Mary E. Elliott
Wide Awake Mine, Downieville, Sierra County, California, May 21, 1943
Mrs. Mary E. Elliott was crushed to death by a heavy boulder at the Wide Awake mine when a derrick boom snapped and dislodged the boulder. The mine has been operated during the summer by Mrs. Elliott and her husband Alfred. Source document
Ethel Eugene Jones
Black Mountain Mine No. 31 - Roof Fall, Harlan County, Kentucky, Jan. 4, 1951
Ethel Eugene Jones, 29, was fatally injured in an underground fall of roof accident at 11:30 p.m. She died on January 5, 1951. |
Unidentified Female
Unnamed Strip Mine - Falling Material, Oliver Springs, Tennessee, Mar. 21, 1975
An unidentified woman was killed and her son was injured when a large rock fell from a highwall. |
Unidentified Female
Kline Dredge and Plant - Powered Haulage, Woodward, Oklahoma, Jan. 29, 1976
The victim and her young son (passenger) were killed instantly when the truck she was driving was struck by a train. |
Charlene R. Salazar
Climax Mine - Falling Material, Climax, Colorado, Sept. 19, 1976
Charlene R. Salazar, 22, was fatally injured when she was caught beneath a fall of material from a finger raise and suffocated. Source document
Sherry LaGace
Hol-Acc Corporation Strip Mine - Powered Haulage, Pikeville, Kentucky, Oct. 25, 1976
Sherry LaGace, 24, was killed October 25th when a heavy-duty scraper she was operating stalled and overturned on a steep hill at a Hol-Acc Corporation strip mine near Pikeville. The Kentucky Office of Mines and Minerals said Ms. LaGace was the first woman of record to die in a coal mine mishap in the state. Source document
Unidentified Female
Ash Fork Portable Crusher - Machinery, Ash Fork, Arizona, Nov. 3, 1978
The victim was fatally injured when she was attempting to change a grease fitting on a self-cleaning tail pulley. |
Marilyn McCusker
Rushton Mine - Roof Fall, Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania, Oct. 2, 1979
This accident occurred at about 3:15 p.m. on Oct. 2, 1979, five years after Marilyn McCusker first applied for a job with Rushton Mining. She was performing the dangerous job of roof bolter helper when a section of the mine roof collapsed. Tons of rock and debris fell on McCusker, suffocating her. |
Unidentified Female
Balc1s Plant - Fall of Person, New Branufells, Texas, Oct. 3, 1979
The victim was fatally injured when she fell 74 feet through a 19 by 23 inch cleanout hole on the deck of the clinker silo to a concrete floor at ground level. |
Mary Bradley
Climax Mine Explosives Detonation, Climax, Colorado, Oct. 9, 1979
Mary Bradley, 23, was one of two people killed when 100 to 150 lbs. of dynamite they had set in place detonated prematurely. Five other workers were hospitalized for injuries and shock. Source document
Shelly R. Salo
Minntac Mine - Handling Materials, Mountain Iron, Minnesota, Feb. 28, 1980
Shelly R. Salo, 21, was fatally injured when the base of an electric power cable support stand she was working near fell over pinning her underneath. Source document
Eleanore Bowman
P. M. Charles Coal Company, No. 4 Mine - Caught Between, Rawl, Mingo County, WV, Mar. 11, 1980
Eleanore Bowman, 25, was killed shortly before midnight on March 11 in the P. M. Charles Coal Company No. 4 mine when she was
caught between the deck of the tractor frame and the comtinuous miner's conveyor boom. Ms. Bowman became the first female mine employee to die in a West Virginia mine.
Source document MSHA Final Investigation Report.
Jackie Marie Herran
Peabody Coal Co., Camp No. 11 Mine - Powered Haulage, Morganfield, Union County, KY, June 4, 1980
Jackie Marie Herran, 40, classified belt cleaner, was killed when she tried to replace the trolley pole that came off the wire and was crushed between the overcast and the top of the locomotive. She was the first woman to die in an underground coal mine in Kentucky. |
Jillene Hess Robbins
Nevada Moly Project - Powered Haulage, Tonopah, Nevada, Mar. 29, 1981
At about 5:06 a.m., March 29, 1981, Jillene Hess Robbins, age 27, was crushed when the truck she was driving overturned, threw her out, and pinned her beneath it. Robbins had four 10-hour shifts of driving experience at this mine, and reportedly had 6 years heavy truck driving experience.
