Glen Rogers, W. Va., Jan. 6. (AP) -- Rescue crews tonight brought out the body of the last of eight men killed in a explosion today in the Glen Rogers mine of the Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company.
Seven bodies were recovered during the day but rescue crews were forced to work well into the night to reach the last one. R. M. Lambie, chief of the state department of mines, directing rescue work said the crews were forced to work under "very dangerous" conditions in bringing out the bodies. Slate continued to fall after the last body was recovered and gas was slow in leaving the mine. Lambie said there would be no work in it for several days.
Identification of the men killed in the blast was completed after all the bodies had been brought to the surface. All but one were negroes. The white man was B. H. Smith.
The others killed were:
Benie Santo
James Fernando
Colonel Martin
John Tuck
Frank Taylor
Bruce Davis
Howard Rainey
Lambie announced that an investigation of the explosion would be started tomorrow by the state department of mines, the U. S. Bureau of Mines and company officials.
The explosion, described as "local," occurred early today while the night shift was still at work. Lambie said that 50 men were in the mine at the time, 42 of whom were able to leave in safety. The mine employs about 350 men on the day and night shifts.
The area affected by the explosion was located at the 650-foot level and was about three-fourths of a mile from the bottom of the shaft. It covered four working places.