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Warner Collieries Coal Company
Wolf Run Mine Fire

Amsterdam, Jefferson County, Ohio
March 10, 1930
No. Killed - 2

More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format
See also - Wolf Run Mine Explosion, December 5, 1935
From the Google News Archives: External Link
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Successful Rescue

Owing their lives to the desperate work of the Steubenville Fire Department and mine rescue squads, 87 miners were brought out of the mine after barricading themselves for several hours.  About a dozen of them were unconscious when carried to the surface.  Two rescuers, Sidney Wales and Arnold Horton, collapsed from exhaustion after trampling for miles searching for workmen.  Two other miners died in the accident.  Source document PDF Format

A fire in the mine of the Warner Collieries Company, Wolf Run, Ohio, March 10, 1930, caused the death of 2 men and the imprisonment of 89 men for several hours.

Andrew Schramo, a day man, was working in 17 east butt off the main north entries when the fire occurred.

When smoke was first noticed, he and a number of men tried to make their way out of the mine.  After they had proceeded almost to the main north entries the smoke became dense, and Schramo with others decided to retreat and erect a barricade.

They were all successful in getting back to 16 face entry off 17 east butt, except one man, who was not missed until after the barricade had been erected.  He was overcome by smoke and fumes; his body being found later by the rescue parties at about 10 room on 17 west butt.

Some of the men with Schramo decided to retreat to the face of 16 face entry off 17 east butt and erect a barricade after opening a door on 17 east butt between 16 face entry and the aircourse.

The reason for retreating to the face was that they were uncertain whether or not some of the rooms inby 16 face entry were cut into the entry.  The only apparent mistake made by this party was the size of the barricaded area, which contained only about 15,000 cubic feet of air; this was inadequate for the 22 men behind the barricade, and they could not have survived if they had been compelled to remain longer; however, they were rescued within a few hours, and all survived.

The barricade erected by this party was constructed of a wall of coal and gob about 2 feet high, on top of which was placed a three-ply thickness of brattice cloth.

After Schramo had seen that this barricade was well under way he traveled to 19 east butt by way of entries leading from 17 to 19 east butt.  These were almost directly opposite the entries on which the barricade was being erected.  Schramo s object in going to 19 east butt was to assist the men he knew were working in that section.

When he arrived there, he found and collected about 27 men.  These were then protected by tightening two doors and erecting canvas stoppings, which formed an air lock, with smoke and fumes passing on all sides.  The enclosed area contained approximately 50,000 cubic feet of air and would have been adequate for a considerable time.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
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