Mary Kay "Kat" Counts
McClure No. 1 - Mine Explosion, McClure, Virginia, June 21, 1983
At approximately 10:15 p.m., June 21, 1983, an explosion occurred in the 2 Left entries of McClure No. 1 Mine of Clinchfield Coal Co., located at McClure, Virginia. Ten miners, including Mary Kay Counts, were present in the 2 Left entries at the time of the explosion, eight in the face area and two in the track entry. Seven died as a result of the explosion. Three miners at the faces survived the explosion and were rescued. |
Florence Colleen Whitmore
Nevada Moly - Powered Haulage, Tonopah, Nevada, July 28, 1984
Florence Colleen Whitmore, haulage driver, was fatally injured when she was run over by a 120-ton Wabco Haulpac dump truck. For unknown reasons, she left the cab without setting any of the three braking systems and was run over by the truck she had been operating. |
Nannett Wheeler
Wilberg Mine - Fire, Wilberg, Utah, Dec. 19, 1984
At about 9:00 p.m., December 19, 1984, a fire occurred at an air compressor station at the mouth of the 5th Right longwall section in the Wilberg Mine. Twenty-eight miners, including Nannett Wheeler, were present in the 5th Right section at the time of the fire. Only one survived. |
Karen Laverne Welker
Lone Star Quarry - Machinery, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Feb. 12, 1986
Karen Laverne Welker, general truck driver, age 40, was fatally injured at approximately 7:30 a.m. on February 12, 1986. Her head and the upper part of her body were crushed by a metal Dempster Dumpster trash container. She apparently was behind the open dumpster, preparing to clean out the suspended open container with a scraper, when the top portion of the container fell and crushed her. She was killed instantly. Welker had 7 years 8 months total mining experience with 2 years 5 months experience as a general truck driver, all at this operation. |
Unidentified Female
Jewell Smokeless No. 18 - Inundation, Whitewood, Virginia, May 13, 1995
A woman was killed when an outburst resulted in damage to the supporting structure of the dwelling causing the kitchen area to collapse and she was entrapped. |
Joyce C. Gerwitz
Bullitt County Stone - Sliding Material, Shepherdsville, Kentucky, July 17, 1996
Joyce C. Gerwitz, welder, age 38, died of suffocation at about 5:05 p.m. on July 17, 1996, when she was engulfed by a slide of material while cutting an opening at the end of a pug mill surge tunnel. She had a total of 9 days mining experience, all with this company. The victim had received training in accordance with 30 CFR Part 48. Eight hours had been completed on July 10, 1996. |
Isabelle Marcelle Justus
Getchell Mine - Powered Haulage, Golconda, Nevada, Jan. 15, 1997
Isabelle Marcelle Justus, age 36, an underground lube technician/laborer, was fatally injured at approximately 4:20 p.m. on January 15, 1997, when the loader she was servicing crushed her against the rib. Justus had one year and three months of mining experience, all at this mine. She had held the title of lube technician the past nine months. Justus originally was hired as a surface warehouse worker and was given 24 hours of surface new miner training. She was later transferred underground but was not given the required underground new miner training. There also were no records to indicate that she had received task training upon being assigned lube technician duties. |
Stephanie Renee Counsil
Galatia Mine No. 56-1 - Rib Fall, Harrisburg, Illinois, Mar. 23, 1997
Stephanie Renee Counsil, stage loader operator, was fatally injured when a large portion of a rib fell, covering and pinning her against a longwall stage loader master controller. The accident occurred because the ribs in the area where the stage loader operator works around the 6th East Longwall Stage Loader were not supported or otherwise controlled to protect the stage loader operator. A rib collapsed, crushing the stage loader operator against the longwall stage loader master controller. |
Nancy Hughes
Neverson Quarry - Powered Haulage, Bailey, North Carolina, July 8, 1997
Nancy Hughes, contract truck driver, age 44, was fatally injured at about 1:40 p.m., on July 8, 1997, when she drove her truck into the path of an on-coming train. Hughes had fifteen weeks experience in this job. The victim had not received training under the requirements of 30 CFR, Part 48. |
