May Mine Disaster Anniversaries in 2025

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View the planets for this day1900
Winter Quarters
Mine Explosion
Scofield, UT
No. Killed - 200

View the planets for this day1907
Mine Explosion
Scarbro, WV
No. Killed - 16


View the planets for this day1972
Mine Fire
Kellogg, ID
No. Killed - 91


View the planets for this day1910
Palos No. 3
Mine Explosion
Palos, AL
No. Killed - 84

View the planets for this day1923
Mine Explosion
Aguilar, CO
No. Killed - 10

Mine Explosion
LaFollette, TN
No. Killed - 10


View the planets for this day1889
Kaska William
Hoisting Accident
Middleport, PA
No. Killed - 10

View the planets for this day1945
Sunnyside No. 1
Mine Explosion
Sunnyside, UT
No. Killed - 23


View the planets for this day1892
Mine Explosion
Roslyn, WA
No. Killed - 45


View the planets for this day1943
Praco No. 10
Mine Explosion
Praco, AL
No. Killed - 12

View the planets for this day1904
Big Muddy

Herrin, IL
No. Killed - 10


View the planets for this day1942
Christopher 3
Mine Explosion
Osage, WV
No. Killed - 56

View the planets for this day1908
Mount Lookout
Mine Explosion
Wyoming, PA
No. Killed - 12


View the planets for this day1893
Red Jacket Shaft
Hoisting Accident
Calumet, MI
No. Killed - 10


View the planets for this day1854
English Coal Pit
Mine Explosion
New Richmond, VA
No. Killed - 20

View the planets for this day1890
Jersey No. 8
Mine Explosion
Ashley, PA
No. Killed - 26

View the planets for this day1901
Mine Explosion
Farmington, WV
No. Killed - 10


View the planets for this day1913

Mine Explosion
Belle Valley, OH
No. Killed - 15


View the planets for this day1928
Mather No. 1
Mine Explosion
Mather, PA
No. Killed - 195

View the planets for this day1902
Mine Explosion
Coal Creek, TN
No. Killed - 184


View the planets for this day1918
Mine Fire
Charleston, WV
No. Killed - 13


View the planets for this day1928
Mine No. 1
Mine Explosion
Yukon, WV
No. Killed - 17

View the planets for this day1941
Panhandle No. 2
Mine Explosion
Bicknell, IN
No. Killed - 14

View the planets for this day1891
Pratt No. 1 Shaft
Mine Explosion
Pratt City, AL
No. Killed - 11


View the planets for this day1900
Mine Explosion
Cumnock, NC
No. Killed - 23


View the planets for this day1922
Acmar No. 3
Mine Explosion
Acmar, AL
No. Killed - 11

View the planets for this day1904
Williamstown, PA
No. Killed - 10

View the planets for this day1928
Baltimore No. 5
Mine Explosion
Parsons, PA
No. Killed - 10


View the planets for this day1925
Mine Explosion
Coal Glenn, NC
No. Killed - 53

View the planets for this day1901
Mine Explosion
Dayton, TN
No. Killed - 20

View the planets for this day1871
West Pittston
West Pittston, PA
No. Killed - 20

View the planets for this day1929
Mine Explosion
Yolande, AL
No. Killed - 10


Successful Mine Rescues Rescuer Deaths All May Mine Disasters


Successful Mine Rescues in May
1856 Owens & Guthrie Coal Bank Cave-in, Blue Rock, Ohio — On April 25, 1856, about 12 o'clock p.m., the Coal Bank of Owens & Guthrie at Blue Rock, on the Muskingum River, was heard to give way.  A large portion of the great hill came down with a tremendous crash.  Four men were confined for 14 days in a Coal Bank at Blue Rock, including James Pearson, 32; James Getwood, 22; William Edgell, Jr., 20; and Edward Savage, 16.  Thirteen miners succeeded in making their escape without receiving any injuries.  Three others, Timothy Lyons, George Ross and William T. Gheen, who were further in, came out after the rocks had commenced tumbling down, receiving slight injuries.  Timothy Lyons, who was farther in than the others was caught by a rock falling upon his arm.  He made several attempts to rescue himself and had nearly given up in despair of getting loose, when making one more desperate effort, he extricated himself and made his escape.  Rescue came for the four trapped miners on May 10th at 1:00 a.m.  None of those trapped was seriously harmed from their experience and all were expected to recover.  Source document 1 External Link  Source document 2 External Link   Source document 3 PDF Format
1871 West Pittston Colliery Fire, West Pittston, Pennsylvania — The anticipation was palpable as rescuers worked through the night and into the next day.  At 12:30 a.m. (10 hours later) they brought Andrew Morgan to the surface in an unconscious state.  Learning that more miners had barricaded, they sent out for more men and tools.  Up to 22 hours after the fire was first discovered, around twenty more miners, not more than alive were brought out.  Only one or two recovered enough to give an account of themselves.  It is not known how many of those rescued survived.
1877 Wadesville Colliery Mine Fire, Wadesville, Pennsylvania — Men working in other parts of the mine knew that something terrible had happened, and rushed to learn the fate of their comrades.  They found seven miners so terribly burned and bruised that one of them died in a short time.  James Libby was brought out alive, but died in a few hours.  He was fearfully burned.
1880 Ludington No. 2 Mine Cave-in, Norway, Michigan — Sixteen miners were caught in a cave-in in the Ludington No. 2 iron mine of the Lumberman Mining Company.  An alarm was immediately given and miners from other parts of the mine set actively to work releasing the imprisoned men.  The half-suffocated cries could be heard growing fainter and fainter.  After an undisclosed period, entrance was made and thirteen of the entombed were rescued uninjured.  The remaining three were taken out dead.  Source document PDF Format
1890 Three badly injured miners: Anthony Froyne; fire boss John Allen; and Robert W. Roberts were rescued from the Jersey No. 8 mine of the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company following a cave-in and explosion.  Their entrapment ranged from 9 to 14 hours.  Sadly, all three men died from their extensive injuries after their rescue.  Ironically, it was asserted that John Allen's lamp caused the explosion.  Had he not done so, all could have been rescued alive, as there was a current of air going through the chamber where the men had taken refuge, after the cave-in had taken place.  See more.
1892 Anaconda Mine Cave-in, Butte, Montana — Following a cave-in in the Anaconda mine, Frank Agassin was rescued after 55 hours.  He was the sole survivor of a disaster which took the lives of 9 other miners.  Amazingly, he spent the entire time imprisoned in a space which measured 1.5 ft. x 2.0 ft. x 4 ft.  Source document PDF Format
1893 Unnamed Anthracite Mine Lost Person, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania — James Hogan, a driver boy, got lost in a big mine at Nanticoke.  He walked four miles through the long galleries.  Several times he fell to the ground from exhaustion, and was immediately attacked by rats, which congregate in large numbers in the mines.  With great difficulty he fought them off.  He was rescued early in the morning after an undisclosed period.

