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Almy, Wyoming Mine Disaster Memorial
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Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company
Almy No. 2 Mine Explosion

Almy, Uinta County, Wyoming
March 4, 1881
No. Killed - 38

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See also: Almy No. 4 Mine Explosion, Jan. 12, 1886

From the Google News Archives: External Link
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Successful Rescue

After an undisclosed period following the Almy No. 2 mine explosion, two of the white miners were brought out in a crippled condition, and 15 Chinamen were rescued through the ventilating shaft, all of whom were more or less injured.

A Horror in Wyoming
The Evening Gazette, Port Jervis, New York
March 5, 1881

Salt Lake City, Utah, March 4 -- A special from Evanston, Wyoming to the Tribune says:
The gas in the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron company's mine No. 2, at Almy station, on the Union Pacific road, exploded at 8:45 last evening, throwing the flames many hundred feet high out of the main slope, carrying away the buildings around the mouth of the shaft, and setting the machinery buildings on fire.

About 15 minutes before the explosion from 10 to 30 white men and 50 Chinamen went down to work for the night.  At two a. m., 17 Chinamen, more or less seriously injured, had been rescued, many with limbs broken and badly scalded.  About 20 dead Chinamen have been discovered, but have not yet been brought up.  No white man has yet been found, and there are no hopes that any are alive.  The jar of the explosion was plainly felt at Evanston.
A dispatch from Cheyenne says the night shift consisted of 50 Chinamen and five whites.  Two of the whites were brought out in a crippled condition, and 15 Chinamen were rescued through the ventilating shaft, all of whom were more or less injured.  It is believed that 35 Chinamen and two white men, are now in the mine which is on fire.  The mine is owned by the Central Pacific railway, and was being worked at its full capacity.  The accident will cause a suspension of work for a year.

The Almy Coal Mine Explosion
The Daily Gazette, Colorado Springs, Colorado
March 6, 1881

Cheyenne, Wyo., March 5. -- The excitement at the Almy mine, the scene of Thursday night's explosion, is abated somewhat.  Charles Beverage, who was thought to be mortally wounded, is still living and may recover.  The fire has been put out in one portion of the mine, so that all the rescuers can work.

The bodies of all but three Chinamen have been taken to the surface.  The bodies of all the white men were recovered last night.  The inquest has been held on the bodies of the white men, but the verdict has not yet been given.  The funerals will take place tomorrow, the interment being in the cemetery near Evanston, Chinese and all.  Several Chinamen who were brought out alive, have since died, and others are expected to die also.

The offices of the company and the surrounding dwellings have been improvised as hospitals, and all the possible kindness extended to the injured Chinamen.  Plenty of nurses, medicine and physicians are present.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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