Lisa McDowell
Overland Services - Electrical, Bound Brook, New Jersey, Aug. 8, 1997
Lisa McDowell, age 19, was electrocuted at approximately 7:00 a.m. on August 8, 1997, as she stepped out of the cab of an over-the-road haul truck that had contacted an overhead high voltage power line. She and William Richardson, age 20, were passengers of Michael Austin, age 41, truck driver for Overland Services, Inc., an independent trucking company contracted to haul finished material from the mine. Austin had not received training in accordance with 30 CFR Part 48. |
Onita L. Davis
Tiftonia Quarry - Fall of Highwall, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Feb. 27, 1999
Onita L. Davis, contract driller, age 45, was fatally injured at about 9:00 a.m. on February 27, 1999, when she was struck by a rock that fell from a highwall. Davis had a total of 6 years experience as a driller with the contracting company. She had received training in accordance with 30 CFR, Part 48. |
Candi Reeve
Rattlesnake Pit - Powered Haulage, Hurricane, Utah, Apr. 21, 2000
On April 21, 2000, Candi Reeve, wash plant operator, age 18, was fatally injured when she became entangled in the conveyor belt tail pulley. The accident occurred because management had not established procedures that required moving machine parts to be guarded. The victim was assigned to operate the plant alone which was likely a factor contributing to the severity of the accident. |
Mary C. Sigers
Warrior Coal, LLC, Cardinal Mine - Powered Haulage, Madisonville, Kentucky, Sept. 17, 2001
Mary C. Sigers was accidently struck by the Eimco diesel scoop as it was entering the mouth of the No. 4 entry. She received fatal blunt crushing to the chest area as a result of being trapped between the underside of the scoop bucket and the mine floor.
Helen L. Pittington
Russell Pit - Powered Haulage, Wellington, Colorado, Oct. 12, 2002
Helen L. Pittington, president, age 52, was fatally injured on October 12, 2002, when she was struck by a front-end loader that was backing up. The accident occurred because the victim inadvertently placed herself in the loader operator's blind spot. |
Judith D. Beeson
R-D Mac - Powered Haulage, La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 21, 2002
On October 21, 2002, Judith D. Beeson, truck driver, age 51, was injured when a portion of a dumpsite collapsed causing the truck she was driving to overturn and fall into the water at the No. 1 pit. The victim died of the injuries sustained on October 25, 2002. |
Georgie Vogel
North Marion Quarry No. 388 - Powered Haulage, Marion, Kansas, Apr. 21, 2003
Georgie Vogel, weigh master, age 58, was fatally injured on April 21, 2003, when a pickup truck, driven by the plant manager, struck and entered the building where she was working. The vehicle was traveling on a mine road adjacent to the building. The accident occurred because a mine employee had a medical condition that caused him not to be fully cognizant of his actions at all times. Subsequently, he failed to maintain control of the vehicle he was operating. |
Cindy Foglesong
Midwest Controlled Storage Mine Roof Fall, Quincy, Illinois, Oct. 23, 2003
Cindy Foglesong, 43, of Hannibal, Mo., was killed when part of a limestone ceiling weighing several tons collapsed deep inside the J. M. Huber Corp. mines, crushing the pickup truck in which she was sitting. Rick Zwingelberg, director of operations for J. M. Huber, said the truck was owned by a Huber employee, Leonard Harscher. He said the relationship between the employee and Foglesong is unknown, and that J. M. Huber officials do not know how the woman -- not employed by the company -- got into the mine. |
Rebecca A. Dysart
Pattison Sand Mine - Powered Haulage, Clayton, Iowa, Apr. 24, 2008
Rebecca A. Dysart, laborer, age 48, was fatally injured on April 24, 2008. Dysart was struck by a front-end loader that backed up. The accident occurred because management policies and procedures failed to ensure that persons could safely work in areas where mobile equipment operated and failed to ensure that safety defects were corrected in a timely manner. The right rear-view mirror on the front-end loader was broken along the top portion and the mounting bracket was bent. The victim's cap lamp was not positioned on her hard hat and no reflective material was on the hard hat. Reflective material on the victim's equipment belt was obscured by the cap lamp battery, self-rescuer, and possibly by the black coat she was wearing. |