Note: Sad to see that not much has changed in more than 125 years reporting the activities of underground mining.  There's no mention of this incident in Pennsylvania's 1893 Annual Report.  Could the reason be because this was such a common occurrence?  They did see fit to include the narrative of a miner injured when he was kicked by a mule after poking the beast in the ribs with a small stick.  Oh, the humanity!  Source document PDF Format  Related article from the period PDF Format
1894 Rescuers needed to dig through a wall of rock 6-feet thick to free Theobald Wackley from the brutal conditions of his imprisonment.  Mr. Wackley was released after being trapped for 18 hours following a cave-in in the Highland No. 2 mine near Hazleton, Pennsylvania.  Overwhelmed by a mass of fallen coal, Wackley spent the entire time waiting to be rescued in a kneeling position.  Despite his helpless condition, Wackley cheered the rescuers on in their work.  Source document PDF Format
1896 Ashland Mine Cave-in, Ironwood, Michigan — Eight miners became trapped by a cave-in in the Ashland mine at Ironwood, Michigan.  At the time of the initial fall, no great amount of ground had fallen and communication with the imprisoned men was still possible.  The men were all unharmed and in a safe place, and it was said that with the aid of a rope they could he rescued.  Before additional help arrived, another huge piece of ground fell and it was impossible to reach the men.  After an undisclosed period, all eight men were rescued.  Source document PDF Format
1897 Tamarack Mine Rescue, Houghton, Michigan — With a box containing 200 pounds of dynamite on fire ten feet away from him, John Thomas, a boy who runs a compressed air hoisting engine in the Tamarack Mine, stuck to his post and saved the lives of the men at work in the mine by his wonderful bravery.  Ten seconds after Thomas had hoisted the men to the level the dynamite exploded, smashing the engine to pieces, and doing other damage, but the men and the boy, to whom they owe their lives, were in a place of safety.  The miners working in the twenty-third level had put seven cases of dynamite in a box for future use.  At noon a miner, accompanied by Thomas, went to the box, and found it on fire.  Thomas went to his post, gave the alarm to the miners in the level below, and ran his engine until he had hoisted them out.  He then fled.  The alarm of fire caused great excitement, but no miners were injured in the rush to reach daylight from a depth of from 3,000 to 4,000 feet.  Source document PDF Format
1900 Cumnock Mine Explosion, Cumnock, North Carolina — The accident was in what was known as the east heading.  Between forty and fifty men were in the mine at the time.  Five were brought out alive from the east heading after an undisclosed period, while none of the men in the other parts of the mine were injured.
1901 Unnamed Coal Mine Fire, Salinesville, Ohio — Patrick Connelly was rescued from a burning mine at Salinesville where he had been confined since the night before.  Connelly had been in the mine tending to some pumps near the bottom of the shaft when all escape was cut off.  When rescuers were able to reach him, he was alive but almost exhausted.  Source document PDF Format
1903 Tombstone Mine Cave-in, Tombstone, Arizona — George Pollock, a miner, narrowly escaped death while working on the 600-foot level in one of the mines.  For three hours, Pollock lay buried underneath several hundred pounds of rock, while hardy miners dug him out.  All the time he suffered a great deal, but stood the ordeal bravely.  Pollock was at work in a winze, when, without warning, a large part of the overhanging wall fell upon him.  He tried to get out of the way, but the rock had him pinned down before he could take a step.  Source document PDF Format
1905 Gunnison Reclamation Tunnel Cave-in, Montrose, Colorado — At least five men were killed and two seriously injured by the cave-in at the Gunnison Reclamation tunnel.  Twenty-one men were rescued uninjured but exhausted by their terrible experience.  They were hoisted with ropes through a shaft which had been sunk sixty feet in less than 24 hours.  Two workers were pinned under heavy timbers and terribly injured.  They would have been drowned but for the efforts of their entombed companions who improvised a dam to hold back the water, which poured into the tunnel.  When the roof of the tunnel was opened, the entombed men were found standing in water above their knees and still working with a will to prevent further disaster as the soft dirt was constantly sliding.  Source document PDF Format
1906 Hazel Kirk Mine No. 1 Fire, Washington, Pennsylvania — Three hundred miners were rescued from the fire in the Hazel Kirk Mine No. 1 of the Pittsburg and Westmoreland Coal Company.  A trapper boy had volunteered to go into the mine and warn the men, and gained an entrance through a winding stairway in the air shaft.  While the men outside fought the flames with buckets of water and kept the blaze from the air shaft, miners poured from the pit.  The mules in the mine, almost suffocated by smoke, stampeded, and were beyond control eighty feet from the surface.  Source document PDF Format
Unnamed Fairview Mine Cave-in, Fairview, Nevada — While working on the stope in a mine at Fairview, Felix Noe was buried under thirty-seven feet of dirt, rock and timbers, which caved in on him.  A rescue party worked for hours getting him out.  He was badly injured internally.  Source document PDF Format
1907 Mandabach Mine Cave-in, Washington, Indiana — Joseph Summer, 50, was buried alive beneath several tons of coal in Mandabach's mines.  It required almost an hour for workmen to dig him out.  He was still alive when rescued, but so badly injured that it was believed he would die.  Source document PDF Format
Royal Mine Powered Haulage Accident, Madisonville, Kentucky — Seventy-one men were rescued from the Royal Mine near Madisonville, after having been underground for 36 hours.  The rope attached to the big cage used in hoisting the cars from the mine broke and both cages fell into the bottom of the shaft, bursting into small bits and blocking the entrance so that it was impossible for the workmen to get out.  A rope was lowered into the air shaft and the men were pulled out one by one.  The men reached were hurt.  About 200 men were employed in the mines, which was one of the largest in western Kentucky.  Source document PDF Format
1908 Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Salineville, Ohio — Francis C. Skinner, 32, stationary engineer, died attempting to rescue Wesley J. Wright, 48, and John W. Rowe, 36, in a mine, Salineville, Ohio, May 27, 1908.  Wright and Rowe were disabled by an explosion, and Skinner, with others, was lowered 180 feet down a shaft, where the carriage stuck, ropes being used to get to the bottom 20 feet farther.  Having been released from debris, Wright was being carried to the shaft when a piece of timber fell, striking Skinner on the head and killing him instantly.  Francis C. Skinner was posthumously bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award. 🥇
1909 Pennsylvania Coal No. 6 Mine Explosion & Fire, Inkerman, Pennsylvania — James M. Flanigan, 20, mine car tender, rescued William Derrig, 19, and John W. Mullery, 21, in the Pennsylvania Coal No. 6 Mine at Inkerman, Pennsylvania after an explosion.  Flanigan went into an abandoned drift, immediately following an explosion of gas, and brought out Derrig.  He returned, others refusing to go with him, and got Mullery.  Both Derrig and Mullery were severely injured and Derrig died one week later.  Flanigan's hands were burned from beating out fire in the men's clothing, and he was disabled 18 days.  In April 1916, James Flanigan was bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award along with $1,000 cash for his bravery. 🥇  Source documentPDF Format
1911 Boston Mine Fire, Larksville, Pennsylvania — Five lives were lost in the Boston mine of the Delaware & Hudson Company at Larksville by suffocation.  Several rescue parties at the risk of their own lives entered the workings and succeeded in taking out John Morrissey, Patrick Lloyd and John Benditus after an undisclosed period.  When brought to the surface they were quickly revived.  Several of the rescuers were overcome by the smoke and one of them was prostrated, he was rescued by a fourth rescuing party.  Regarding the investigation as to the cause of the fire, it was said that a workman left a naked light in the shaft, which fired the timbers.  The blaze worked its way down the shaft timbers, sending the smoke into the various chambers.  The men were trapped in one of the inner gangways.  The flames and smoke drove them forward, and all avenues of escape were cut off.  Source document PDF Format
1912 Norrie Mine, Oliver Iron Mining Company, Ironwood, Michigan — A party of 10 miners and 3 trammers on the night shift was walking home from the boundary of the property above the twentieth level of the mine.  Hearing ground dropping, they retreated to what they thought was a safe place, the main drift, which was securely timbered and had 35 to 40 feet of solid ore above it.  The cave, however, did not occur at the place where the men had been working, but in the very place of refuse to which they had retreated, crushing in the drift timbers over a length of about 80 feet.  Six men were rescued alive after about 24 hours, but one died about a week later.  In all, 7 miners were killed.  See more.
1913 Imperial Mine Explosion, Belle Valley, Ohio — After an undisclosed period, rescuers found Roy Yeager about 300 feet from the scene of the explosion.  Yeager, who was alive, was unable to rise on account of a broken leg, and he probably owes his life to the broken leg.  Lying on the floor, he did not inhale the fumes of the afterdamp.  The rescue party carried him to a mine car and started toward the entrance.
1914 Central Mine Cave-in, Grass Valley, California — His face, shoulders and arms buried in dirt and rock, Hugh McCann managed to attract the attention of other men in the Central mine by wiggling his feet and escaped possible death following an undisclosed period.  When he was rescued from his painful plight, he was almost stifled.  Aside from a badly bruised face and slight lacerations of the hand, he was none the worse for the accident.  Source document PDF Format
Mary D Colliery Hoisting Disaster, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania — An over hoist accident occurred in the tower of the south hoist way, main shaft of the Mary D Colliery, when the self-dumping cage containing 8 men was hoisted above the dumping chute in the shaft tower.  Six men were instantly killed, 5 falling into the opening over the shaft.  Five men fell to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of 600 feet.  One man fell to the surface, landing 20 feet below the dumping chute and was also killed.  The seventh man was thrown into the dump chute, sustaining a fractured leg and lacerations about the head.  The eighth man clung to the crosshead of the cage and when rescued after an undisclosed period was found to be suffering from shock and a few scratches.
Unnamed Mine Fall of Person, Irwin, Pennsylvania — Tim McDonough, according to tale, dove headfirst into a mine shaft after a falling child and grabbed the tot while speeding by — He hit the cage at the bottom of the shaft and was badly hurt but would recover.  Diving down a 400-foot mine shaft to the successful rescue of a falling child and only sustaining several broken ribs, a broken ankle and contusions about the entire body was the unusual and startling experience of Tim McDonough, mine guard.  McDonough had promised several children he would take them into the mine and about twenty were gathered at the mouth of the shaft waiting for the cage to ascend.  Tony Andy, age 2, got too close and toppled into the hole.  McDonough saw the child lose his balance and without hesitation dove into the shaft after him.  He dropped faster than the child, and in the descent, he caught the little fellow in one arm.  His shoulder struck a timber and he bounded to the center of the shaft.  There his free arm encountered the wire cable on which the cage was suspended, but the rapidity with which he was descending caused the cable to burn his hand and he let go.  He was bounded from side to side and finally thrown against the cable a second time.  This time he wrapped his legs about the cable and threw his free arm around it, still holding the child. He slid down the oily cable with lightning-like rapidity and then struck the cage at the bottom.  He was partly stunned but scrambled off the cage with his burden.  Once off the cage, he crawled about twenty feet, where he collapsed.  He was taken out of the shaft and carried to his home.  The child escaped without a scratch.  The physician said McDonough would recover.  Source document PDF Format
1915 Wanamie Colliery Cave-in, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania — Buried beneath tons of coal and other fallen debris for nearly one hour, Jacob Dombrow was rescued alive from the mines of the Wanamie Colliery of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company.  Source document PDF Format
1917 Abandoned Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Pittston, Pennsylvania — Two boys, Sylvester W. McKeon, age 12 and Robert E. Fear, age 13, were rescued after they descended the slope of a hole that had caved in the ground and entered the chamber of an old mine to gather coal.  They were caught by a fall of earth overhanging the entrance to the chamber.  Sylvester was buried to his hips, and Robert was buried to his chest.  Cracks at the top of the hole and the dropping of clay earth overhanging the chamber indicated another cave-in was imminent.  Their rescuers were Michael J. Franklin, Edward F. Norton, and Patrick J. Gallagher.  After an undisclosed period, the men first extracted Sylvester followed by Robert.  The three men were awarded the Carnegie Hero Award for their bravery. 🥇
1919 After almost 10 hours of tunneling, Andrew Coshosky, trapped under a fall of slate in the Old Colony Mine, Ligonier, Pennsylvania, was rescued and expected to recover.  Covered to a depth of 30 feet, the only way to reach him was to drive a tunnel under the fallen mass of rock.  Source document External Link
Nottingham Mine Asphyxiations, Plymouth, Pennsylvania — Forty men were overcome by blackdamp in the Nottingham Mine of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company at Plymouth.  All were brought to the surface.  There were no fatalities, but the condition of most of the men was serious.  Source document PDF Format
George F. Lee Coal Mine Asphyxiations, Avondale, Pennsylvania — Blackdamp overcame five employees of the George F. Lee Coal Company in the Avondale section of Plymouth township and six or eight others were more or less effected by inhaling the dangerous fumes.  Prompt and heroic action on the part of fellow employees who risked their own lives, saved the lives of the five men who were overcome.  The men who were overcome were carried out of the mine and given first aid treatment at the company emergency hospital.  Source document PDF Format
Abandoned Mine Asphyxiations, Greensburg, Pennsylvania — Wasall Kircera gave up his life while trying to save three boys from death in an abandoned mine, where blackdamp was known to escape from the old workings.  The boys were playing and soon became senseless under the influence of the deadly gas.  Kircera saw the boys peril, plunged down into the hole and hurled two of them to the outside.  Then Kircera fell, overcome by the gas fumes.  A friend went down after him and, after throwing the remaining boy out, dragged Kircera up the bank.  The gas was too much for Kircera and he died in a few minutes, while his friend was in a serious condition and not expected to live.  Source document PDF Format
1920 Deering Mine No. 8 Cave-in, Clinton, Indiana — Andrew Steen, fire boss at the Deering Coal Company mine No. 8 lay for more than five hours, expecting to be killed any moment before he was found by workmen entering the mine.  The heavy weight on his chest prevented him from calling for help.  He was pinned under three tons of slate, unable to move anything except his head and one hand with heavy pieces of slate falling all around him.  Source document PDF Format
1921 Old Midwest Mine Fire, Henderson, Kentucky — Upward of 100 miners were employed at the Old Midwest mine of the Southland Coal Company at the time the fire started and several of them were rescued through the air shaft before the tipple fell.  The others escaped through an air shaft.  Although none was injured, several suffered from the effects of the smoke. Source document PDF Format
Kaska-William Colliery Cave-in, Pottsville, Pennsylvania — After being entombed alive for 36 hours at the Kaska-William Colliery, Irving Reed, aged 22, a miner was rescued uninjured.  Rescuers were working frantically to uncover Anthony Vermoek, Reed's companion who has also been entombed.  Source document PDF Format
1923 Hoosier Mine Lost Person, Globe, Arizona — Frank Chadwick, a prospector, was recuperating from his horrifying experience, when he was lost 24 hours in the bowels of the earth after his lamp went out while he was exploring the famous crystalline cavern of the Hoosier mine near Globe.  Searching parties brought him to the surface after he had spent a day and night aimlessly wandering in the cavernous depths.  He was suffering severely from nervous shock and cold and from lack of food and water.  Source document PDF Format
Susquehanna Collieries Roof Fall, Lykens, Pennsylvania — Trapped by a fall of rock in one of the shafts of the Susquehanna Collieries, two men were killed and another injured.   The dead: M. J. Keady and George Welker.  The injured man, Lewis Enders, 47, was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital.  The mine shaft was blocked by a fall of rock.  Keady, Welker and Enders were sent into the mine to inspect the fall and to devise means of clearing the debris away.  They had been down only a short time when the roof of the shaft caved in, and they were caught under the fall of rock and coal.  When they failed to return to the surface after several hours had passed, mine officials began to fear for the safety of the inspectors and a searching party was sent after them.  It then was discovered that the inspectors had been trapped and work or rescue was started.  The injured man was reached after the rescue party had been working eight hours.  An automobile was placed at the disposal of the mines, and Enders was hurried to the hospital.  It was said that he would recover.  Enders suffered bruises about the head and body.  Because he was bringing up the rear of the inspection party, he was not caught under the heaviest part of the rockslide.  Source document PDF Format
Coleraine Mine Cave-in, Hazleton, Pennsylvania — Imprisoned for 11 hours by a cave-in at the mouth of the No. 7 slope at the Coleraine Mine of the A. S. Van Winkle Estate, John Harris, 65-year-old pump runner on duty at the bottom of the shaft, was rescued alive and unhurt, and taken home in the automobile of his son, Gordon Harris, of Hazleton.  A crowd cheered as Harris came forth with the rescuing party, which started operations as soon as the accident was reported and dug through piles of debris to reach him.  Harris said he had felt no fears for his safety.  Source document PDF Format
1924 Black Iron Mine Cave-in, Gilman, Colorado — Five miners entombed for 3 days in the Black Iron Mine of the Empire Zinc Mining Company were rescued when a drift was driven through virgin granite to the slope in which the men were confined.  Source document PDF Format
1926 Mount Lookout Mine Fire, Wyoming, Pennsylvania — Between 60 and 70 miners trapped behind a fire in the Mount Lookout mine were all safely rescued and accounted for after an undisclosed period.  The hero of the rescue was the mine foreman, Thomas Heslop, who led the miners back through the gangway where they erected lattice work lifting themselves to an airshaft where they remained until the flames were extinguished.  Source document PDF Format
Animal Attack Rescue, Tacoma, Washington — If hero medals were given to animals, Henry B. Spencer of Tacoma would have applied for one for "Rex," his nine months old bird dog.  He credited his life to the dog which proved his bravery in a hand-to-hand fight with a mother cougar and her three cubs.  Mr. Spencer, who was mining in the Olympic mountains was suddenly confronted with the animals.  He was unarmed and the beasts showed fight.  Spencer threw rocks at the mother cougar, but in doing so he lost his balance and fell.  Before the enraged cougar could spring, "Rex" appeared and attacked one of the cubs.  This distracted the mother who turned on the dog.  Spencer was able to retreat.  The dog came through with only minor injuries.  Source document PDF Format
United Verde Mine Cave-in, Jerome, Arizona — After he was caught in a slip of the muck at the 2,150-foot level of the United Verde Mine, William Scarlett, 31, mining engineer, was rescued alive after an undisclosed period, only to die from shock later.  Scarlett was buried in ore when he was carried down into the raise but talked with his rescuers up until the hour they took him out, apparently little injured.  Source document PDF Format
Unnamed Mine Asphyxiation, Dunbar, Pennsylvania — Attilio Pallygus saved Thomas J., Martin L., and Martin F. O'Hara from suffocation in an abandoned entry of a mine at Dunbar, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1926.  While Martin F. O'Hara, 61, coal operator, and his two sons were working in an abandoned entry of a mine, Martin L., 21, hoisting engineer, was overcome by gas.  Thomas, 22, hoisting engineer, left the mine to get help.  Responding to assist, Attilio Pallygus, 27, automobile repairer, who had had no experience in mines, and Thomas went 250 feet into the mine and found Thomas J., Martin L., and Martin F. O'Hara overcome.

