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Parrish Coal Company
Parrish No. 9 Colliery Explosives Detonation

Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
January 9, 1912
No. Killed - 6

USBM Final Investigation Report  (3.9 Mb) PDF Format

(From Bureau of Mines Report, by Chas. Enzian)

The explosion in No. 5 tunnel, West Dip Road of No. 9 slope in the Five-Foot Seam, killed 6 men and injured 2 others as they were at lunch.  The explosion of black powder and dynamite in miners’ boxes on the haulway and of gas was caused by ignition of gas or black powder by an open light, resulting in two or three explosions set off one after the other.  The rest of the men working in the vicinity ran through the dust and smoke to safety and then returned to bring out the victims.

Laborers were Timbering Shaft When Fatal Accident Happened
Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland
January 11, 1912

Walkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 11. -- Six men were killed and two probably fatally injured last night by an explosion of dynamite in the Parrish colliery at Plymouth, near here.

The dead are:
  • Elmer Jones
  • Paul Roshoski
  • August Carblis
  • Henry Miles
  • John Humphreys
  • Anthony Cohelis, all of Plymouth
Anthony Lukwitz and Edward Deynon were so badly burned that it is feared they cannot recover.

The men, all laborers, were engaged in timbering in No. 9 slope of the Parrish colliery, belonging to the Parrish Coal Company, when the explosion occurred.  The cause of the explosion is not known.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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