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Reppliers Coal Pits
Reppliers Colliery Explosion

Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
May 7, 1860
No. Killed - 2

Final Investigation Report PDF Format
More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format
Other Children Killed in Mine Accidents

(From the Miners Journal, Pottsville, Pa., May 12, 1860)

On Monday morning about 9 o'clock at Reppliers Colliery, Minersville, an explosion of firedamp took place, shockingly mutilating 2 miners and 2 boys.  One miner and one of the boys died.  The explosion was caused by the neglect of the miners in leaving their safety lamps in the breasts at night, and going in in the morning with naked lamps to get them.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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