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Midlothian Coal Pits
Midlothian Coal Pit Explosion

Coalfield, Chesterfield County, Virginia
March 19, 1855
No. Killed - 55

News articles from the period and victims  (10.2 Mb) PDF Format

See also: Midlothian Mine Fire, May 20, 1876
  Midlothian Mine Explosion, Feb. 3, 1882

Terrible Coal Pit Explosion
Thirty-four persons killed, and twelve others so badly burned that but few of them can recover.

New York Times, New York
March 23, 1855

From the Richmond Dispatch of Wednesday, March 21st

A terrific explosion occurred at the Midlothian Coal Pits, in Chesterfield County, about thirteen miles south of this city, on Monday evening last at 5 o'clock, by which thirty-four persons were instantly killed, and a number of others so badly burned that little or no hopes are entertained of their recovery.  Read the entire news article.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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