As Pallygus and Thomas tried to lift Martin L., Thomas was affected by gas and fell to his knees.  Pallygus helped him 100 feet to the main entry in which the air was good.  They returned and again tried to lift Martin L., but Thomas fell, and Pallygus dragged him to the good air again.  Then Pallygus alone returned to Martin L. and dragged him 50 feet, went to the main entry again for a moment, and returned and dragged Martin L. to the main entry.  Another man helped him carry Martin L. out of the mine.  Pallygus returned alone and dragged Martin F. a few feet. He then went out for aid, but no one would help him.  He returned to Martin F. and made two futile efforts to move him.  He then went to the entrance of the mine and called for help, and an experienced miner and his son volunteered and helped him carry Martin F. out of the mine. Martin L. and Martin F. were revived.  Thomas had been only dazed.  Pallygus had been in and out of the gaseous area a total of 30 minutes but was affected only by weakness.  Attilio Pallygus was awarded the Carnegie Hero Medal for his bravery. 🥇
Rogers Shaft Asphyxiation, Tonopah, Nevada — Overcome by gas in the Rogers shaft, two miles from the Gypsy Queen Mine, Patrick Sarsfield was rescued after considerable difficulty and his life saved.  Sarsfield was stricken down by gas from old workings in the bottom of the forty-five-foot shaft.  After striving to extricate him, companions secured help.  Source document PDF Format
1927 Delagua No. 3 Mine Explosion, Delagua, Colorado — One hundred and thirty two men were in the Delagua No. 3 mine at the time of the blast and all with the exception of the dead and one injured man reached the surface safely through air shafts.  John Walker, 62, was seriously injured and was brought out of the mine four hours after the explosion.
1928 Frank Bucsha was found alive and said to be in good condition after he was found 55 hours following the Mather Mine explosion in Mather, Pennsylvania on May 19, 1928.  195 miners were killed in the blast of the mine owned by Pickands-Mather and Company.  Another miner, John Wade, was rescued from the same mine after 147 hours.  Mine officials said he must have been wandering around in the mine and was missed by the rescuers.  Source document External Link
1929 Nesquehoning Colliery Cave-in, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania — John Prelana, 40, was rescued after being buried alive for fourteen hours from a fall of rock in the No. 2 shaft of the Nesquehoning colliery, near Tamaqua.  Andrew Sweetick, 38, died in the accident.  Source document PDF Format
1931 Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Clearfield, Pennsylvania — Seven youths were rescued from a mine in which they had been trapped by a cave-in for 10 hours.  Rescue workers cut a shaft from the top of a hill overlooking the mine and pulled the youths to safety with ropes.  Two sons of the owner of the mine were digging coal when the five other youths entered and asked them to play baseball.  The seven started for the entrance, but near the surface their car jumped the track and struck a prop.  The roof collapsed, and slate closed the entrance.  Source document PDF Format
1932 San Gabriel Canyon Gold Mine Cave-in, Covina, California — Mrs. Naomi Jarvis was killed when a cave-in occurred in an unnamed gold mine in the San Gabriel Canyon near Covina, California.  Mrs. Jarvis and another miner, David Workman, were caught in the collapse.  Mr. Workman was freed from the material by rescuers after an undisclosed period.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania — Milton Frantz, 20, Tamaqua, buried in a sitting posture for 22 hours and rescued apparently unhurt died suddenly at the Coaldale State Hospital, a victim of "shock" according to the hospital records.  Frantz was removed from a mine breach in which he had been trapped at the bottom of a narrow hole by a collapse of earth while he was digging for coal in a "homemade mine."  The hole was so narrow that only one rescuer at a time could dig his way toward the trapped youth.  Most of the time there was no room to swing a shovel and the dirt had to be scooped away by the handful.  Meantime Frantz sat in a cramped position unable to move.  A heavy iron plate, used to support the sides of the excavation, lodged in the opening just above Frantz's head and kept him from being completely buried and suffocated.  Acetylene torches cut the plate away.  The plate was so near Frantz's head that he suffered burns from the flame.  After the removal of the plate, Frantz was fed and given restoratives.  He was conscious and conversed with the rescue party, all expert miners.  When he was finally freed and taken to the hospital, doctors report he was not seriously injured.  But shock and exposure contributed to a relapse which caused his death unexpectedly.  Source document PDF Format
1933 Unnamed Mine Rock Slide, Feather River Canyon, California — Imprisoned for hours by a rock slide in the Feather River Canyon, Frank Bane, 62, miner, was recovering in a hospital at Quincy, California because his dog hovered close to him and kept him warm and because rescue workers refused to give up efforts to save him.  He was rescued by sixteen men, who worked feverishly to extricate him when he was pinned beneath a mass of rocks and dirt that broke both his legs, a shoulder and several ribs.  He was brought to Quincy on a stretcher.  Source document PDF Format
1934 Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Scranton, Pennsylvania — Trapped more than three hours by a slide of earth and shale while he was cutting coal in a mine opening, Charles Mickel, 38, today owed his life to a rescue squad which worked to free him despite the constant danger of another slide.  Immediately upon his exit from death, Mickel was greeted by law enforcement and taken into custody on charges of forcible entry, assault and battery, and malicious mischief made by Mrs. Helen Smith.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Tremont, Pennsylvania — Frank Houser, 44, of Tremont, had a miraculous escape from death by suffocation when he was buried yesterday under a rush of coal near his home while engaged with other workmen in screening culm from an abandoned bank.  He was caught in a hole when the sides collapsed and was held prisoner 15 minutes before fellow toilers effected his rescue.  Houser, victim of internal injuries and shock, was removed to the Pottsville hospital.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania — Entombed for seven hours James Farrell, 22, of Lorberry Junction, near Pine Grove, was rescued from a mine hole in which he was digging coal.  Rushed to a hospital, he was treated for shock and held for observation of possible internal injuries.  Farrell was digging with another man on a private mining property when the timbers gave way and buried him under a rush of earth.  His companion escaped.  Source document PDF Format
Jeddo-Highland No. 4 Colliery Cave-in, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania — Trapped in a mine breast after thirty feet of gangway caved in at the No. 4 Colliery of the Jeddo-Highland Coal Company, five miners were rescued uninjured after an entombment of over four hours.  The trapped miners included Peter Brobowski, George Clarco, Frank Mussolino, Fred Wald, and Nicholas Parenti.  A rescue squad of fifty men worked for more than an hour before establishing communication with the men.  Source document PDF Format
1935 Simpson Mine Cave-in, Carbondale, Pennsylvania — George Gill, 40, has his foreman John Yancheck to thank for being rescued alive after being trapped under a fall of rock in a slope of the Simpson Coal Company when Yancheck imperiled his own life to return to his fellow workman.  With only his hands and a stick, the only instrument available, Yancheck removed a huge pile of loose culm and dirt from his head, saving him from being smothered while others were coming to his rescue.  He was left with all except his head buried under a mass of rock and dirt, and it was nearly five hours that his body was entirely uncovered, permitting his removal.  Gill was transferred by ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital where he was found to be not dangerously hurt, suffering from bruises of the body and shock.  Source document PDF Format
1936 Abandoned Mine Rescue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — Two would-be copper thieves were rescued and arrested 15 hours after they became lost in an abandoned coal mine near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Police arrested Arthur Tonner, 35, and Robert Dyer, 36, after they were rescued from 15 miles of tunnels by a crew from the U. S. Bureau of Mines.  The officers said Tonner and Dyer went into the mine to hunt copper wire while another man, Edwin Miller, 35, stayed above ground, on guard. Miller was also arrested.  Source document PDF Format
1937 Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania — William Hosler, 26, was rescued after a 20-hour entombment in a bootleg Anthracite coal hole.  Hosler suffered possible fractures of his left arm and right leg.  Twelve fellow miners helped to remove the tons of earth that trapped him.  Source document PDF Format
1938 Oliver Jones Mine Hoisting Accident, Commerce, Oklahoma — While being hoisted out of the old Oliver Jones Mine in a bucket, the cable snapped and Bill Sholtz and Dick Kelton plummeted to the 200-foot level causing an avalanche.  Mr. Sholtz and his fellow passenger were hemmed in and crushed by rocks.  Both Mr. Kelton's legs were broken.  Writhing in agony, the men did not give up hope.  They prayed for a swift rescue.  It came two and a half hours later.  Men summoned by the hoist operator dug them out and carried them to the surface.  Mr. Sholtz died in a Miami, Oklahoma hospital two hours after his rescue.  Mr. Kelton was on serious condition.  The rescuers' work did not end when the two men were taken out.  Trapped with them at the 200-foot level were four other men.  With the hoist shattered and the shaft entrance blocked, their one avenue of escape was blocked.  They huddled together in the darkness while men from nearby mines flocked with picks and shovels to aid in the rescue work.  The rescuers finally dug through an abandoned slope connecting with the Oliver Jones mine and carried out the trapped men.  The mine, abandoned years before as "played out ," had been rented by the seven men who manned it.  Through makeshift operations, they sought to eke a living out of the abandoned property.  The practice was known as "gouging" and was common in the tri-state zone.  The bucket and the initial avalanche struck and killed Fred R. Rosson.  Source document PDF Format
1939 Rescuers worked for 15 hours to free 60-year-old Joseph Babatsky after a fall of clay in a "bootleg" anthracite coal mine near Shenandoah in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.  Thirty rescuers began the work shortly after the fall and as they neared him, he instructed them how to proceed.  Source document External Link
Robert Galligan was rescued from a "bootleg" anthracite mine near Shenandoah, Pennsylvania after a cave-in trapped him in the mine for 65 hours.  During the rescue, he was heard joking and singing.  Source document External Link
Star of Utah Tunnel Cave-in, Keetley, Utah — After being trapped for nine hours by a cave-in of the Star of Utah tunnel, eight men were rescued.  The Star of Utah tunnel, owned by the New Park Mining Company, was being used by the Park City Utah Mines Company as a means of egress to its workings.  It is a little more than eight miles southwest from Keetley and about three miles in an airline east from Park City.  It is reached by a high, winding road. None of the eight men trapped was injured, and a statement from the company said they suffered only the inconvenience of awaiting discovery.  Discovery of the cave-in was made by miners returning from their work in the Wasatch tunnel.  Source document PDF Format
1940 Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania — Joseph Nolan, 47, was in a serious condition in Ashland Hospital with head, back and internal injuries suffered under a fall in a bootleg mine operation near his home.  Nolan was engaged in dressing down shattered coal in the working place when the top broke, almost completely burying the miner.  He was rescued by fellow workers after an undisclosed period and taken at once to the hospital.  Source document PDF Format
Walker Mine Explosion and Fire, Walker Mine, California — Ross Nicely, 45, was the last of three miners rescued from the burning Walker mine.  Two other men were brought to safety earlier.  Trapped for 7 hours, Mr. Nicely emerged from the mine with a rescue crew consisting of seven Grass Valley miners and three company men.  The crew was the second to go into the shafts after the explosion and fire were discovered.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Fall of Person, Shamokin, Pennsylvania — Webster Yoder, 36, of Shamokin suffered injuries of the head, back and left hand when he fell into a bootleg coal hole in the Bunker Hill section, near Shamokin.  Yoder was walking through the hills when he stepped into the breach.  His cries attracted the attention of nearby residents, and he was rescued with difficulty and removed to the Shamokin State Hospital, where his condition was listed as semi-serious.  Source document PDF Format
