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Evan Jones Coal Company
Jonesville Mine Fire

Jonesville, Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska
October 26, 1937
No. Killed - 14

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.8 Mb) PDF Format
Anchorage Daily News, May 27, 2024 PDF Format

Fire in Alaska Coal Mine Kills 14; Five Escape
The Circleville Herald, Ohio
October 27, 1937

Anchorage, Alaska, Oct. 27 -- (UP) -- Fourteen men were reported killed in an explosion that set fire to the Evan Jones coal mine at Jonesville, 70 miles north of here last night.

Z. J. Loussac, vice president of the company, returned here from the mine and reported that the bodies of six men were recovered and there was no hope for eight other men trapped in the workings.  Five miners escaped after the blast, he said.

Loussac reported that the six bodies recovered were so badly mangled and burned that he doubted if they would be identified.  He said that the fire was extinguished late last night but that the mine suffered heavy damage.

The cause of the explosion was not learned.  First reports of the accident came from Harry Drake, mine foreman, who telephoned here asking that nurses, physicians, and medical supplies be sent to the mine.  A rescue crew went to the mine in two gasoline-powered railway cars.

The mine, producing soft coal, sells its product to the Alaska railroad.

The deceased:
  • Pete Ferrine
  • Joe Cernik
  • Axel Hutilla
  • Leslie Lampson
  • Joe Lucas
  • John Mattson
  • Frank Metznik
  • Otto Mikkola
  • Robert Nakki
  • Pete Olson
  • Vic Raide
  • Jack Saarela
  • Paul Williams
  • Augustine Yerbich
Source: Alaska Mining Accidents, 1911-1968 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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