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Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation
Horning No. 4 Mine Explosion

Horning, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
February 3, 1926
No. Killed - 20

USBM Final Investigation Report  (2.5 Mb) PDF Format
Horning Mine No. 4 Explosion
Location: 40° 19.807′ N, 79° 59.362′ W.
Marker is in South Park Township, Pennsylvania, in Allegheny County.  It is in Broughton. Marker is on Broughton Road east of Brownsville Road, on the right when traveling west.  Marker is at or near this postal address: 1201 Broughton Road, Pittsburgh PA 15236
Photographed by William Fischer, Jr.
Source: Historic Marker Database
Both the MSHA Fatality Archive Database External Link and the CDC/NIOSH Disaster List External Link refers to this facility as the Horning Mine.
See more mine disaster markers, memorials, and monuments.
The deceased:
  • Antonio Apostle
  • Andy Berlage
  • Reese T. Bradburn
  • George Denard
  • H. M. Ernst
  • John Geth, Jr.
  • John Geth, Sr.
  • Tony Hern
  • William Holtzhauser
  • Louis Kristan
  • Lawrence Loadman
  • Mike Lucas
  • John Luznar
  • Harry Melani
  • John Petrovich
  • Tony Piccolo
  • John Polinsky
  • Andrew Smith
  • George Travis
  • Arthur Wells

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

(From the Bureau of Mines report by H. C. Howarth)

The clay vein was being cut about 10 a. m., when there was a sudden increase in the flow of gas from the undercut.  The foreman had the open-type machine stopped and backed out from the cut a short distance when the gas ignited.  None of the men were burned, but the feeder continued to burn.

Attempts to put out the fire with permissible explosives and wet clothes and water failed.  After several hours brick seals were started.

At 3:55 p.m., an explosion killed 20 men working on the sealing job, including 7 officials.

A second explosion took place during recovery operations about 8 hours later.  No one was injured, but it was decided to seal off the entire section, in which 17 bodies remained.  Apparatus was used extensively.

The first explosion was propagated by coal dust but was localized by rock dust.  The seals were opened and the bodies recovered 10 days later.

Historical Summary of Mine Disasters in the United States - Volume I
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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