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Mama Coal Company
Mama No. 3 Mine Explosion

Jenny Lind, Sebastian County, Arkansas
February 24, 1928
No. Killed - 13

Bureau of Mines Investigation Report PDF Format
From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Successful Rescue

Immediately after the early morning explosion in the Mama No. 3 mine, every miner in the district and volunteers were hurriedly formed into rescue parties.  Shortly before noon, an entrance was blasted into the tomb where the miners were trapped and 105 men were rescued.  About 35 of these were injured in the explosion and others were suffering from the effects of gas.

Twenty Miners are Believed Dead in Mine
Burlington Daily Times, North Carolina
February 24, 1928

Jenny Lind, Ark., Feb. 24. -- Twenty miners are believed to be dead in Mama Coal Mine No. 3 here following an explosion early today which entombed 125 men.

Rescue crews blasting their way to the entombed men, reported shortly before noon that 105 of the imperiled miners, had been rescued.  About 35 of these were injured in the explosion and others were suffering from the effects of gas, they said.

A statement issued from the offices, of the mine said that the explosion was caused by escaping gas.  Exactly 125 men were working in shaft 20 and these were trapped by the blast.

Every miner in the district and volunteers were hurriedly formed into rescue parties and an entrance was blasted into the tomb where the miners were trapped.

This enabled 105 to make their way through the rescue tunnel.

Twenty others are still unaccounted for, however, and it was believed they are dead.

Hundreds of people, members of the miners' families and others, immediately gathered around the mouth of the mine and urged on the rescue parties.  As soon as conditions permit, members of the rescue party will enter the shaft to search for bodies of the missing.

Thirteen Bodies Taken from Coal Mine Blast
Burlington Daily Times, North Carolina
February 25, 1928

Jenny Lind, Ark., Feb. 25. -- With 13 bodies identified and all of the other 125 miners trapped by a terrific gas explosion in the Mama Coal Mine here yesterday accounted for, an investigation was under way today to determine the cause of the blast.

The mine gave up its dead last night and 12 bodies were brought to the surface and taken to Fort Smith morgues.  A thirteenth body, identified as Jack Williams, was still buried in the mine and another effort to bring it to the surface will be made today.

Only two were seriously hurt and still in the hospital.

State Mine Inspector Claude Speegel was here conducting the investigation.  He has established that gas in the tunnels of the mine caused the explosion.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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