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Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company
Glen Rogers No. 2 Cave-in

Glen Rogers, Wyoming County, West Virginia
December 9, 1957
No. Killed - 5

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.3 Mb) PDF Format
See more Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company Disasters

Five Miners Killed in Roof Collapse
Associated Press
December 10, 1957

Beckley, W. Va. (AP) -- Five coal miners were killed last night, a few minutes before their work shift was to end, when tons of rock caved in on them deep inside a Southern West Virginia mine.

The last body was brought out of the Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company pit this morning after tons of rock rubble were removed.  Eight other men were at work removing timber from an abandoned area when the rock fell and they escaped without injury.

The tragedy occurred two miles inside the company's No. 2 mine at Glen Rogers, 15 miles southeast of here, at 10:45 p.m.  The work shift was to end at 11 p.m.

Company officials blamed the accident on a "mountain bump."  They said the pressure from above became so great that the mine roof broke through the heavy timbers holding it up.

The dead were identified as:
  • George Durham
  • Wayman Acord
  • Noel Trump
  • John Lomax
  • John Coleman
The mine employs several hundred workers.
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Violent and Deadly
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