Three workmen and a foreman were killed when an explosion occurred in this mine. Investigators believe that an explosive mixture of methane was ignited by a cigarette lighter found at the accident scene.
An explosion occurred at approximately 10:00 a.m., July 7, 1977,
in the 1 Left Section off "C" Mains of the No. 2 mine, P and P
Coal Company, Incorporated, St. Charles, Lee County, Virginia. Three workmen and a foreman who were in the area at the time of
the explosion were killed. Sixteen other persons in other areas
of the mine when the explosion occurred escaped to the surface
MSHA investigators conclude that the explosion originated at or
near the rubber-tired mine car located approximately 125 feet
outby the face of the No. 2 entry. An explosive mixture of methane
had accumulated because of insufficient ventilation and was
ignited by a cigarette lighter that was found at the accident
scene. Forces from the explosion extended through the 1 Left Section
and into the 2 Left and 3 Left entries off "C" Mains and dissipated
near the No. 3 belt drive approximately 3,500 feet from point of
ignition. The explosion forces dislodged posts and destroyed
stoppings 900 feet outby the faces of 1 Left.
The deceased:
- Harold Johnson, 33
- Billy W. Perkins, 30
- Daniel Tester, 28
- Harold R. Wells, 27