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Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company
Glen Rogers No. 2 Mine Explosion

Glen Rogers, Wyoming County, West Virginia
February 21, 1934
No. Killed - 4

See also: Glen Rogers No. 2 Mine Explosion, Nov. 6, 1923
Glen Rogers No. 2 Mine Explosion, Jan. 6, 1931
Glen Rogers No. 2 Mine Bump, Dec. 9, 1957

Successful Rescue

38 miners were rescued from behind a barricade several hours after an explosion in the Glen Rogers No. 2 mine in West Virginia.  Four miners were killed in the incident.  Source document PDF Format

A local coal-dust explosion occurred February 21, 1934, in the No. 2 mine of the Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company at Glen Rogers, W. Va.

Four men were killed, 87 escaped unaided, 38 barricaded themselves, and 4 retreated to the face of an entry and were found dead later.

The night foreman and assistant foreman, who felt the concussion of the explosion, gathered the 36 men in this section and retreated to a place between two airlock doors.

The area between the doors, consisting of entry and crosscuts, contained about 50,000 cubic feet of air.  The men did considerable work in caulking the cracks in the doors with canvas.

After an hour or more the foreman and two others attempted to find a way out of the mine.  After trying two or three ways and encountering smoke and afterdamp, they found a way out to the shaft bottom.  They then sent one of the men back to lead the barricaded men out.

After the explosion four men working in the main southeast entries tried to get out of the mine but retreated toward the face of the entries when they encountered smoke and afterdamp and decided to wait until rescued.  When a rescue crew found them, they were discussing the advisability of erecting a barricade if they were not rescued soon.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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