Wynetta J. Raye
Ozark Premium Sand - Powered Haulage, Bradford, Arkansas, Sept. 15, 2009
On September 15, 2009, Wynetta J. Raye, delivery truck driver, age 59, was fatally injured when she was struck by a front-end loader. Raye parked a delivery truck on a county road adjacent to the mine and walked onto the site to deliver a package. The front-end loader operator was backing the loader toward Raye's truck but did not see her behind the loader. |
Jeri L. Etsitty
Navajo Mine - Powered Haulage, Fruitland, New Mexico, July 21, 2011
Shortly after 8:45 p.m., while walking with Jolene Begay on a mine roadway that was often used for walking by company personnel, Jeri L. Etsitty was struck by a pickup truck operated by William Thompson, Account Manager for P&H Mine Pro Services. She was pronounced dead at the site at approximately 12:00 a.m. on July 22, 2011. |
Angela W. Common See Video
Sterling Materials - Powered Haulage, Verona, Kentucky, May 15, 2012
Angela W. Common, 37, died while operating a new piece of equipment in an underground quarry at Sterling Materials. Common was driving a large dump truck when she hit a rock wall and was ejected, the truck then rolled over her. Common had recently returned back to work at Sterling Materials after taking a year off for medical reasons and was taking a refresher course at the time of the accident. |
Jill Marlene Klein
O-N Minerals Cedarville Operation - Powered Haulage, Cedarville, Michigan, Nov. 3, 2018
Jill Marlene Klein, 44, shift supervisor, was run over by a loaded Caterpillar 785B haul truck while sitting in a pickup truck at the crusher
site. |
Marissa Hill
Nevada Gold Mines, LLC - Powered Haulage, Crescent Valley, Lander County, Nevada, Feb. 14, 2022
Marissa Hill, a 34 year-old maintenance technician with ten years of mining experience, was fatally injured when the lube truck she was driving went over the edge of an open stope. The lube truck fell approximately 60 feet to a lower level and came to rest on its cab. Source document  |
Ashley Cogar
Wyco Surface Mine - Powered Haulage, Wyoming County, West Virginia, July 12, 2024
Further details of the accident, which is under investigation by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the state Office of Miners' Health Safety and Training, were unavailable. |
Non-Production Mine Accidents
Mrs. Sophia White
Anthracite Coal Breach - Cave-in, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1902
Mrs. Sophia White, 35, together with her husband and son were picking coal in a mine breach in Mahanoy City. They were at work under a ledge of slate and rock. Without warning this rock became loosened and struck the woman and completely buried her. Source document
Ruth Ann Miller
North Tamarack No. 4 Shaft - Fall of Person, Calumet, Michigan, July 16, 1966
Ruth Ann Miller, age 7, fell into the abandoned North Tamarack No. 4 shaft of Calumet and Hecla Incorporated. Source document
Amy Armstrong
Copper Queen Haunted Mine Powered Haulage, Bisbee, Arizona, Nov. 1, 2001
Amy Armstrong, 26, fell under the wheels of a mine train carrying about 40 people during a mine tour of the Copper Queen Haunted Mine 1,500 feet inside a mountain. Armstrong apparently had been caught under a fallen wooden beam and was pinned against the wall of the mine by the train until several men freed her. Source document
Linda Rose See Video
Abandoned Tungsten Peak Mine Fall of Person, Bradys, California, Nov. 1, 2009
Linda Rose, 30, was killed when she fell into a shaft of the abandoned Tungsten Peak Mine south of Bradys, California. Rose fell about 100 feet down. She had taken her young nephew to the site and apparently got too close to a shaft and ended up falling in when the ground gave way beneath her. |
The USMRA acknowledges that the fatalities listed here may not be all that have occurred. As additional accident victims are identified, they will be added.