1941 Abandoned McKisick Mine Fall of Person, Jackson Hot Springs, Oregon — After being trapped at the bottom of an 85-foot shaft in an abandoned mine, 13-year-old Robert Porter was rescued after an undisclosed period and was none the worse for his experience.  Young Porter along with Warren Davis, 13, discovered a mine shaft of the old McKisick Mine and decided to give it the once over.  Robert was the first to start down the 65-foot ladder, with Warren following at a distance.  Near the bottom, the ladder broke off and dropped Robert the remainder of the distance.  With an unimpaired portion of ladder remaining, Davis climbed back out and ran for help.  State Policeman Phil Stansbury, City Policeman Parker Hess, and Fire Chief Clint Baughman answered the call.  They went to the scene and pulled young Porter from the shaft by means of a rope.  The youth was unhurt except for some minor scratches and bruises, but after their experience the boys decided to return to their homes and forego their night in the wilds.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Primrose, Pennsylvania — The bootleg mine industry claimed its twenty-second victim since the first of the year on the morning of May 23rd, when the body of Thomas Oplansky, 44, of Minersville, was recovered from a coal hole near Primrose.  Oplansky's companion, Stephen Keysock was freed from a mine a short time after a first fall which occurred when the two men were at work in a gangway, Keysock was taken to the Pottsville Hospital suffering from injuries of the right ankle and body bruises.  Shortly after Keysock was rescued from the mine, several other falls occurred, and it is believed these caused the death of his companion.  Rescuers had little hope of rescuing Oplansky alive after the second fall.  Source document PDF Format
1942 Bootleg Anthracite Mine Cave-in, Shamokin, Pennsylvania — Louis Bogetti, 32, was rescued from a 350-foot bootleg coal mine in which he lay trapped and partially buried for 38 hours.  Bogetti said that when the fall occurred, he dove beneath a chute for protection, but was unable to pull in his legs before they were pinned.  He said he lay face down until rescued, unable to move.  Bogetti was transported to the State hospital where doctors said he suffered nothing worse than bruises of the legs and a shoulder.  Source document PDF Format
Bootleg Anthracite Mine Asphyxiation, Tremont, Pennsylvania — Theodore Bonawitz of Tremont risked death by carbon monoxide gas to save the life of a young man who was overcome in a bootleg coal hole.  The rescued youth was Harold Nelson of Reinerton.  Bonawitz and his wife were driving in their truck on Route 209 west of Tremont, going toward Joliett, when they saw a man staggering along the highway.  Recognizing him as Raymond Wise of Reinerton and knowing him to be a sober man and a devout church worker, Bonawitz knew something must have happened to him.  Ted stopped his truck and Mr. Wise cried, "Get my buddy out of the coal hole."  Without stopping to consider the risk to himself, Bonawitz rushed to the opening and descended 135 feet into the gas filled coal hole without the protection of a mask or the aid of a light.  When he stumbled over the body of the victim of the carbon monoxide fumes, he managed to hoist him over his shoulder and began staggering his way up the slope.  Weakened himself by the inhalation of the fumes, Ted soon collapsed under the weight of Nelson's body, but he struggled on, dragging the inert form after him until he came to a point within 25 feet of the surface.  Unable to pull Nelson any further he groped his way to the surface where he lost consciousness.  Water revived him in a short time.  While Ted was engaged in his heroic efforts to save Nelson, his wife stood on the highway flagging cars to get help for her husband.  After Bonawitz regained his consciousness, he was aided by some of the passersby in bringing Nelson up the last 25 feet to the surface.  In the meantime, a highway patrolman had been stopped and told of the accident, and he rushed to Tremont for a doctor.  He and Dr. Simonis arrived at the scene just as the victim was brought out of the coal hole, still alive but badly affected by the carbon monoxide.  The doctor administered an injection and Nelson began to revive.  Mr. Wise, who was able to get out of the coal hole before he was completely overcome, had completely recovered from the effects of the gas and was back at work, but Nelson was still ill from the fumes he inhaled.  He was expected to recover.  Nelson and Wise were pumping water from the coal hole, water that flooded the workings following the heavy rains of the previous week.  They had a gasoline engine installed in the hole to pump out the water and a leak in the exhaust pipe caused the carbon monoxide fumes which almost cost the two men their lives.  Theodore Bonawitz was bestowed the Carnegie Hero Medal for his bravery. 🥇  Source document PDF Format
1943 NuRex Mine Explosion, LaFollette, Tennessee — Eighteen coal miners, huddling behind a hastily erected canvas barrier nearly 2,000 feet underground, survived an explosion that rocked the Etna Coal and Coke Company mine and suffocated ten of their companions.  The miners, fighting against the deadly fumes of "black damp" for more than eight hours, stumbled and crawled from their barricaded cell as rescue parties freed them.
1944 U. S. Coal & Coke No. 31 Mine Inundation, Lynch, Kentucky — There was a dramatic rescue at Lynch, Kentucky, when 18 miners at the U. S. Coal & Coke Company No. 31 mine were saved after being trapped for more than six hours by high water.  The flooding occurred when approximately 100,000,000 gallons of water, which had been impounded in the Roda No. 4 mine of the Stonega Coke and Coal Company, broke through into the First Right section of the No. 31 mine after a mountain bump occurred, crushing the barrier pillar between the two mines.  The trapped miners were led to safety by company official, Ben Mills.  Mills entered the pit through round-about channels and led them out through an air course.  They were forced to walk through water almost neck-deep to reach freedom.  None of the miners were injured or otherwise hurt by their experience.  The U. S. Coal & Coke Company was a subsidiary of U. S. Steel.  Source document PDF Format
1945 Sunnyside No. 1 Mine Explosion, Sunnyside, Utah — Seven injured miners were brought to the surface within two hours following the explosion.  These men were rushed to the hospital at Dragerton, less than a mile from Sunnyside, where Dr. F. V. Columbo, resident surgeon, assumed charge.  Included in those injured and rescued were Martin M. Dean, Tony D. Trujillo, James A. Coleman, Guadalupe Sandoval, Tony J. Leger, Edward H. Edwards, and John B. Gulierez.  Source document PDF Format
Mine Subsidence Rescue, Pittston, Pennsylvania — A 57-year-old mother of 11 children was rescued from a 25-foot pit, after a section of her yard subsided as she stepped from the rear porch of her home.  The woman, Mrs. Clayton M. Ryce, was rescued after an undisclosed period by her husband and neighbors after suffering lacerations and contusions.  The Ryce home is located over abandoned mine workings near the scene of a former mine-subsidence which claimed the life of a five-year-old boy.  Source document PDF Format
1947 Abandoned Anthracite Mine Fall of Person, Pottsville, Pennsylvania — Andrew Cooper, 16, of Pottsville, had a narrow escape from death when he rode his bicycle into a caved-in mine.  He landed on a ledge 50 feet from the top, but the bike plunged another 200 feet to the bottom of the mine, believed to be filled with water.  He managed to scale halfway up a wall only to lose his grip and plunge once again to the ledge.  Searchers heard his shouts five hours later and hoisted him to the top with a rope.  Source document PDF Format
1948 Bootleg Anthracite Mine Inundation, Shamokin, Pennsylvania — Edward Heck and Peter Gorton were rescued from a bootleg Anthracite mine near Shamokin, Pennsylvania following their 60-hour entrapment from an inundation of water from an adjoining abandoned mine.  The men said they believed their companion, Charles Bashore, was trapped in the lowest part of the mine and had no chance to escape.
1950 Biscontini Mine Cave-in, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania — Edmund F. Gorka, 28, was rescued after spending 15 hours trapped by a fall of coal and dirt in a mine operated by the Biscontini Coal Company near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  Prior to him being set free, rescuers hammered a steel tube through tons of debris to get fresh air to him.  His co-worker, Thomas Dembski, 21, had narrowly missed being trapped with him and managed to get free and sound the alarm.  Source document PDF Format
1952 Abandoned Shale Mine Fall of Person, Royal Gorge, Colorado — Donna Zarnowski, 17, of Burns, Kansas, tumbled 100 feet and became trapped in a mine shaft by a quarter-ton boulder during a senior class visit to scenic attractions which included the abandoned shale mine shaft near Royal Gorge.  A boulder at the mine entrance on which Donna was leaning gave way and she tumbled down the 60-degree entrance shaft after it.  She came to rest 100 feet down the shaft and the boulder rolled back and pinned her against a slate pillar.  A doctor was lowered into the pit to give her a hypodermic while a wrecking truck and firemen were enroute.  A Catholic priest was also let down by rope at her request.  Two hours later the boulder was moved by a winch and cable.  Firemen strapped the girl to a stretcher, and she was hauled to the mine entrance.  She was transported to Canon City hospital where she was reported in serious condition from injuries suffered.  Source document PDF Format
1953 Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Goodsprings, Nevada — This story comes from Boulder City and relates to a father who rescued his son from a deep mine shaft near Goodsprings in Clark County.  On a Sunday, about two weeks earlier, the family — Jake Dielemans and his wife and their two sons, Dick, age 13, Bobby, age five — Went out with a group of local people interested in prospecting.  They were perusing the area around Goodsprings.  Jake and the other men were out checking rocks and formations when suddenly Jake looked around back toward where he had parked his car and saw the legs of his son Bobby shooting downward.  At the same time, he heard a deafening scream from the lad.  All hands went running and found that Bobby had fallen down a deep, dark, and treacherous looking mine shaft.  They could see nothing and were frantic.  They judged the hole at least 70 feet deep. They thought they detected a faint cry from the bottom of the pit.  Then everyone went to work.  One man raced to his vehicle, pulled out a couple of ropes and tied them together. Someone had to be dropped to the bottom of the pit. Jake insisted on doing it.  But the rope was not strong enough to hold the hefty 200-pound man.  It was Dick, the older brother, who cried to be allowed to go down after his brother.  The little fellow — Who last year was an All-American Pony Bowl footballer — Again showed he was an All-American boy.  The men tied the rope around him, gave him another loop for his brother, and lowered him into the pit.  Jake, the father, meantime had scrambled down the hole about 15 feet and hung onto a ledge and guided the rope.  Little Dick reached bottom, tied the halter onto his brother, and the men above hauled the two lads up. The rest is now a big sigh of relief. The lad was rushed to the Boulder Hospital.  No bones were broken, thanks to a bed of blow sand at the bottom of the pit, and the lad was just a bit shaken.  Source document PDF Format
Abandoned Lime Mine Fall of Person, Rosendale, New York — Jack Rustemeyer, 13, was rescued after an undisclosed period by Binnewater firemen after he plunged 50 feet to a ledge in an old lime mine in the Maple Hill section of Rosendale.  He was taken to Kingston City hospital and attended for shock and multiple bruises and abrasions and later taken to his home.  The boy and three companions were walking near the edge of the mine when the ground gave way.  Three boys managed to run to safety.  The Rustemeyer boy dropped into the mine.  He landed on a ledge 50 feet below the surface.  The other boys ran to the Rustemeyer home and told Mrs. Rustemeyer her son had fallen into the mine.  She summoned Binnewater firemen, who lowered a rope to the injured boy.  He tied the rope around his waist and firemen pulled him to safety.  Source document PDF Format
1955 Unnamed Mine Fall of Person, Kellogg, Idaho — Horace Beebe, 40, was buried under 20 feet of ore and muck for 1 hours after falling 70 feet down a chute into the material.  Thinking they were searching for a dead man, rescuers elected to dump the ore into rail cars instead of digging down from the top.  With one car filled, Beebe shot from the car feet first.  He was black all over but conscious, by all accounts he should have been dead.  When they arrived at the hospital Beebe got up from the basket rescuers were carrying him in and started walking down the hall, telling all he was going to take a shower.  Horace and his brother Gerald were operating the mine under a lease from the Sidney Mining Company.  Source document PDF Format
Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Cloverdale, California — Floyd Whittaker was recovering at his home in traction after he was seriously injured when he fell down a shaft at a mine on the Geyser Road.  He suffered a fractured cervical spine, multiple fractures of the right thumb and contusions and abrasions of the body.  He was brought to a local facility and given treatment and then taken to his home and his back put in traction.  Source document PDF Format
1956 Allegheny Coal and Coke Mine Lost Persons, Tarentum, Pennsylvania — Two teenaged boys, Joseph Pitkavich, 16, and Paul Crawford, 15, who wandered for nearly 24 hours in a vast coal mine were rescued after they entered the Allegheny Coal and Coke Co. mine and became separated from four other hookey-playing companions from Har-Brack High School.  The search for the two boys began after they failed to return to the mine entrance where their four companions waited.  Parents and neighbors kept an all-night vigil while rescuers made a foot-by-foot search of 10 miles of winding tunnels.  Joseph and Paul were found by Lloyd Nicewonger and Dominic Bonino sitting about 2,000 feet from the mine entrance.  They said they did not realize they were lost until they had wandered through the mine for nearly two hours.  "When we kept coming back to the same place, we knew we were lost," Joseph said.  Joseph said his experience taught him "never to go in a mine again or play hookey."   Paul admitted he had enough adventure for a while.  "I'm never going in a mine again," he said.  Source document PDF Format

