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G. H. Potts and Company
Diamond Slope Colliery Exploding Vessel Disaster

Wolf Creek, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
March 22, 1870
No. Killed - 5

1870 Pennsylvania Annual Report  (1.0 Mb) PDF Format
1870 Anthracite Fatalities PDF Format
Other Children Killed in Mine Accidents

(From the 1870 Anthracite Annual Report on Mining Activities)

G. H. Potts & Company's Diamond Slope colliery is situated near Minersville, in Wolf Creek, and is now 37 years in operation.  This visit was occasioned by the disaster which originated by the explosion of a boiler at the breaker on the morning of the 22nd April, which resulted in the death of John Kelly (boy), William Keoch, Richard Hennesy (boy), John H, Koelle (boy), and M. Gavau - 5 persons.

Injured were John Combs, John Sheaffer, Christian Weaver, Thomas Campbell, Jacob Friler, Jacob Mouey, Bernard Mohan, Alexander Leybach, and John Sheaffer - 5 boys and 4 men.

This fatal occurrence was supposed to be occasioned by a scarcity of water in the boilers and an incompetent engineer.  The statements of witnesses and verdict of the coroner's jury in the above case are on file in the office of the district clerk.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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