united states mine rescue association
All M/NM Mine Disasters in the United States
By Year

View the Mine Disaster CalendarAll M/NM Disasters in the Year 1906   (Display in Fatality Order)

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Or View From These Lists: Only Coal Disasters Both Coal & Metal/Nonmetal
Date Mine Name Location Industry Disaster Cause Killed Report
01/10/1906 Haverstraw Clay Pit View the planets for this day Haverstraw, NY MNM Landslide 19
01/27/1906 Sunnyside View the planets for this day Eureka, CO MNM Avalanche 5
03/19/1906 Shenandoah View the planets for this day Silverton, CO MNM Avalanche 12
03/21/1906 Vicksburg View the planets for this day Vicksburg, CO MNM Avalanche 5
06/22/1906 Coronado View the planets for this day Clifton, AZ MNM Roof Fall 3
12/07/1906 Edison Tunnel View the planets for this day Bakersfield, CA MNM Cave-in 5

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Decade   |   Year   |   Month   |   State   |   City and State   |   County   |   Mine Name   |   Company   |   Mineral Type   |   Cause
ALL Coal Mine Disasters ALL M/NM Mine Disasters

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