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Kingston Coal Company
Gaylord Mine Roof Fall

Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
February 13, 1894
No. Killed - 13

1894 Pennsylvania Annual Report PDF Format

See also: Gaylord Mine Roof Fall, June 11, 1889

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

Thirteen Dead Bodies Found
Hamilton Daily Democrat, Ohio
March 13, 1894

Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 13. -- The bodies of the 13 men entombed in the Gaylord mine have been reached.  They are so badly decomposed that identification is only possible by means of the clothing.

The names of the victims are:
  • Thomas Picton, Foreman
  • Thomas Jones
  • Richard Davis
  • John Morris
  • James Kingdom
  • Thomas Merrunan
  • Thomas Cole
  • Joseph Olds
  • John Hammer
  • Peter S. McLaughlin
  • Michael Walsh, all the above married
  • Thomas Leisborn, unmarried
  • Daniel Morgan, unmarried
The cave-in occurred Feb. 13.  Ever since the horrible accident the little town of Plymouth has been in mourning.

The accident was the more distressing, owing to the number of fatherless children who have been left by the victims.  Almost 50 little ones mourned the loss of their fathers.

Scarcely had the cave-in occurred before a force of men was set to work clearing away the debris within the shaft.  This work has continued with unhalting energy, day and night.  The fall was thought to be between 500 and 600 feet from the entrance to the shaft.  All of this almost solid mass of rock has been removed by the untiring efforts of rescuers.  Many obstacles have been met by the gallant rescuing party, but they have kept at their work.  Some days their progress has been less than 10 feet while on others they have advanced 100 feet.
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Violent and Deadly
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