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West End Coal Company
Mocanaqua Mine Explosion

Mocanaqua, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
October 24, 1931
No. Killed - 4

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Successful Rescue

Two miners who never gave up hope after 4 comrades were killed in an explosion in the Mocanaqua Mine of the West End Coal Company were rescued after 133 hours of entrapment.  The survivors were John Thomashunis, age 40, and John Metz, age 22.  Source document PDF Format

Editor's Note: The news articles identified the 22 year-old miner rescued as Joseph Matzoni (or Matazoni).

The deceased:
  • Henry Cegkarski, 22
  • John Molitoris, 30
  • Paul Novak, 51
  • Jacob Tinus, 40
Source: Pennsylvania Anthracite Mine Accidents, 1924-1932 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
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