Almost four months later, on August 29, 1956, Joseph Pitkavich was killed in an auto accident in which he was a passenger.  Source document PDF Format
1957 50-year-old Cantrell Owens was rescued from an abandoned Kentucky coal mine near Harlan after spending more than 2 days lost in mine.  Rescuers had to give up the search once because of the foul air they encountered.  Source document External Link
Donegan Mine Cave-in, Richwood, West Virginia — William C. Richmond was rescued after being trapped for 74 hours in the mine operated by the Donegan Coal & Coke Company about 18 miles from Richwood.  This was Mr. Richmond's eighth shift as a coal miner.  Richmond was without food, water, or light until rescuers found him.  Source document PDF Format
Lost Persons Cave Rescue, Easton, Pennsylvania — Three boys and a science writer were rescued from a cave after having been lost underground for twenty-one hours.  Two state troopers and a resident of the area trailed a length of rope from the cave entrance to the four.  Then they followed the rope back to the surface.  The four spent a wet and shivering night in a forty-foot-square chamber 100 feet from the entrance and about twenty feet below the surface.  They were in good physical condition after the rescue, although they were wearing light clothing and had had only candy bars to eat.  When Mr. Pfeiffer failed to return home, Mrs. Pfeiffer notified the state police.  Troopers searched several commercial and noncommercial caves.  The lost foursome included John E. Pfeiffer, 42; his son, Tony, 12; Charles Ingham, 11; and Norman Ganter, 11.  Mr. Pfeiffer said they had become lost in many twisting passages.  They decided to sit down and await rescue.  Source document PDF Format
1958 24 miners, trapped for more than 15 hours, were rescued from a flooded Boone County Coal Corporation mine in Logan, West Virginia.  There were no deaths reported in this accident.  Source document External Link
Wharton No. 2 Mine Roof Fall, West Virginia — Resulting from a roof fall in the Wharton No. 2 mine, one employee was rescued after being pinned against an air compressor for 5 hours.  Four miners were killed in the accident.
Unnamed Potash Mine Cave-in, Carlsbad, New Mexico — A 60-year-old miner took refuge under a shuttle car and was saved after an undisclosed period as the roof of a potash mine caved in, killing the man working with him.  Lori K. Boll, the rescued man, was in fair shape in Memorial Hospital at Carlsbad after being miraculously rescued from the underground pillar "country" mine, where he was trapped 900 feet below the surface.  A fellow miner, Joe Cattaeno, around 50, apparently died instantly when the avalanche of rock and dirt thundered down.  Source document PDF Format
1959 Ken Coal Company Mine Cave-in, Beaver Dam, Kentucky — The main thing when you're trapped underground is to "keep together, keep level-headed and wait."  This is the way Jake Lewis, 39, put it after he and two other exhausted miners crawled to safety after 41 hours of imprisonment in a western Kentucky coal shaft.  "I'm thankful we got out, we felt real good," said Lewis.  "We're just thankful to the Lord and to the men that done it."  A machine that cuts and loads coal in the same operation dug rescuers a path to reach Lewis, Earl Bennett, 50; and Don McClernon, 53.  A roof cave-in caught the three miners 90 feet underground and 500 feet from the shaft entrance at the Ken Coal Company mine.  "We slept 30 or 40 minutes at a time, then we'd get cold.  We'd have to move around to get warmed back up," said Lewis.  The men had a watch to tell time, small lights, and plenty of fresh air.  They drank water and milk piped through a tube used as a sprinkler system.  A telephone cable kept them in touch with the outside.  Earl Bennett survived a 1928 explosion at West Frankfort, Illinois, that killed 21 miners.  Source document PDF Format
Unnamed Mine Cave-in, Talache, Idaho — Three miners were rescued unhurt after an undisclosed period by a shovel-wielding miner's wife after the trio had been trapped by a cave-in 75 feet from the mouth of a side-hill claim near this old mining community on Lake Pend Oreille, Bonner County, sheriff's officers reported.  They said Mrs. Floyd Watts grabbed a shovel and headed into the tunnel for the eight foot wide cave-in while her husband hurried to a phone at a lake resort to call for help.  They said John Solomon, Frank Hubbard and a man identified as Swanson were trapped when recent heavy rains loosened dirt and debris and sent it crashing down across the 2,100-foot-long tunnel, some 75 feet from the mouth as they installed roof timbers.  By the time help arrived, Mrs. Watts, covered with mud from her one-woman rescue mission, was nearing the trapped men, officers said.  A short time later, with some male help, rescuers broke through the cave-in and the trapped men crawled out shaken but unhurt.  Source document PDF Format
1960 Abandoned Iron Mine Fall of Person, Peekskill, New York — A state trooper trudged a thousand feet through an abandoned mine tunnel to reach an injured youth trapped in a 200-foot-deep shaft, then piggy backed the victim to safety.  The youth, Gerald Kulich, 18, of nearby Peekskill, fell into the shaft while exploring the old iron mine with four other teenagers.  Kulich already was half-buried in falling debris as his companions ran to a nearby home, where police were called.  Source document PDF Format
1964 Abandoned Mine Rescue, Trumbull, Connecticut — Two Boy Scouts were trapped in the abandoned main mine shaft at Old Mine Park for 2 hours while a third scout was corralled by a four-foot protective fence, unable to summon help for the trio.  Police said Andrew Kolessar, 14, and William Lapinski, 12, had entered the shaft while Mark Baker, 13, had crawled with them into the fenced off area where the mine is located, but did not venture into the shaft.  The boys were rescued, uninjured by members of the Long Hill Fire department who lowered a ladder into a shaft.  The three boys were part of a group of scouts working on a conservation project in Old Mine Park and the three wandered away and crawled under the fence surrounding the mine area.  The two who were trapped the shaft had dropped from a shelf in the excavation and could not find a toehold to climb out.  The plight of the trio was discovered by an unidentified member of the troop who had been detailed to find them.  They were returned to the police station and their parents notified to pick them up.  Source document PDF Format
1965 Wasatch Mountains Cave Rescue, Salt Lake City, Utah — A University of California graduate student was rescued in critical condition after 36 hours in a 1,170-foot-deep cave high in Utah's Wasatch Mountains.  James Dowling, 24 dangled on a rope in the freezing cave for more than two hours.  Part of his weight rested against a collapsible ladder.  Mountain climbers and spelunkers inched into the cave, wrapped him in a down-filled sleeping bag and tugged him out foot by foot.  He was taken to St. Marks Hospital, where attendants said his body temperature was more than 20 degrees below normal.  He was semiconscious and in shock.  Source document PDF Format
1967 Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Salt Lake City, Utah — Melanie Beck, 17, was rescued from the bottom of a 150-foot mine shaft where she had fallen not once but twice.  She was lifted from the near-vertical shaft by deputy sheriffs using ropes and a basket stretcher.  It took nearly 2 hours to bring her out.  Melanie suffered a broken arm, head lacerations and a possible concussion in the fall.  Source document PDF Format
1968 Inundation of water at the Saxsewell No. 8 Mine in Hominy Falls, WV.  Fifteen men were rescued 5 days later and six others were rescued 10 days after the inundation occurred.  Source document External Link
1970 Silver Reef Mines Fall of Person, Chuichu, Arizona — A 17-year-old Casa Grande youth who survived a 130-foot fall down a mine shaft was rescued late Saturday after some 25 volunteers worked for nearly seven hours to free him.  Roy Pair was exploring the area with two companions when he lost his grip on a rope and fell to the bottom of a 150-foot mine shaft at Silver Reef Mines south of Chuichu.  Papago Policeman Dan Martinez, who supervised the rescue gave the account of the incident.  Pair was exploring the mine with two other youths, Willard Crawford, 18, and Steve McBride.  The same shaft nearly claimed the life of another youth, Leonard Corvelli, two years ago on February 24, 1968.  Martinez, in urging persons to stay away from the old shafts, noted that there are several on the reservation and most are not marked.  He said there was nothing of value in the area.  Source document PDF Format
1972 Two men, Tom Wilkinson and Ronald Flory, were rescued and found to be in good condition after being trapped for 8 days following the Sunshine silver mine fire in Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho.  91 miners were killed in the disaster.  The four men responsible for the rescue were Wayne D. Kanack, Frank J. Delimba, and Don Morris from the U. S. Bureau of Mines, and Sonny Becker, a Sunshine miner.  Source document External Link
1974 Trona Mine Shaft Cave-in, Green River, Wyoming — Joe Beaucamp, 28, was rescued after being trapped for 23 hours in a new trona mine shaft being dug at the Allied Chemical Company plant west or Green River, Wyoming.  He was trapped Tuesday evening when he fell 80 feet from a scaffold during a cave-in, 1500 feet underground.  Beaucamp, whose leg was pinned by a large piece of timber, almost was freed 10 hours after he was trapped, but another cave-in covered him again up to his nostrils.  Doctors said Beaucamp suffered from exposure and was dehydrated, but otherwise was in good condition.  Source document PDF Format
1975 Robena Mine Roof Fall, Carmichaels, Pennsylvania — A Fairbank man was rescued after being trapped when a mine car derailment triggered a roof fall at the Robena Mine's Colvin Shaft.  Billy Grant, a main line brakeman was safely removed from the mine and transported to the West Virginia University Hospital in Morgantown where he was undergoing examination and treatment.  A company spokesman said a main-line empty trip derailed causing the fall.  Mine employees installed temporary roof supports and removed Mr. Grant from the area after an undisclosed period.  A physician at the scene underground reported Grant in good condition.  Source document PDF Format
Deer Creek Mine Cave-in, Huntington, Utah — Three miners were rescued and hospitalized following a double cave-in at the Peabody Coal Company's Deer Creek Mine.  One man was trapped inside an iron cage for two hours before he was rescued.  Three miners were killed in the incident.  Source document PDF Format
