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Kinloch Mine Disaster Headline
Valley Camp Coal Company
Kinloch Mine Explosion

Parnassus 1, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
March 21, 1929
No. Killed - 45

USBM Final Investigation Report  (5.0 Mb) PDF Format
Pennsylvania Bituminous Mine Fatalities, 1925-1932  (5.7 Mb) PDF Format
Kinloch Mine Explosion victims list PDF Format
See also: Kinloch Mine Explosion, Feb. 20, 1928

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window) 1 New Kensington, PA annexed the independent borough of Parnassus in 1939.

Successful Rescue

Lawrence Allshouse, aged 28, was found alive and carried from the pit.  Still alive after lying in an injured condition for twenty-seven hours, Allshouse was removed to a hospital where it was said he probably would die.  He was semi-conscious.

Twenty-five Dead in Mine Disaster Thirty Missing
Altoona Mirror, Pennsylvania
March 22, 1929

Parnassus, Pa., March 22. -- The known death list in the Kinloch mine explosion mounted to twenty-five at noon today, when three more bodies were removed from the wrecked workings.

The bodies of the three men were brought up the main shaft where the explosion occurred.

A few hours before, Lawrence Allshouse, aged 28, was found alive and carried from the pit.  He was in the same portion of the mine in which the last three bodies were located.

Still alive after lying in an injured condition for twenty-seven hours, Allshouse was removed to a hospital where it was said he probably will die.  He was semi-conscious.  Allshouse brought the list of miners rescued alive to 234.

More miners are believed to be in the mine, but the exact number could not be determined.

Rescue workers reported at noon that another body or two had been located in the workings, but not removed.

James Poole, Jesse Ando and James Davis were the three men whose bodies were removed at noon.

Company officials said after the last three bodies were removed that thirty miners remained to be accounted for.  But they believed that many of that number escaped from the mine uninjured and went to their homes without checking through the company offices.

Based on these figures approximately 300 miners were at work in the mine when the explosion occurred, fifteen minutes after the night crew had left the workings and the day crew had gone to work.

Company officials, previously announced that not more than 250 miners were at work at the time.

Three investigations were under way.  State Assemblyman Michael A. Musmanno announced he would personally conduct an investigation, seeking to bring about more stringent mine legislation to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies.

Westmoreland County officials, in whose jurisdiction the mine lies, were conducting another investigation in which attaches of the coroner's and the sheriff's office were cooperating.

The third investigation was begun by State Secretary of Mines Walter H. Glasgow, who went to the scene from Harrisburg to aid in the rescue work.

Company officials announced today that the explosion, which rocked the countryside for miles, probably was caused when a conveyor chain in the tipple at the mine mouth broke and dropped tons of coal and steel to the bottom of the slope.  A spark, which occurred in the crash at the bottom of the slope, probably ignited coal dust in the mine.

Partial listing of the killed in the Kinlock Mine explosion:

John Ambrose
Matthew Ambrose
Jesse Ando
Joseph Barnardi
John Beadling
David Behanna
Alvin Boyd
Harry Bradstock
Albert Brin
Ben Coleman
James Davis
George De Louriences
James Dougherty
William Eash
Ike Eski
James Flynn
Alexander Goliex
Charles E. Hanlon
Harry Hertzog
George Hunter
Dave Jamison
James Johnson
J. F. Jones
William Kash
Stephen Lazure
Peter Malles
Joseph Meyers
Dan Mohurita
Charles Oliver
William Oliver
J. F. Owens
Ellsworth Peck
James Phole
James Poole
George Praskin, Jr.
Arnold Raffler
William Reynolds
John Riley
Barney Rodgers
John Roxby
Andrew Sikora
Lloyd Smith
Albert Taylor
Wilbur Taylor
William Taylor
Herbert Tyson
Robert Tyson
Edward Williams
John Work
Andrew Zine
Two Unidentified Bodies

Partial List of Injured:
  • John Goodine
  • Eugene Van Horne
  • Joseph Pubblinsky
  • Charles Talowsky
  • W. S. Hancock
  • James Arnold
  • Howard Hemphill
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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