united states mine rescue association
All Mine Disasters in the United States
Sorted by Year

View the Mine Disaster CalendarAll Mine Disasters in the Year 1881   (Display in Fatality Order)

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Or View From These Lists: Only Coal Disasters Metal/Nonmetal Disasters
Date Mine Name Location Industry Disaster Cause Killed Report
01/12/1881 Little Cottonwood Canyon View the planets for this day Alta, Utah MNM Avalanche 10
02/10/1881 Robbins View the planets for this day Robbins, OH Coal Explosion 6
02/16/1881 Belmont View the planets for this day Belmont, MT MNM Fire 6
03/04/1881 Almy No. 2 View the planets for this day Almy, WY Coal Explosion 38 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster

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ALL Coal Mine Disasters ALL M/NM Mine Disasters

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