1982 Magma Mine Cave-in, Superior, Arizona — Three miners died between 5:30 and 6 p.m., on May 10, 1982 in three separate incidents that involved a cave-in and fall-of-ground in the Magma Copper Mine in Superior, Arizona.  During a daring rescue and recovery which lasted through May 12th, one of the victims was recovered from the dangerous area, however, he died shortly thereafter from his injuries.  Joseph Granillo was also entrapped in the same manner, and while his rescue was being attempted, both he and his would-be rescuer, Joseph Cassaro, were killed when additional material fell.  For their brave efforts, the Carnegie Hero Award 🥇 was bestowed upon Frank Frank Aldecoa, Andy J. Arroyos, Jr., Billy Ray Evans, Henry Lopez Rodriguez, George Anthony Gomez, G. Michael Martinez (posthumously), and Joseph Cassaro (posthumously).
Abandoned Strip Mine Fall of Person, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania — A MedEvac rescue helicopter was used to evacuate a seriously injured Tamaqua youth to the Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center (ASH) after he had fallen 100 feet into an abandoned strip mine.  Mark Rudenko, 15, was in serious condition in the ASH Shock Trauma Unit with head injuries, a collapsed left lung, a broken clavicle and possible internal injuries, a hospital spokesman said.  Rudenko was found at the bottom of the strip mine by Jack Brode, a neighbor, who had been walking his dog along the mountainous ridge that overlooks Tamaqua Area High School.  The 50-year-old Tamaqua man ran about a quarter mile to his home and called the Tamaqua police, who later arrived with the Tamaqua Rescue Squad.  Michael Lincovich, a rescue squad official, said it took about a half hour to retrieve the youth from the rocky pit. It was not known how long the boy had been there.  Source document PDF Format
1983 Black Queen Mine Roof Fall, near Sylvester, West Virginia — John Varney was rescued after being buried under debris for two hours at Elk Run Coal Company's Black Queen mine following a massive roof fall.  He was unhurt.  In the same incident, Kenneth Wayne Scarbrough, 36, of Arnett in Boone County, was killed when the mine roof collapsed.  Scarbrough was an assistant mine foreman with 14 years experience.  Source document PDF Format
1987 Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Pinos Altos, New Mexico — A 17-year-old was rescued about seven hours after he had fallen about 90 feet down a mine shaft west of Pinos Altos, New Mexico authorities said.  He was taken by helicopter to Gila Regional Medical Center, Silver City, where he was treated for a broken leg and cuts.  Source document PDF Format
1988 Unnamed Abandoned Noncoal Mine Rescue, Fivemile Pass, Utah — John Carlson, 25, of West Valley City was lowering himself into the mine when the rope broke.  He fell approximately 50 feet and sustained minor injuries.  He required rescue by the county search-and-rescue team.  Source: Deseret News, May 22, 1988.
1990 Abandoned Lorman Mine Rescue, Twentynine Palms, California — Jeff Smith, 29, was lifted from the mine after an undisclosed period by a rescue team from the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.  The 240-pound Smith and two friends had lowered themselves by rope into the 85-foot deep Lorman Mine.  They were climbing out of the mine when a rock dislodged and broke Smith's arm.  His friends lowered Smith to the floor of the mine.  They intended to use the ropes and their car to pull him out, but the car would not start.  One friend found some members of a ham radio operators group that notified authorities, who dispatched the rescue team.  Source document PDF Format
1991 Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Tucson, Arizona — A 30-year-old Tucsonan, Paul Cantenella, fell 30 feet down an abandoned mine shaft "didn't even break a nail."  The inadvertent spelunker was target shooting with three friends about 35 miles northwest of Tucson Wednesday when he decided to explore a cave.  The "cave" turned out to be the entrance to a vertical mine shaft — One of about 95,000 abandoned mines in Arizona, officials said.  While hiking in the desert about 15 miles west of Red Rock, he and his three friends noticed the opening to what looked like a cave.  Cantenella entered the cave alone and walked about 20 feet before coming to a fence.  He said he stepped through an opening in the fence and began walking slowly toward what he thought was a continuance of the cave.  What followed was a bumpy fall, darkness, and the stench of a dead animal.  The Tucsonan had tumbled into an abandoned mine shaft with a decaying javelina, which had fallen to its death a few days before Cantenella's fall.  Craig Bushelle, 21, said he was nearby when he heard "rocks falling and a couple of moans."  After determining what had happened, another friend, Joe Buffo, 27, tried to descend the shaft to rescue Cantenella.  Buffo went down about 12 feet before realizing the shaft was too deep.  After a four-hour wait, he was extracted by a Pima County search and rescue team along with Cantenella.  Source document PDF Format
2002 Abandoned Mine Rescue, Kern County, California — While riding his dirt bike in a remote part of Kern County, California, a 10-year-old boy fell 200 feet into an abandoned mine shaft.  In a rescue which lasted several hours and was executed by the Indian Wells Valley Mine Rescue Team and the Kern County Fire Department, the boy and his rescuer, Sean Halpin, were raised to the surface.  The victim was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was kept 24 hours for observation and then released.
Zeigler Coal Company Mine No. 11, Coulterville, Illinois — Kenny Penrod, 56, and Raymond Smith were rescued uninjured after an undisclosed period following a massive roof fall in the Zeigler Coal Company Mine No. 11 near Coulterville.  Penrod said the area he was trapped in was approximately 2 to 3 feet high, and 4 feet wide.  He estimated it to be about 8 feet long.  Penrod said the fact that the rock was on top of the buggy saved his life.  Raymond Smith, who was running the shuttle car that was directly behind the miner was also trapped.  The fall that had Penrod and Smith trapped was one solid slab of rock that measured 72 feet long. 19 feet wide and 7 feet thick.  Source document PDF Format
Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, California City, California — A 12-year-old boy fell 200 feet down an abandoned mine and remained trapped for almost four hours before fire officials rescued him.  The boy emerged from the ordeal conscious and without major injuries, said Kern County Fire Capt., Thomas Patlan.  He was airlifted to Loma Linda Medical Center.  "He was conscious and he helped us out a lot.  He's a brave young man," Patlan said.  The fire department was notified of the incident at 2:15 p.m. and succeeded in freeing the boy about 6 p.m.  Source document PDF Format
2003 H. B. Coal Mine Cave-in, Williamsburg, Kentucky — Trapped nine hours by a fallen rock, Charlie Jones was freed by rescue workers and fellow miners who carved his escape path by digging out rock and cutting through a metal vehicle with a torch.  He said he survived the ordeal without a single scratch.  He was released from the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, where he had been taken for observation.  Jones was working on his stomach inside a small, motorized vehicle that hauls coal out of the mine when a 17-foot-thick rock collapsed.  The weight of the rock blew out the tires and pinned him inside.  Miners who work with Jones helped free their trapped comrade.  Source document PDF Format
2005 Rouchleau Mine Rescue, Virginia, Minnesota — Charles Grant and Joseph Kure, both 18, were rescued from the Rouchleau Mine late Thursday and early Friday when rescuers rappelled along the pit wall where the two were stranded.  The teens became trapped about 200 feet into the pit, after they apparently walked into it while exploring a trail.  A Virginia firefighter rappelled down to Kure, attached a "pickoff" harness strap to the teen, and lowered him to safety.  A rescue squad member then rappelled to Grant and lowered him.  Neither required medical treatment.  Rescue crews worked for about two hours atop a barren edge of the pit to establish a secure rescue location.  Source document PDF Format
2006 Darby No. 1 Mine Explosion, Holmes Mill, Kentucky — Paul Ledford, roof bolter, was rescued after more than 2 hours following the explosion.  Ledford had traveled approximately 1,050 feet in the No. 5 Entry where he collapsed and lost consciousness.  He regained consciousness at approximately 3:05 a.m. and crawled into the No. 6 Entry, where he was discovered by rescuers.  He was then taken out of the mine on a battery-powered personnel carrier and transported to Lonesome Pine Hospital in Big Stone Gap, Virginia, where he was treated.
2017 Abandoned Mine Fall of Person, Tooele County, Utah — Trent Widdop, 27, of American Fork, fell into a mine shaft on his UTV (utility task vehicle) at about 2:00 a.m. while searching for firewood.  The UTV lodged in the shaft at a depth of about 15-20 feet, but Widdop fell off the vehicle.  He fell 15-20 feet to a ledge and then slid another 50 feet to the bottom of the shaft.  His family began searching for him when he did not return to camp and finally located the UTV around 5:00 a.m., when they called 911.  Crews from the Utah County Sheriff's office, Tooele County Sheriff's office, Unified Fire Authority, and Tooele County Search and Rescue responded.  Search and Rescue retrieved Widdop from the shaft and he was flown to the hospital with serious injuries.  Source document
2018 Hi-Crush Sand Mine, Whitehall, Wisconsin — Robbie Gunderson was rescued at the Hi-Crush sand mine near Whitehall, Wisconsin when the bulldozer he was operating went into the holding pond and became submerged under several feet of water.  As the rescue efforts began, some 10 million gallons of water were released from the pond to lower its level the company statement said.  Officials at Hi-Crush said Gunderson was underwater for 2 hours before he was rescued.
2020 Abandoned Mine Shaft Rescue, New River, Arizona — After an undisclosed period, firefighters rescued a teenage boy from an abandoned mine shaft after he fell about 50 feet while driving an all-terrain vehicle in a desert area in the northern outskirts of metro Phoenix.  The 17-year-old boy was taken to hospital for evaluation after being pulled out of the shaft near New River.  No information was released about possible injuries but a Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spokesman said the boy was alert and speaking with rescuers.  Rescuers arriving at the scene found the boy at the bottom of the shaft with the ATV on top of him.  Personnel from the Glendale, Daisy Mountain, Phoenix and Peoria fire departments participated in the rescue.  Source document PDF Format

Rescuer Deaths in May
1904 Williamstown Colliery Asphyxiations, Williamstown, Pennsylvania — Nine of the ten men killed and all of the forty overcome by the sulphurous fumes in a tunnel of the Williamstown Colliery of the Summit Branch Mining Company at Williamstown were members of a relief party.  Enoch Morgan was the first man killed.  The rest of the victims were members of the rescuing party, which at one time was made up of more than 100 men.  Intimation of the presence of extraordinary amounts of sulphurous gas in the mine was first gotten by miners who were walking through the tunnel.  Shortly afterward a train came through and picked up some of these men who were overcome and hurried them to the Williams Valley side.  A relief train, loaded with reserves and members of the night shift, was hurriedly made up and sent into the mine to rescue the others.  Before the train had gotten any great distance the rescuers started to explore the mine, and in a short while these men were tottering and fell to the ground either fatally stricken or seriously overcome.  Investigators concluded that the victims were suffocated by coal gas from the locomotive, the accumulation of which at this particular time was due to high temperature on the surface, the effect of which caused the air to reverse, nullifying the action of the fan.  Source document PDF Format
1906 Abandoned Mine Asphyxiations, Greensburg, Pennsylvania — Wasall Kircera gave up his life while trying to save three boys from death in an abandoned mine, where blackdamp was known to escape from the old workings.  The boys were playing and soon became senseless under the influence of the deadly gas.  Kircera saw the boys peril, plunged down into the hole and hurled two of them to the outside.  Then Kircera fell, overcome by the gas fumes.  A friend went down after him and, after throwing the remaining boy out, dragged Kircera up the bank.  The gas was too much for Kircera and he died in a few minutes, while his friend was in a serious condition and not expected to live.  Source document PDF Format
1907 Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Rossiter, Pennsylvania — David Pittsley, 27, mine wireman, died attempting to save Michael Maloney, 42, from a mine cave-in, Rossiter, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1907.  Maloney was knocked to the ground by a fall of rock, and, without taking time to ascertain whether there was further danger, Pittsley ran to the spot.  While he endeavored to release Maloney, both were killed by a second fall.  David Pittsley was posthumously bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award for his bravery. 🥇
1908 Unnamed Coal Mine Cave-in, Salineville, Ohio — Francis C. Skinner, 32, stationary engineer, died attempting to rescue Wesley J. Wright, 48, and John W. Rowe, 36, in a mine, Salineville, Ohio, May 27, 1908.  Wright and Rowe were disabled by an explosion, and Skinner, with others, was lowered 180 feet down a shaft, where the carriage stuck, ropes being used to get to the bottom 20 feet farther.  Having been released from debris, Wright was being carried to the shaft when a piece of timber fell, striking Skinner on the head and killing him instantly.  Francis C. Skinner was posthumously bestowed the Carnegie Hero Award. 🥇
1911 Hartford Mine Fire, Negaunee, Michigan — Within 1 hour after the discovery of the fire, an attempt was made to begin rescue operations without the aid of breathing apparatus.  Three bodies were discovered.  However, because of the reversal of the air current while erecting a stopping, the smoke became so dense that the shift boss ordered the men to return to the surface.  One man attempted to remain and finish the stopping but was overcome.  It was several hours before rescuers reached him, but he was dead.  Three of the others attempted to go out to the Cambria shaft but were overcome and were revived with great difficulty.
1913 Taylor Mine Asphyxiations, Hartford, Kentucky — Five men were killed by blackdamp in a deserted shaft of a coal mine belonging to the Taylor Mining Company.  The men were working near the shaft when C. F. Frazier went to explore the abandoned digging.  He fell into the water and the four others who went to his rescue succumbed to blackdamp.  The miners attempting to rescue Frazier included John Killers, J. P. Ramer, F. Tourk, and Jim Porter.
Imperial Mine Explosion, Belle Valley, Ohio — Henry Fairhurst, a member of the first rescue party to enter the Imperial mine following the explosion, was overcome by gas and died soon after being brought to the surface.
1915 Smokeless Valley No. 1 Mine Explosion, Johnstown, Pennsylvania — Apparatus man succumbed during recovery work.  Mr. Gomer Phillips was an employee of the Cambria Steel Company of Johnstown, PA.  Mr. Phillips was a voluntary rescue man in the Johnstown explosion and came to his death while wearing the apparatus in attempting to rescue the men in the explosion.  Mr. Phillips was the captain of the rescue team.
1920 Mullan Tailing Plant Electrocution, Idaho — A miner was electrocuted and instantly killed at a sub-station of the Washington Water Power Plant, when he was endeavoring to rescue a patrol man of the company, whom he found burned and unconscious upon going to the sub-station to investigate the cause of the power being shut off at the plant in which he was working.
Submarine Mine Explosion, Clinton, Indiana — Following an explosion in the Submarine mine at Clinton, Indiana, James Smith, Art Thompson and Frank Hughes were victims of afterdamp while attempting to recover the body of John Howe.  Jimmie Needham, also a member of the rescue party, was injured.
1940 Anthracite "Bootleg" Operation, Eastern Pennsylvania — On May 16, 1940, Andrew Wolfgang, a foreman of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., and captain of a mine rescue team, lost his life while wearing a McCaa 2-hour oxygen breathing apparatus, in an attempt to rescue a miner at the bottom of a 50-foot, almost vertical, shaft at a "bootleg" mining operation.
1949 Gilberton No. 5 Colliery Fire, Girardville, Pennsylvania — Raymond J. Ey, 38, mine laborer, Joseph P. Wowak, and William J. Kelly, Sr., 48, died attempting to save William T. 0'Brien, 52, mine fireboss, from suffocation, Girardville, Pennsylvania, May 4, 1949.  All three men were awarded the Carnegie Hero Award for their bravery. 🥇
1975 Deer Creek Mine Roof Fall, Huntington, Utah — A roof fall occurred in the Deep Creek mine that resulted in the death of two men.  During recovery operations later the same day, another man was killed and two more injured.  In an effort to help their friends, Alfred Willis of Huntington was killed and two other men were injured and hospitalized.
1982 Magma Mine Cave-in, Superior, Arizona — Three miners died between 5:30 and 6 p.m., on May 10, 1982 in three separate incidents that involved a cave-in and fall-of-ground in the Magma Copper Mine in Superior, Arizona.  During a daring rescue and recovery which lasted through May 12th, one of the victims was recovered from the dangerous area, however, he died shortly thereafter from his injuries.  Joseph Granillo was also entrapped in the same manner, and while his rescue was being attempted, both he and his would-be rescuer, Joseph Cassaro, were killed when additional material fell.  For their brave efforts, the Carnegie Hero Award 🥇 was bestowed upon Frank Frank Aldecoa, Andy J. Arroyos, Jr., Billy Ray Evans, Henry Lopez Rodriguez, George Anthony Gomez, G. Michael Martinez (posthumously), and Joseph Cassaro (posthumously).

Mine Accident Research Documents
MSHA's Fatality Archive Database External Link
This searchable database was created by the National Mine Health and Safety Academy library External Link as an index to its collection of fatality reports.  To begin, select the filters tab on the upper left of the screen and identify your search criteria. (screenshot)
All Successful
Mine Rescues

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Anthracite Only
Mine Rescues
Incidents of
Rescuer Deaths

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More Successful Mine Rescues from 1916 and 1917
Contains summary information about 18 incidents from these years where miners were rescued.  Source: USBM Annual Report
Carnegie Hero Award Recipients  (PDF format)
Inspired by the bravery that Daniel A. Lyle and Selwyn M. Taylor External Link displayed at the Harwick Mine Disaster in 1904, Andrew Carnegie started the Carnegie Hero Fund External Link.  The PDF file linked here includes awardees associated with mining along with additional resources which you may find interesting.
Children Killed in Mine Accidents (MS Excel format)
This is a compilation of more than 100 incidents involving the death of children in mines.  Source documentation links are provided.  See more.
Women Killed in Mine Accidents (MS Excel format)
This is a compilation of more than 50 incidents involving the death of women in mines.  Source documentation links are provided.  See more.
Loss of Life Among Wearers of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
This publication is a sequel to I.C. 7279 and contains information on eight deaths among wearers of oxygen breathing apparatus that were overlooked in the original compilation.  Also summarized here.
Utah Abandoned Mine Rescues (PDF format)
From 1977 to 2017, this document provides a summary of 19 incidents of rescue from abandoned mines.
Summary of Instances of Barricading (PDF format)
This document provides a summary of the outcomes of 32 incidents of barricading in US mines from 1909 to 1935.
Mine Accident and Fatality Resources by State
A nationwide and state-by-state collection of documents sure to meet the needs of practically all mine accident and disaster researchers.
Nationwide Accidents
File Collection
Accidents PDF Page Link
Nationwide Fatalities
File Collection
Fatalities PDF Page Link
Nationwide Disasters
File Collection
Disasters PDF Page Link